Quote Originally Posted by Megan
The ENTP is the most common quarterback in the NFL.

So, this is basically saying that in the NFL, the ENTP is one of the most common types of quarterback. It does not actually say how commonly ENTps are found in other positions besides quarterback in the NFL or how many ENTps are to be found in the general population outside the NFL.
.. they also said that there were a lot more ENTPs than ESTPs walking around on a whole (which is diffrent from what most MBTI stats would say).

Quote Originally Posted by Megan
Yet the more BTI researches the 16 BTs, it is realizing there are more FCIRs(ENTPs) in the world than any other innate design.

There is an implication here that they have not concluded research(hence the use of the word realizing). How can they make such a statement that the ENTP is most common if the have not finished collecting evidence?
They have lost quite a lot of credibility in my mind by issueing such information prematurely.
I don't know how it is really possible to conduct a true "study" on types-population. What I do know is they have been claiming to asses people for over 30 years now. Jon N also gets hired to type thousands of people each year. Don't you think that they would be able to notice a trend? If they starting seeing ENTPs pop up more often then other types on a consistant basis, you don't think that has some credability?

Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
Hey, that article said that there's many many more ILEs than SLEs. What do you think about that, Rocky?
... probably true...

@ Rocky

Would you expand on how to broaden perception of what an ILE is? Is there some factor being prejudically included or excluded.
One thing is that people seem to have this ideal of what someone of one type should be, without realizing that people in the same type can act very diffrent. For one, I think some ENTPs can be confused for sensors. Even at ENTP.org, some of them deny people like Snoop Dogg and Will Smith as being ENTP... they think that people like that are more "SP" types when, really, it's just more of an image. I know one ILE guy who reminds me a lot of Will Smith. But then I know other ILEs who aren't percieved as that "cool", and maybe focus more on school (more of the nerdy kind). Some ILEs can be more of the aggessive, George Carlin type (Se subtypes?). I've seen these ILEs talk more about sex, etc.. and push more of the tough Se at you (I think this can happen with the role funciton). I even know one ILE who I played baseball with and was a real hothead. I actually thought he was SLE (SeTi) at first, but no go for that one. He even looks very, very much like pitcher Roy Oswalt, who was typed as another ENTP in that link. Anyway, that's a start, but I think you get the idea...

EDIT: And, yeah, some of them can be confused for feelers, too. Those are the more Jon Stewart/ Robin Williams types. Probably has something to do with the hidden agenda. Also, some ILEs are quite, so they maybe considered introverts.