I'm an istj and I've recently been having a hard time in relationships. My "current" boyfriend completely went off last night and accused me of being a cold, unemotional bitch... to put it bluntly. He accused me of using him solely for sex. HA. This came as a complete shock to me and I'm extremely hurt. Although, I do have to agree with him since i never tell him how i feel and i'm not physically affectionate. This isn't the first time this has happened, I can't seem to really open up to anyone and it's causing a lot of problems for me. I'm wondering if this is typical behavior or if it's something wrong with me personally? I don't intentionally act cold or aloof...i just come across that way and it kills me to think I'm sending off those vibes. Do any other ISTJ's have any words of wisdom on how to overcome this? Can anyone identify with this?