FDG: You have a very good point. Thinking about it, this guy really seems like someone whose 'persona' and 'nature' don't match up. When I met him, he's the one who wanted to see me 3 times a week, he was outgoing, flirty, and talkative, and accepted my invites to go out with my friends. He specifically wanted to know that we were exclusively dating each other. (?!?)

At that point, I was behaving like my normal self and it was great until the eight month mark hit, and he suddenly decided the amount of time we spent together was 'clingy,' only wanted to see me once a week, and never did anything I invited him to do. I guess I fell head-over-heels for the wrong person and always figured he was still in there *somewhere.* And he fell head-over-heels for the wrong person too. No idea who he thought I was, though...

It's why I have to wonder how long the shelf life is on his current girl. She's known him for over a year, but in a way she's even worse off because around his sports team he's Mr. Party Guy and has always had a beer or five. To have known someone for that long, it's going to be quite a shock when she gets to the person who refuses to communicate and won't go out with your friends.. It's probably why all his relationships are train wrecks. He meets them one way, jumps into bed with them WAY too fast, and then totally changes. Talk about a total mind fuck.