random thoughts on Ne polr:

1. i think both Ne and Se are "stereotype" functions. they take a snapshot of something and identify its properties as quickly as possible. both Ne and Se egos do this extensively but in very different ways, i think. although, i think the conventional definition of stereotyping fits Ne far more than Se. Ne-egos have a tendency to draw quick conclusions about people based on their appearance, clothing, social status, etc. i think Se-egos do something similar, but possibly with respect to people's beliefs and ideological positions, so forth?

2. LSI E6 friend is more tolerant, unprejudiced and open-minded than i can (probably) ever be. he's flexible, unpredictable and doesn't mind novelty (although not when it's contrived). tends not to plan when having fun, but tends to plan obsessively when anxiety hits, down to plan Bs and Cs and Ds. he formerly had a habit of generalizing very large groups of people (e.g. "black people need to stop wasting time being thugs and educate themselves" or similar) but i think that was residual racism from his family's side, rather than his own opinions, which probably says something about his polr i.e. not comfortable coming up with his own stereotypes, so he took the ones most convenient to him. i think, Se types often don't generalize as much as Ne types because when pushed to generalize, they do it really badly. it's kind of like looking at a block and having only a certain side of the block being visible to you and describing the side you see, while disregarding the other side that isn't visible to you completely.

3. Ne types on the other hand, i think, have a habit of assuming they can see the whole block even when they haven't seen all the sides. they will generalize often by assuming things like symmetry and fairness and follow thematic principles, like if X exists Y must also exist, "if a person is rich they must be unhappy because life doesn't make sense otherwise" or similar bullshit. but when they aren't falling prey to bad habits, they can generalize and extract the core "theme" of something far more easily and confidently than XSIs can.

4. squark

5. EIIs seem open-minded on the surface, but are internally judgmental assholes. with LSIs, the reverse is true IME.

6. perhaps all this is bullshit because i can also much more easily describe differences b/w LSI friend and myself using enneagram, so maybe i am completely wrong, but i'm probably not, anyway and why i am still typing things i don't know okay i will stop