Personally I think these rmcnew witch hunt threads are pretty damned funny.
First you guys were trying to prove that he's a moron and doesn't have a clue in my ENTj/ENxj thread. Pretty crappy place to claim that dontchathink? considering, ya know, he did get my type right! So yeah, that one didn't work out so well so what's up next? Trying to prove that he's not really an ENTp. Okay fine, but somebody (not naming names) argues for EII (INFp?) oh come on.... is a whole site of INFPs (granted it's MBTI) but they are nothing like Reuben believe me. I was on that site for a bit because I was testing as INFP so I figured I'd check it out. You guys can't be serious. Okay so you argue that it's because his Te is weak. Just because his Te is weak doesn't mean that it's his PoLR function and that he therefore must be an INFp, lol. That's reeeeeaaallly stretching it, dontchathink? Then there's a thread about him posting a picture. Wow let me guess, if he posted a real picture of himself those on the witch hunt would cry out, "see, you don't look like an ENTp therefore you're NOT an ENTp!!!1!!!1one!!!eleven!!!"
A few observations... After all of this criticism and hostility...
(1) the fact that he posted up a thread with his personal description asking for more debate should show that he has some seriously strong . Yes, even after being called nearly ever name in the book, being called stupid, idiot, moron, blah blah blah, he still posts up a thread asking for debate. Wow! That is truly serious Ne.
(2) the fact that he's never really reacted that strongly emotionally should tell you that he has next to zero . The few outbursts I've seen have been purely sarcasm and characteristic of NTs. On the two automotive sites I have run (15k and 55k members) never in my life have I seen somebody react with less emotion to such strong criticism. It's amazing to me. Oh but wait, the one person that has been able to take criticism like that and seriously not react with any emotion at all was none other than another ENTp (MBTI test). Coincidence? I think not. It just goes to show that you can criticize the shit out of ENTps (and ESTps with PoLR Fi) and they're just not going to "feel" very much.
(3) If he really was an INFp, 2nd strong function would be , and I'd think it'd be going crazy with all of the flaming you guys are doing. But again, there's no strong reaction there. Also, it's very clear he's dominantly Ne, not Ni, so that should rule out INFp.
(4) The other Ne type is ENFp. But wait, there's two big problems here with that. Fi is now 2nd strong function and he should be reacting emotionally and strongly to all of the flaming and criticism but he isn't. Secondly, is PoLR for an ENFp and you can't possibly say he has horribly weak Ti. Te maybe, but no way in hell Ti. So that rules out ENFp.
(5) Back to my perspective of running my car sites. I've seen a lot of people get flamed, I've done a lot of flaming myself, and I know how different people react. The completely totally emotionless is characteristic of people with PoLR Fi, and anybody else would have cracked and gone ballistic by now. There's two types to choose from, ESTp or ENTp. ESTp's when pissed off will tend to go into full attack mode with but Reuben just isn't doing that. He may be replying back, but he's clearly using , not Se.
(6) Conclusion: He's ENTp!
It's funny how you guys are so desperate to "get mcnew" that you're literally line iteming him, seeing something that he says or describes that does not sound ENTp to you, and therefore based on that one line trying to claim that he can't possibly be ENTp. That's nonsense! I'm sure I said something in this thread that doesn't sound ENTj to you, but does that mean I'm not ENTj? No. Just like I could type up a description of myself too and if somebody with a stick up their ass and a vendetta against me really wanted to, they could line item me on something and then parade around the entire forum claiming that I'm not really ENTj because of that. With as long as it took me to figure out my true type, I'm obviously not your stereotypical ENTj so it probably wouldn't be hard to find examples. Is mcnew a stereotypical ENTp? How long did it take for him to find his type?
This groupthink "get mcnew" witch hunting is fun to watch. I never took a college psych class but took sociology instead. The one thing I remember from that was that all it takes is a spark or one event and suddenly you can get a whole group of people pretty much acting the same way, with one mind, and one mission, and in this case it's "get mcnew", somehow, anyhow. Classic! And in case anybody's wondering, *YES*, I have had groups of people so pissed off at me on forums that they've witch-hunted me and believe me there is no logic to it whatsoever. It is purely an emotional reaction. I piss them off, they're angry, resentful, and upset, and therefore they must "get me" in whatever way they can. Maybe I prove something absolutely true that they didn't want to believe was true (therefore I must die), or maybe I banned one of their buddies that threatened somebody. Their buddy can do no wrong though, therefore I'm a biased hater Nazi mode who had "no right" to ban (and must die). It's funny everytime it happens, but believe me it happens. I've had groups of people so pissed off at me that those groups have started their very own web forums where they could flame and say whatever they wanted to about me (without getting banned) where the main bond between the key members of the site was that they all hated me. I even had a smiley created in my honor because they hated me so much. <---
Anyways, some of you guys sure do have a lot of anger and resentment that you're venting out, which I do understand also. But eventually that'll die away and you'll return to your normal selves. Either that or you'll let it take control of you and let it ruin you. Can't wait to see the future thread topics...
- mcnew post a video. you don't WALK like an ENTp, therefore you're NOT an ENTp
- mcnew post a voice clip. you don't TALK like an ENTp, therefore you're NOT an ENTp
- mcnew what kind of car do you drive? That isn't the kind of car an ENTp would drive, therefore you're NOT an ENTp!
- mcnew what brand of shirts do you wear...
- mcnew do you go to a barber or a stylist?
- mcnew do you see movies in the theater or rent?
- mcnew do you get up on the left or the right side of the bed?
- do you shower first and then shave, or shave first and then shower?