Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
Ahhh, you want someone who will KNOW more about you than anyone else. Someone who possesses clear insight into who you are and what you need at a given moment.
Ummmm... interesting conclusion. There may be a bit of truth to that, because while I hate the idea of people thinking they understand me, I do really want the person I'm with to "get" me, to understand how I feel about the things I am looking for in life and to know enough about me that a certain amount of communication, the stupid stuff that people should just know anyways, can be assumed and the conversation can be deeper due to the efficiency won. Anyways... what I meant was that because that person is a part of my life, it's important that there's a connection.
The stupid stuff that people should just know is really hard for me to figure out. LOL. I have to TRY to understand where people are coming from. It is hard for me to KNOW what they need/would like etc. etc. I ask a lot of questions and create a lot of "dramas" to see people's reactions. To gauge and figure out what the person is all about. I have a friend who got pissed at me for taking her to this restaurant and reccomending to her that she try a certain dish. She was like, "How on earth did you think I would like that!!" I felt soooo bad. I thought she would like it, simply because I liked it. It was good and so I assumed it would be good in her mouth. I felt like I didn't really know her. =( Or at least, didn't meet up to her expectations of a "true friend." From now on, I try to really listen to her and what it is she needs/seeks etc. etc. It takes a lot of energy from me to really focus in and remember all that she shares and considers important. But it's worth it.

Gah, I guess I just said the same thing again in a different way.
That's okay, I understand better where you are coming from, because you said it in a different way.

I guess I like to communicate with ... not soley, but much more than most people do. Though now that I think about it... People who I've been able to communicate with using in the past have been an ISFp, INTp, and ESFp... *scratches head*
LOL, *scratches head too.*

No. My dual isn't strong enough because they just don't seem to understand that they have power over their life. The person I am with has to understand that life is what you make it. (blah blah blah, except in extreme cases such as living in the third world country or having had a labotomy)
LOL, funny how you added a disclaimer.
I honestly do think you are describing an INFj, at least that's the way I see them. Fi-they readily get people. Easily look into people's state of mind, mood, etc. It's very mystical. Eerie. I almost feel naked around them. They are very responsible/ethical/fair people. They push themselves to be their most capable selves. They end up being guided by values rather than fleeting emotions. They consider emotions to be harmful in either direction. They prefer a balanced state. ISFp's are quite the opposite. They flourish in their emotionality, Fe. They easily experience the highs and lows and learn to establish a healthy flow of emotionality. Sorry, just Ni observations that I feel confident expressing.