It seems to me that on this forum, quite a lot of people associate being a logical type with having sound reasoning and intelligence and being and ethical type with being in possession of what is widely considered good morals and being an emotional person .
Examining feeling(ethics), Jung in Man and his Symbols wrote that feeling as a rational process is often confused with emotions, emotional volatility and affect.
He wrote that feeling (as a function in psychological theory)can give rise to emotions but only when the feeling is powerful enough to trigger neurological changes. The same kind of emotionality, particularly anger, can erupt in thinking types if they think something (idea, system etc) is wrong enough. Jung believed that the feeling function could be seen as separate from emotionality if it is viewed as an more of an evaluative function concerned with whether something(object, idea etc) is agreeable or not.
If one considers the implications of this, it could mean that an ethical type could very likely be a contract killer if they are able to justify such a role according to their own personal (not necessarily what society/bible etc says)evaluative system.
My experience is limited of course, but in the course of my life, I have seen that some of the most "unemotional", "morally bankrupt", "criminal" people have been ethical types.
To read some parts of this forum one could get the impression that ethical types are either out planting lovely flowers, crying their little heads of over there latest infatuation/obsession, giving unselfishly to others or just out being darn emotional.
I wish some people would stop equating ethics (socionics) with warmth, better morals, emotionality and a lack of analytical ability.
And though I do not have time/space to address this now myself, does being a logical type really mean that one is intelligent and in possession of good reasoning abilities? I often get the impression that some logical types automatically presume themselves to have superior intelligence to ethical types. Quite possible a disservice to themselves, others and socionics.