Either that or he is just being an ass intentionally. I know an alpha (my mother, ESFj) who will make no sense on purpose just to piss me off.. and she seems to get off to it. Like the feeling of knowing it's a joke, while I don't know.. she delights in.
Anyway, when she does this.. it is something about the way it demands attention, it's needy.. this rubs against my Fe badly. It's hard for me not to let a few "shut the fuck up"s slip out.
Yeah, we have problems sometimes.
You have to understand with alpha.. they don't talk in a Te way. I.E., they don't use language to make sense. Rather, they use language to play around with. I really feel like they're another species, sometimes. They remind me of a gang of monkeys in a zoo cage all hooting to eachother, and I have no idea what they're hooting about. Each hoot gets louder and louder, they start to experiment with different styles of hooting... Here I am sitting on the sidelines, I have no idea how to join in. Should I make meaningless noises too? Is this fun?

I would be happy to have the autistic Wittgenstein as ILI, anyway. He's only like.. the greatest philosopher ever