Last edited by Scrummy; 10-29-2010 at 06:12 AM.
*ugh delete*
Last edited by Joy; 04-26-2015 at 01:05 PM.
Cases such as this is where I believe the conceptual ugliness that is the simplicity of socionics, and all of the social "sciences", rears its head the most. To attempt to determine such a thing with the data and data collection means which are currently at our disposal seems to be fool-hardy in both the probability of one ascertaining the correct answer and the implications of the most influential conclusion came to. As I said before, the second issue is of no relevance to this board, but I would have to say that the first presents us with such a grand dillemma, one that infests most of all such ideological notions, it would be enough of a problem so as to make it irrational to attempt to ascertain an answer.
In otherwords, I don't think that question's answerable, at least in the sense that one's conclusion has a high probability of reflecting the actual answer of the question.[/u]
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
Ive been "accused" of being homosexual before. Sucks to be NF and male in that reguard! Sucks for those to be so rigid in judgement for being idiots, too. Of course I could easily use social acting to dispel this and set myself in gender stereotype-- but why should I? I'm perfectly happy being interpersonal and heterosexual at the same time. Accept me or F off
The funny thing is (for the norm thing) is to contrast it with function and dysfunction. Why would homosexuality be dysfunctional? I don't think it would unless the population was literally dying off. And even then, Im sure that survival of species would outweight sexual preference.
I like your term paper conclusion. From what I understand so far, it is a combination of sociological, pyschological and biological. At least that is the general conclusion from what we know at this point.
An interesting thing that I noted when reading his books is how culture is different now. In his books he refers to Fe as "she." Nice... sigh.
(edit: oops-- he/his = Jung)
"I like your term paper conclusion. From what I understand so far, it is a combination of sociological, pyschological and biological. At least that is the general conclusion from what we know at this point. "
Why do you distiniguish the psychological from the biological?
And I must admit, I thought you were a female the entire time, but that's almost entirely because of your screename sounds like a feminine name rather than a masculine one.
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
Off topic, but what's the problem with gay people? The more gay people mean less babies, means good for society (well, at least if doesn't get too out of hand...).
Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)
There's nothing wrong with gay people at all; you seriously thought you were going to get a reaction involving the condemnation of homosexuality?
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
Well, a LOT of people do have a problem with it....Originally Posted by MysticSonic
That was my partial point Rocky ^_^ but there is also the social point--
Why is there negative social connotation if a male is interpersonal or a female is rational? Both are functional on this level afterall. I'll admit that we have come a long way (ie. DSM took Homosexuality as a dysfunction out) but we still have further to go as a whole.
I believe people are born homosexual or heterosexual or bisexual.
What I don't understand is people thinking homosexuals chose to be that way. With the violence and prejudice against gays, who would want to alienate their families and put their life in danger? I mean, think of the courage it takes to come out of the closet . All gay people want is to be true to themselves. My heart hurts when I think of the confusion and fear some of them must have lived through or are living through before and if they decided to live for themselves.
Would I be upset if one of my children were gay? Yes. But because of the pain and suffering they probably went/are going through and because of the pain and suffering the future holds for them in today's world. I would love them always and welcome their mates. I didn't say I would be comfortable or happy, but I would be understanding and accepting.
This is different, but on a talk show years ago there was a mother who's son was now a female. She said she accepted her new daughter but mourned the loss of ther son. I can understand that. I think I would mourn all the dreams of the furture I had for my child, but I would have to realize that the future simply had changed, not ended; and that all futures are not guaranteed. Silly me.
I agree Artemis. The gay people I know are positive it wasn't a choice. A friend told me that not only did he not choose to be gay, he specifically chose *not* to be gay. He worked very hard to be straight because he thought it was a choice. But he wasn't happy until he accepted himself as gay.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.-Mark Twain
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
Somewhat unrelated...
Do you think the prevelance of homosexuality is rising or that it is the same as it has always been? I would tend to believe it's the same, but I wouldn't really know. But assuming that it is more prevelant now, do you think it could be a form of evolution? I don't believe in global overpopulation, but there are certainly areas that are overpopulated. It seems that there is a larger percentage of gay people in larger cities... which could be for many reasons... but... Is it possible that there is less of an instinctual drive to procreate?
I think the _great_ majority of people have some sort of homosexual attractions laden within them, varying in strength from person to person ala the ascendance and descendance along the Kinsey scale. With homosexuality becoming a more acceptable phenomenon, those whom had strong homosexual attractions, regradless if they believe themselves to be a heterosexual or not, and were afraid to act upon said attractions are now doing so due to said increase in the acceptance of such behavior. Thus, I believe this to be the reason homosexuality "appears" to be more widespread; it is not homosexuality that is increasing, but the amount of individuals who participate in homosexual acts.
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
One of the things that bothered me was that Jung mentioned archetypal passing on's. As if this is the only way and it is genetically transferred from generation to generation. I'm not willing to accept something like that without some decent evidence.Originally Posted by Baby
"Maybe there's just an increase in the amount of people coming out of the closet?"
That's basically what I said without all the inessential bull.
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
Look at all of the porn out there. all of the mutations of biological sex acts into unusual and pointless forms of gratification.
You have fetishes with shoes, gangbangs, blowjobs, chicks with dicks, girls with strap-ons, people hanging from robes and bound in chains, people being beaten and humiliated. The list only gets worse and all we can think is "there are actually freaks that do that stuff?"
I'm sure this list offends some people, but that only serves to prove my point more. Sexuality, like human behavior, mutates. It mutates into different forms and divides us based on how we are raised, what makes us ashamed and what makes us go "what the hell is the point of that"
Sexuality is among the most primal of impulses and we are living in a technologically advanced world which inhibits these impulses.
So if a person can develop to want to, say, eat someone excrement for means of gratification, whether it be a genetic predispostion or not, why on earth would one say that someone can be conditioned through partial genetic predispostion and environmental factors to have homosexual tendencies.
It just serves to prove the point that human beings are a mass of biological chaos. you can't really pinpoint homosexuality or heterosexuality. you can find things that reinforce it, such as in the genes or in the way a person was raised, but its where you draw the line that is troublesome.
look at ancient greece, they were all "homos" but did they all have a "gay-gene" if they didn't, like if we found the "gay genes" and went back in time and tested them and found they didn't have it, would they not be gay? is homosexuality an act or is it a predispostion? Truth is its a vague and pointless definition being that we are entering a world so technologically advanced and overpopulated that all we can do is teach people to perform their social roles adequately and hope that he displaced and inhibited biological impulses don't mutate/sublimate into more new and horrifying forms which will send this world tumbling into the abyss once more.
Originally Posted by waddles w
LOL. You killed Baby! k anyways... What is an adequate social role? Are we speaking of function versus dysfunction in society? A person could do much of that (please for the love of uh...earl grey tea... do not mention eating poo again =p) and be functional in society. One would be super disturbed if they looked at their work mates and pondered what they do in their spare time =xOriginally Posted by Baby
This has been out for years, but studies have found that male and female brains are different in what areas of the brain are used most in each sex and which areas are more developed. Gay males brains have been shown to be more similar to female brains than heterosexual males and vice versa with lesbians. So I still believe it is genetic. I also believe homosexuality is more prevelant today because I believe there are more of the aforementioned brain mutations being there are more people, so perhaps though by ratio that may not be true as homosexuals do not procreate. Also I wonder if pollution and all the chemicals we consume cause brain alterations in this area. Just a thought.
I have a great uncle, and so does my x-husband on his side, that was gay. They were both put in a mental institution. Actually you could go to jail for homosexuality back then. Why is it society sometimes thinks gays are sexual predators? We have a gay neighbor whom my daughter is afraid of . . . ???? He is the nicest guy (person) I know.
*edited* Sorry, Baby! I see you did mention the brain thing in your first post.
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Actually even though Waddles says a technological society inhibits primal sexual impulses he actually makes the case for the opposite. He states since we are so technologically advanced and overpopulated truth may be a vague pointless definition when it comes to the percieved sexual norms socety should have. Instead of inhibiting peoples sexual impulses it is actually encouraging people to explore their sexual impulses. From what he wrote because we are entering a world so technological advanced and overpopulated people are questioning truths previously held by society. Now humankind sexual impulses will descend into new and horrifying forms of gratification. All we can do now is teach people to perform their social roles adequately ( lol , whatever that is) hope the sexual impulses dont mutate into some people's worse fears. In my opinion all through history whenever there is technological advancement it is always accompanied by fear that society will descend into the abyss.The lost of control of people's sexuality by other people has always been a big fear in history. The main reason some schools only teach about abstinence but not about birth control and the abortion pill is not readily available over the counter is because men fear women will exercise their sexual freedom and become sexually active once the fear of pregnancy is gone. So we gotta keep everyone in fear or who knows what will happen.
baydog said: "So we gotta keep everyone in fear or who knows what will happen."
I know you are being sarcastic. Right?
It just made me laugh when I read that (sadly) as you sound like a moral majority cheerleader. What dangerous people.
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
lol, i was sarcastic.
I see your case for the opposite and also agree that in many was society allows new forms of sexuality. But there is inhibition as well. I don't mean it in the sense that "you can't be sexual in public" but more in the sense that there are constructs that state an inherent equality between the sexes and also constructs that say that there is inequality as well. These inhibit and mutate things in all sorts of convoluted ways. You have one side saying there must be equal opportunity for everyone and another side saying that we are all inherently different.
I think that that new explorations for sexuality exists as outlets for inhibited desires. people that can't make it socially do the porn thing, depressed people turn to pointless sex. You have BIRTH control which can result in a loss of SELF control etc... etc...
You have people saying its OKAY(inhibition of self restraint) to be gay, so people do it. Then you have people that say it IS NOT OKAY(inhibition) to be gay, and people don't do it. And then you have people that say they have the answers and that there is a definite physical difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals and then you have entire tribes in south america that's males look down on sex with women for sensual gratification and which think that drinking semen is important for health.
So what is homosexuality? a social construct or a genetic thing? nature, nurture? i think its both.
But I just said the abyss thing cause I thought it looked cool. you know, for drama.
I know that is opinion but it is not a truth. The word developed itself implies that there is fluidity in nature and not just a concrete or static state of being. I could even use myself as an example, I am not homosexual yet I do have many "feminine attributes" socially. Ah! but I was also raised by a single mother with no masculine influence. I'm fairly sure that areas concerning this are more developed than they could be without that type of stimulus.Originally Posted by Artemis
Male sexuality is also very different to female sexuality.
Interesting article, Ishy. Sally Fields once said that men like to look at women and women like to look at women also. She was booed, but it is so true. But women like to look at women, I think (at least me), because they see potential to what they want to be and can be. If it envokes sexual stimulation that's because the more beautiful a woman thinks she is the more sexual she becomes. But then I can only speak from my own experience.
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Wouldn't you say that you were exposed to a more caring and loving environment than normal and wouldn't you then have learned more respect for the role of women than most? As to no maculine influence, you found that in society, school, friends, TV, etc. I don't see not having a male in the family as attributing to more feminine qualities in a person. But of course I have not been in your situation nor am I male. I guess I am just not understanding your argument.Originally Posted by Jadae
Also, I still believe in the genetic influence. I have a feminine male friend who is married and looks so out of place with his wife. Perhaps he is simply not being true to who he is but then why am I assuming a feminine man is gay? (Baby's problem.) Also, a guy I dated and had lots of fun with in high school who is very 'male' in my opinion, left his wife and is now living with his gay love. So in my opinion being gay doesn't relate to how you were raised or your body type . . . how you look.
Hope I didn't step on anyone's toes! I think it's great to have gay persons to talk about this issue. Right to the source!
I have a question. I notice people like Ellen Degeneres who dresses down. In other words it 'seems' to me that she doesn't desire to be feminine. Does she not like her body? I notice that in lesbian couples, men especially feel the need to ask which one is the male? Why do people think that way? Dummies. I am assuming that a lesbian woman can dress to accent her femiminity and love it. And that a lesbian couple can have both partners look and act like women. <---- you know what I mean! No yelling! I mean Ishy looks very feminine in her pictures.
Also, I have very short hair and at times I am very self conscience about it. I mean I love it, but sometimes I worry that people will think I'm gay because of it. A lot of what appears to be gay women in our area have short hair like mine and dress unfeminine. So I can't be comfortable with a feaking hair cut I love and wearing my sweatpants! What BS! I live in a small town, small minded, rednecked area. I never considered myself as fitting in till now. Well, I am neo-pagan so that's a start!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
LOL! That's too funny! I'm so glad you are so easy to talk to! Thanks!Originally Posted by ishysquishy
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Well, I am going to take you up on that. Was it hard for you to accept when you realized you were gay or was it a natural thing for you? Did you have to tell anyone or was it something they knew from your growing up? How old were you when you dated for the first time? Was it hard being accepted by your peers? You are so young and seem so comfortable with yourself. That makes me think where you live must be much more openminded and accepting than here in my rednecked, close-minded small town America.Originally Posted by ishysquishy
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
The Kinsey Scale was very interesting. I am one who thought it was all or nothing. I have a few male gay friends but not close enough to talk with about their sexuality. No females.
Thanks you so much, Ishy, for being so open and willing to answer my questions. I do feel a bit like I intruded on your privacy. For that I am sorry. Please forgive.
As far as the Kinsey scale, I am a 0 wholeheartedly. I can't even watch two women on primetime TV get chummy. But I know it wouldn't bother me to have a lesbian girl as a friend. In fact if I see a girl who is obviously gay (from dress and demeanor), I feel proud of her for her courage. And I go out of my way to say hello and acknowledge her to make her feel accepted. I'm not saying I feel she doesn't feel good about herself, but it's a tough neighborhood around here. I do the same to other people for other reasons.
My daughter and I were at the eye doctor yesterday when a guy with a long ponytail came in. A well dressed man and woman looked at him and turned and smiled smirkingly at each other. When I walked past the guy later, I turned and smiled and said hello. He did the same back. I am all for the underdog and despise people who put others down. Yes, I know I have my quirks and prejudices too, but not when it comes to making someone feel unaccepted or less than they are. Cause then it's LOOK OUT! SUPER INFP TO THE RESCUE!
About the Kinsey scale and my big fat 0, I wonder if it's a social bias thing like people in my neck of the woods are extremely prejudice against black people. Luckily we don't have an Asian group around or I'm sure they would be included too. It's the wonderful Christian community I live in!
LOL. I got an email just last night from a friend who ask if I have gotten over my goofy religious ideas yet. I'm not even going to answer her.
Thanks again, Ishy. Love you!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.