I might recommend pandora.com ... it's a site where you pick music and then it selects more music that it thinks is similar to your preferences. It often fails to understand what I like about music... like I usually like the emotional content, but it might pick songs based on my preference for "minor key tonality." In any case you can mark which songs you like and don't like, and then it can use that to get better at picking more songs for you. I haven't been using the site very long, but so far it has a pretty slow learning curve about my music preferences... still, it has provided a great many songs that I like and never knew about before... so... it is worth it IMO.

If it seems to be entirely off about what I like I can just feed it more songs... it seems to try to find a pattern, and it does find patterns, just not maybe the ones that I use (because it doesn't get it... not yet.) I am interested in watching it learn.

Edit: I expect it's learning to start accelerate at some point... I've found that learning programs often start to do that... if they are well enough equipped to really pin it down, or if it is something that can be pinned down. I'm hoping there's some threshhold it can pass where it will "have my number" so to speak and then know exactly what to suggest... but we'll see. In any case I am interested in what it will do.

Also because I can be indecisive about music, it seems to work in a way that works well with that.

I know I'm saying more bad things than good, but it may not have every sort of song... but it's not bad.