6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Haha, it makes me uncomfortable to look at her. Something about the poses she strikes. She looks exactly like you said Implied a fake bitch. But it might just be because I have the flu/bronchitis and I’m on a ton of cold medicine.
Edited for gayness.
On the type of relations you two might have, it sounds like either conflicting or super-ego. With super-ego being more likely.Originally Posted by implied
Pretty certain on the I.
Which makes you,
If you post two more of these, I can probably narrow down to one.
PS: For her type, my gut is telling me, IxTJ, then ISxJ, then ISxP.
I change my mind. She's ISFJ. And this makes you: INTJ, ENTP, or ISTP.Originally Posted by MySaviour
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Ok. But her I and S seems really strong. Posting nudies sounds like something an ISFP would do. If extravert, she could be ENTP, or ESFP, or ESFJ, or ESTJ. She seems too serious for all of those though. I guess ESTJ is possible?Originally Posted by implied
Maybe more information would help?
god, she does look annoying. Could be blatantly off, but i'm going to have to say ESFp.
And being totally annoyed by someone like her doesn't have to be type related. She's a fraud and it's obvious.
Eek! I change my mind about what I said in my last post.Originally Posted by implied
I'm still getting ISFJ vibes. I'll par down the list:
ESFJ <----
Extraversion is highly unlikely! There are too many pictures in which she is not smiling, and there is too great a consistency among the pictures. The only female extravert I've known to do that was most likely an ENTP.
I'm oscillating, but I'm really getting strong I, S, and J vibes. I guess N would be a possibility:
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
In that pic she looks like an ESFx I was acquainted with.Originally Posted by implied
ISxJ, INTJ, ENTP.. that order.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Ok.. I'll keep going. First, lets just eliminate INTJ, and ENTP, because those two I tacked on because of what I read. What's left: IxTJ, and ESFJ. I'm also still with the belief that this is either a super-ego relation, or conflicting. Lets tack on supervision, for fun, with you as the supervisor.
If ISTJ, then you could be: ENFP, INFJ, or ENTP.
If ISFJ, then you could be: ENTP, INTJ, or ENFP.
If ESFJ, then you could be: INTP, ENTJ, or INFP.
Now, there is redundancy among those guesses, so I'll just eliminate them, and group all your possible types together:
Now, I've seen your pic, implied, so with that, I can narrow the list down a bit further: INTJ, ENTP, INTP... all the other types are possible, but don't make that much sense to me.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
If you can eliminate F, then according to you she is: ExTx.. I'd say ESTJ to fill in the gaps for your guess.Originally Posted by implied
But for me, if you eliminate F, then she's IxTJ.. or ENTP.
From your pictures, you seem introverted, intuitive, and also thinking: INTx. There are flashes that make me think ENTP, or INFJ, but for the most part INTx.
edit: I also notice that you tend to cover your mouth when laughing off-guard, and thats something I sometimes do (I'm INTx, as well). Also, no matter how uncertain things are, I can pretty much guarantee that you wil end up typing as introverted, as well as intuitive.
This is the typical MBTI INTJ look:
MBTI INTP looking straight at camera:
This throws me off. An ExFJ I was acquainted with did that big-smile-looking thing:
Flash of xNFx'ness:
But as I said, it averages out to INTx, for you.
The ESFp I screwed was a dead fish in the sack. As loud and dramatic as she tried to be, a dead fish nonetheless. Notoriously.Originally Posted by implied
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
I don't see anything that rings a bell. I see I and T..Originally Posted by implied
If I weren't so confused about the J for socionic introverts, then I'd say you look IxTJ in that pic.
I'm willing to agree. From the rest of what you've said, it sounds like her attention-getting behaviour tugs at the ENTP hidden agenda. But other types flaunt themselves as you say she does. I guess now I can eliminate INTJ as a possibility. ENTP, or ISTJ.Originally Posted by implied
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
The one with her in the chair DOES look pretty ENTp. The mouth and the eyes. I guess if an ENTp is going to yale and basically has a guaranteed future and an assuredly successful life they will be pretty confident with their Super-ego. So if she isn't an ESFp she is an ENTp. I don't see any ISTj.
Well, if the ENTp uncovered rings a loud bell, then I guess she is ENTp. From those pics she could be like eight different types.
She isnt INTj by any means. Not the way she's being described. j Would stop her from posting in naked photos or well, doing anything stupid and unethical.
Also, if she has indeed posted naked photos, then may I request you post them here in order to assist in the VI process.
Man.. you beat me to it.Originally Posted by discojoe
somebody is really crazy...
Originally Posted by discojoe
LOL, Thats hillarious
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
Woah! there's cum all over her face!
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
whatever you were doing you look like a goddess.
I don't know.. looks INTJ to me. I guess you could argue INFx, but what exactly is it that would make this not look INTJ?Originally Posted by implied
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei