Hello everyone! I was bored tonight so I made a socionics test. Let me know what you think of it.
Which is the most obvious to you:
-The difference between initiative and resolution and logical analysis and also the difference between foresight and serendipity and warmth and emotional expression (A) OR
-The difference between inventiveness and originality and ethical duty and tact and also the difference between comfort and aesthetic principles and practical action and responsibility (B) OR
-The difference between resolution and initiative and ethical duty and tact and also the difference between foresight and serendipity and practical action and responsibility (C) OR
-The difference between inventiveness and originality and logical analysis and also the difference between comfort and aesthetic principles and warmth and emotional expression (D)
(A) ESFp, INTj, ESFj, INTp
(B) ENTp, ISFj, ENTj, ISFp
(C) ESTp, INFj, ESTj, INFp
(D) ENFp, ISTj, ENFj, ISTp
Which do you prefer:
1. resolution and initiative and foresight and serendipity (ESFp, INTp) OR
2. warmth and emotional expression and logical analysis (ESFj, INTj)
Which do you prefer:
1. inventiveness and originality and comfort and aesthetic principles (ENTp, ISFp) OR
2. practical action and responsibility and ethical duty and tact (ENTj, ISFp)
Which do you prefer:
1. resolution and initiative and foresight and serendipity (ESTp, INFp)
2. practical action and responsibility and ethical duty and tact (ESTj, INFj)
Which do you prefer:
1. inventiveness and originality and comfort and aesthetic principles (ENFp, ISTp)
2. warmth and emotional expression and logical analysis (ENFj, ISTj)