I tried to collect the number of people of each type that i know, mostly in my area. + means that i see some representatives of the type every now and then in public places. ++ means that i see a lot of them. No + or ++ means that every representative of said type that i know is counted. It's because some people may seem more interesting to me so i end up talking to them.

ENTp: 14
INTj: 7
ISFp: 5+
ESFj: 11++
ESTp: 25++ (I stopped counting at 25)
ISTj: 3+
INFp: 11
ENFj: 6+
ESFp: 3++ (Not that i don't see many)
ISFj: 2+
INTp: 5+
ENTj: 5+
ENFp: 16+
INFj: 5
ISTp: 5+
ESTj: 4+

I guess i don't spend my time in places where there are many ESTjs, cause i really don't see that much of them. + and ++ are relative to the places i go which mostly consist of bars, schools, , shows, shopping malls, restaurants. This could explain the ridiculous quantity of ESTps that i've come to know. The numbers themselves are relative to my type, ENTp, in that the intertype relations system is not bullcrap. Also, there's a Cegep (You guys don't have it in your educationnal system if you don't live in Québec) with a music program so many of the people i meet are musicians. I may forget some other factors or deliberately ignore them because they're obvious.

What does this gives us? Well it's clear to me that ENTp is not the most representated type in my area. It's also clear that there are fewer intuitive people (note the frequent lack of + or ++ next to most of them) than sensing ones. I don't know if these apply to your area, or to the sample of people typed via BrainTypes (Are BrainTypes really compatible with Socionics types? Never checked that myself.) but one things for sure, here, ENTp is not the most representated type.