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I am not a religious person and I do not believe in god, especially a conscious one who looks like a man who is going to take us to heaven or hell like fucking Santa Claus.
I avoid most metaphysical/philosophical/god talks, because they boil down to faith or circular reasoning, etc.
But nothing I'm going to say is going to include any of that.
The closest resemblence of a so called 'God' that I could possibly believe in is natural selection. At one point, something strange happened and artificial selection took it's place. Someone began to breed their good cattle and let their bad cattle die, on purpose.
It was slow at first. Either 'man' as we know him were so disconnected as to come from a breed of evolving monkey and then got seperated at some point in time to slowly emerge into races. Obviously communication was totally unconscious, instictive grunts, movements, etc, not even starting with man. Then, hand signals. Then, grunts came into primitive language. Now a big question in the mind of historians is why civilizations seemed to pop up at the same time with no physical contact. It's uncanny and unlikely. This one is hard to explain, obviously SOMETHING transferred information consciously or unconsciously. Possibly not humans. Possibly animals. Once those civilizations were built, people became to communicate regularly not just with their close family, but others in their areas, tribes, cities, and eventually across cities
Then it started. Languages began to become similar as well as behavior not only through conscious means but unconscious means. DNA started to propogate again, the gene pool got larger.
Jump to telegraphs. Then to telephones. Suddenly everyone could communicate with anyone else. Television. Languages, dialects, began to merge. Disassociate yourself then image the world in 1500s, the 1600s, the 1700s, 1800s, the 1900s, the 1950s, 1975, 1990, 2000. With communication networks in place, the global unconscious could now communicate faster, more efficiently. Technicological advances are growing exponentially(think about exponentally). We've almost destroyed our planet in the last 100 years.
Someone did an experiment with <B style="color:black;background-color:#A0FFFF">crossword[/B] puzzles. They did it scientifically, with several groups. They gave them the <B style="color:black;background-color:#A0FFFF">crossword[/B] puzzles out of the newspaper and asked them to finish them. Then, they gave them <B style="color:black;background-color:#A0FFFF">crossword[/B] puzzles that had already been solved by millions of people before but the test groups had never seen the puzzles before or talked to anyone else that had done them(and possibly not talked to anyone, I don't know). Well every single time, the test groups always did better on the <B style="color:black;background-color:#A0FFFF">crossword[/B] puzzles already solved a day before.
This suggests the unconscious mind...the unconscious COLLECTIVE mind is incredibly large and resourceful.
Socionics is born through looking at this unconsious collective mind. It obviously was already powerful even in the 1930s when jung started to discover it. Freud had already found the personal unconscious mind, filled of instinct and concepts pushed below consciousness. Jung continued his research and developed both Psychological types and a scary scary concept called the <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Collective Unconscious[/B]. He discovered dreams people described were in archaic books written thousands of years earlier, and certain characters which he called archetypes. The firing synapses of the dream state gave him insight into the <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Collective Unconscious[/B]. Inbuilt instincts(relating to procreation and survival), stories and scripts which have been repeated and repeated and repeated over history. Pick up a history book, take it to a random page, point to it, and say you have a prophecy from God. Say what it says happened like it's a prophecy of something 'god ' or something told you would happen in the future. It may happen in your lifetime, or long after.
Some interesting questions: the purpose of the Unconscious Mind, and why did it create socionics(inadvertantly, of course, natural selection, let's not confuse 'consciousness' in this). Why make people good at some things and not others.
Anyone watch Star Trek? Are you familar with the borg?
We pride ourselves in our 'free will' and our ability to make choices. We say we're not animals and we're not machines. We want to believe these false things.
I'm not going to get in a circular free will vs fate or a discussion of the nature of time. We CANNOT comprehend these concepts and every single fucking time we end up in circular reasoning.
We are already connected unconsciously and the unconscious affects our actions no doubt. So do our genetics. No doubt the unconscious affected our parents meeting and our birth. And so on. The <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Collective Unconscious[/B] is the most powerful force on earth, humanity, and civilization. It must have created Socionics.
Why did it create a system which creates people who have certain skills other people don't have? Why does it construct a total model of survival or at least advancement of a modem of society? How intellegent is the <B style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">collective unconscious[/B] now? It was instinctive and mechanical with the first cell splitting(or at least the one that survived and became our ansestor).
Damn my keyboard is dying and I need some sleep....