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Thread: Computerised test

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    Default Computerised test

    Hi everyone.

    Just to let you know, I have created a new test.

    Slava has agreed to help in computerizing it, so stay tuned.

    If you want to know what it will include, see below.

    In the meantime if you have any comments please let me know.




    Step 1: Separating strengths from weaknesses
    +Ti v +Fe
    +Te v +Fi
    +Ni v +Se
    +Ne v +Si

    Example: Peter got Ti, Fi, Ni, Ne.

    Step 2: Separating Quadra, and removal of inconsistencies
    +Ni v -Ni
    +Ne v -Ne
    +Fi v -Fi
    +Ti v -Ti

    Example: Peter got –Ni, +Ne, -Fi, -Ti. This means that Peter is ENTp or INTj. Peter cannot be ENTj or INTp because they consist of +Ni and –Te, whereas ENTp and INTj consist of -Ni and +Te. Peter cannot be INFj or ENFp because they consist of +Fi and –Ne, whereas ENTp and INTj consist of -Fi and +Ne.

    Step 3: Separating Exxp and Ixxj OR Separating Exxj and Ixxp
    Which describes Peter the least well:
    -Fi v +Se

    Peter said +Se described him least well. This means +Se is Peter’s PoLR. This means Peter is INTj.

    Step 4: Subtypes
    There will be three options for each type.
    In Peters case:
    "T subtype"
    "N subtype"
    "Both describe me equally well"



    +Ne ENTp
    -Ti INTj

    +Fe ESFj
    +Si ISFp

    -Se ESTp
    +Ti ISTj

    -Ni INFp
    -Fe ENFj

    +Te ESTj
    -Si ISTp

    -Te ENTj
    +Ni INTp

    -Ne ENFp
    +Fi INFj

    +Se ESFp
    -Fi ISFj


    • The estimation of the consistency (expediency) of behaviour and judgments of concrete person.
    • Comparison, analysis, generalisation, the systematisation of any objective information, to the easily yielding practical checking: the thorough, concrete and detailed study of cause-effect connections, the construction of inductions (search for objective in the subjective); - the sequential account of its own judgments, inductive conclusions; - the composition of strict laws, standards, rules, instructions for the hierarchic structure of the nearest environment.
    • The valid distribution of rights and responsibilities, the assignment of equal possibilities for the nearest environment,
    • The comparison of theories, systems and classifications according to the rule of the selection of the best (actually applied and worker) version: the determination of theoretical prerequisites, the development of structure and regularities, the determination of truth for organising the practical matters.
    • Tendency toward the "golden section".

    • The estimation of the consistency (consistency) of behaviour and judgments of people as generalities.
    • Comparison, analysis, generalisation, the systematisation of any objective information, which is easily yielded for the formation into the generalised abstract theory: the thorough, concrete and detailed study of cause-effect connections, the construction of inductions.
    • The sequential account of popular public theoretical judgments, inductive conclusions.
    • The composition of strict laws, standards, rules, instructions for the hierarchy of society.
    • The valid distribution of rights and responsibilities, the assignment of equal possibilities for all people.
    • The comparison of theories, systems, classifications according to the logic of construction and existence of the same: the definition of theoretical prerequisites, the development of structure and regularities, the definition of truth for the very fact of the possibility of existence of such theories, systems and classifications as universal and scientific.
    • Tendency toward the symmetry.

    • Business reasonableness in personal questions.
    • The ability to determine and to evaluate the business qualities of individual people.
    • The personal pragmatism: the expediency of personal actions.
    • The personal functionality: reliability, order, accuracy.
    • Advantage and benefit for itself;
    • The hierarchy of the close environment: family, friends, familiar;
    • Optimality in the concrete realisation of anything: the skill to recreate (to devise and to think over), to organise, to improve separate applied technological process, procedure, algorithm of the actions, where there is a clear understanding of the necessary sequence of actions, division of labour.
    • Money in its pocket: personal purchases, economy, investment, expenditure.
    • The algorithm of concrete calculations, innovation in the separate technological process.
    • The ramification of the facts, which are concerned the concrete matters, people, objects.
    • Understanding the working qualities of objects (elasticity, softness, thermal conductivity and so forth.) their practical value for itself.

    • Business reasonableness in the questions, which are not concerned directly individual personality.
    • The ability to determine and to evaluate the business qualities of the groups of people, systems.
    • Pragmatism in questions of the public life: the expediency of collective actions.
    • The system functionality: reliability, order, accuracy in the work of system.
    • Advantage and benefit for the group, the association, the society.
    • The global hierarchy of the environment: classes, race, social belonging.
    • Optimality in the realisation of the large-scale organisational measures: the skill to recreate (to devise and to think over), to organise, to improve the system, where there is clear coordination in the sequence of measures, separation it is specific labour.
    • The finances: system (bookkeeping) calculation, the economy, financial of the analyst of markets.
    • The algorithm of general calculations, innovation in the systematisation of processes.
    • The ramification of the facts, which are concerned society, phenomena, systems.
    • Understanding the value of objects, systems for the development of society.

    • Estimation and the skill to recognise the positive potential qualities of individual person, his possibility.
    • Estimation and the skill to recognise prospect, potential possibilities of the concrete oveshchestvlennykh ideas and undertakings.
    • The ability to see essence and principles of the concrete oveshchestvlennykh ideas and theories, the vision of their variability and the skill to make optimum selection.
    • Aim to the novelty, the hypothetical nature, the originality, the unusualness.
    • Adaptability to the faith and the idealism.
    • The spontaneity of thinking.
    • Tendency toward the radical conversions.
    • Everyday insight.

    • Estimation and the skill to recognise the negative potential qualities of people, their possibility.
    • The multiplan perception of peace, man.
    • The skill to see the absence of essence, to evaluate the lack of promise of potential possibilities, ideas and undertakings.
    • Search and the vision of alternatives.
    • The paradoxicallness of thinking.
    • The dimensionality of thinking, erection as the chief concern of the forgotten old (ordinary), abstract theoretisation.
    • Black humour, disbelief.
    • The suppression of radical conversions.
    • Sensation.

    • Vision and the sensation of the development of the approximate processes in the present real time and over nearest long term in connection with itself and nearest environment of people and objects - feeling of the course of time in the dynamics and its causality in the interrelation of the past, present and future.
    • The estimation of opportuneness and urgency of the actions of present moment.
    • The skill to see the trends of development in the time, to predict, to foresee the motion of the course of particular events, to see prospects - prediction of the particular processes of future.
    • The skill to govern its internal time.
    • The tactical planning of the present and of immediate prospects - gradualness, evolution, arrangement.
    • Tendency toward the accordion, the balance, the proportionality, the consistency, the convergence in the external through the internal peace.
    • Fantastic imagination.

    • Vision and the sensation of the development of the remote processes in the dynamics of time over the scale long term in connection with society and remote objects - dialectics of time.
    • The estimation of opportuneness and urgency of actions over the long term.
    • The skill to understand the interrelation of times, to see tendencies, to predict the motion of the course of events, to see prospects on the basis of the calculation of errors - tendency toward the predictions.
    • The realisation of time as certain substance, up to its physical sensation.
    • The skill to govern the time of other people.
    • Strategic planning - sharp shifts, revolution, jump in the time as consequence - anxiety, vague uneasiness, discrepancy, the duration of the moment of decisive actions.
    • A feeling of danger and ripening of crisis - insurance against troubles and danger.
    • Mystical imagination, convergence.

    • The moral and moral estimation of behaviour of individual person, his judgments.
    • The skill to understand, to estimate interrelations between themselves and by another person.
    • The rules of behaviour, accepted in the relations between the concrete people.
    • The emotional estimation of its relation - sympathy, antipathy, confidence, admiration and so forth, etc. - to another person, his open expression.
    • Manipulation on relations with the concrete person, the skill to erect relations on any psychological distance, to create and to impose its standards of behaviour.
    • Tendency toward the humanist ideals - philanthropy, mercy, good, pity, warm contact, friendship and so forth, etc.
    • Tendency toward the mutual confidence, a feeling of debt, responsibility with respect to the individual people.
    • Generally - the attitude of close people, ethical interaction with the familiar people, the morals of the connect together people.

    • The moral estimation of behaviour and judgments of people as societies.
    • The skill to understand, to estimate interrelations between the people in the groups, the associations, the society.
    • The rules of behaviour, accepted in the association, society.
    • The estimation of the social relations: the open expression of its views on them.
    • Manipulation on the relations between the people in the groups, the skill to erect deep multipass intrigue in the association, using any psychological distances, to create and to impose its moral standards.
    • Tendency toward the rigid morals with the polar views - hatred- love, confidence- suspiciousness, mercy- ostracism, good- evil and so forth, etc.
    • A feeling of debt, responsibility with respect to of group, organisation, association, society, in which there is membership.
    • Generally - the relation between the people in the society, general human ethical rituals, the morals of society.

    • Understanding the emotional state of individual person, influence on his mood.
    • The skill to force man emotionally to be opened, to appear its feelings: the skill to find individual approach to the man, to play "on the necessary strings" the showers through the manifestation of its positive emotions.
    • The open expression of its emotions, the demonstration of its feelings, epatazh, tendency toward the theatricality in the chamber situation.
    • Sensitiveness, drops in the moods, fervency in the local situations; - the animation of different objects of custom (?).
    • The creation of the emotional atmosphere in the small association (forcing of situation, enthusiasm, emotional lift): control of the emotional background of small group, directed toward the creation of happiness, merriment, enthusiasm, optimism, generally good mood.
    • Tendency toward recitations, artistic taste for "its" (entire spectrum of intonations, expressive pauses, significant views, rich mimicry).
    • Personal emotions, its mood, its passion, personal artistic taste and artistic taste of one concrete actor, its nervousness, power engineering its the nearest environment.

    • Understanding the emotional state of the group of people, influence on the mood of groups - from the small to the large.
    • The skill to force man emotionally to be opened, to appear its feelings through the demonstration of its negative emotions - to mountain, grief, melancholy, emotional decrease, depression, weeping, tear, dissatisfaction, pessimism, poor mood, the experience of misfortune.
    • The open expression of its emotions, the demonstration of its feelings, epatazh, tendency toward the theatricality - gallery play in the broad sense.
    • The skill to find individual approach to the groups of people, to play "on the necessary strings" of human passions.
    • Sensitiveness drops in the moods, fervency, fanaticism on a global scale.
    • The creation of the emotional atmosphere in the large association, the society through the forcing of situation, the "electrisation". Control of emotionalism and power engineering of the associations.
    • Tendency toward the oratorical skill, artistic taste (entire spectrum of intonations, expressive pauses, significant views, rich mimicry) and intrigues.

    • The estimation of the external (form, physical force) and volitional qualities of individual person.
    • The skill to defend its personal interests: piercing power, persistence, confidence in itself, hardness.
    • The skill to mobilise itself and near environment to achieving personal of the goal presented, volitional pressure from bottom to top with the achievement of the objective.
    • Tendency toward the retention of the authority: defensive tactics - protection, counterattack.
    • Leadership (passive) in the small groups, the skill to estimate the arrangement of forces in such groups in the context of the leadership of individual people.
    • Tendency toward the possession by material values as to attribute of power.
    • Clear sensation itself and objects in the space, the organic nature of their arrangement: orientation in the specific locality (for example, city).
    • Tendency toward the journeys (?), lung is overcoming space.
    • Insubordination to the external superior forces (dispute), the subordination to itself of weak.
    • Subordination to internal force.
    • Personal health as institute, force of will.

    • The estimation of the external (form, physical force) and volitional qualities of man, in the context of the capability of the latter for leadership and control.
    • The skill to defend the collective interests: piercing power, persistence, confidence in itself.
    • The skill to mobilise the large groups of people for achieving of the goal presented: exactingness, control, volitional pressure from top to bottom, the power methods of achievement of the objective.
    • The assumption of power, leadership: offensive tactics - attack, aggression, attack, initiative.
    • The assertion of its interests due to the collective: collective interests prevail and overgrow into the personal.
    • Marginal importance to the possession of atributikoy authority.
    • The clear sensation of space around itself and objects, the sensation of the influence of space on the objects.
    • Capability for overcoming of elements.
    • The skill to estimate the arrangement of forces of the opposing groups: subordination to the external superior forces (collaboration), the destruction of weak.
    • Health as public institute.

    • The ability to feel the physical properties of the objects of the nearest environment.
    • Tendency toward the cosiness and the skill it to create in the limited space.
    • The skill to surround itself by beautiful things.
    • Aesthetics and the accordion of object, ergonomics of object.
    • Tendency toward the satisfaction of its physical needs (sibaritstvo), the skill to avoid discomfort.
    • Memory to the personal physical sensations, the ability to reproduce them.
    • Orientation to the information about the close surrounding space, obtained through the well developed sensory organs, directed toward the pleasant sensations, weakening, enjoyment, pleasure.
    • Tendency toward the tactile contact: the sensitivity of touches.
    • Health as the collection of the sensations of body.

    • The ability to feel interaction of the physical properties of objects in the space.
    • Tendency toward the comfort and the skill it to create on the large space.
    • Tendency toward the satisfaction of the physical needs on a scale of society.
    • The aesthetics of space.
    • Ergonomics of space, topographical design.
    • Tendency toward the new physical sensations: the collectivisation of sensations; - the skill to identify, to foresee discomfort, pain, disease, disharmony.
    • Tendency toward the tactile contact as the method of the collection of information about the physical properties of objects.



    Selector is terminal (intuitive)
    (Inventing — from Engl. inventor)
    It differs in terms of excellent scent to the new. He frequently becomes the author of the set of inventions and discoveries. Unsurpassed generator of ideas. In its sentences it is very daring. However, easily throws the bored work and is thrown to new — more captivating. It is capable to manifest itself, also, in the business. For it are characteristic the dynamics, a rapid speech, a great quantity of gestures. In it frequently dense build, courageous configuration, whiskers, if the discussion deals with the man. Great significance is attached to exterior view.

    Selector is initial (logical)
    (Extracting — from Engl. extractor)
    Self-centered and pensive man. It draw the ideas, which do not have direct connection with the reality, for example philosophy, religion, bioenergetics and tons, d. its favorite work of — to compare between themselves different logical systems. Type of office scientist. Asthenic figure is characteristic for it. It is angular in the movements, does not turn attention to the exterior view, little it worries about the health.


    Intermediary is initial (ethical)
    (Being associated — from Engl. communicator)
    Is intensified the ethics of the emotions of — emotional and sociable, easily it enters into any company, it appears [ekstravertnym]. It loves the convenient spacious clothing, to which not very [pritjazatelen] of — can go, also, in the shabby form. [Artistichen], frequently performs the role of [zavodily]. Itself in the amateur artistic activity finds, it can be musician, actor, advertizing agent.

    Intermediary is terminal (sensory)
    (Selective — from Engl. selector)
    It possesses a good esthetic taste, this can be developed in the clothing, in the formulation of interior, and in the works by applied art. Frequently this artist- landscapists, they love to express still life. This is the judge of welfare, comfort for it is very important. It [sibarit], it tracks its exterior view. Hedonist, loves to provide pleasure both to himself and by others. It is outwardly more well-fed, than the initial subphylum of intermediary.


    Enthusiast is terminal (ethical)
    (Greeting — from Engl. acclaimer)
    It is very expressive, it is to difficult maintain its emotional pressure. It possesses high fitness for work; however, the roll of feelings prevents it from being constructive. It is strongly it is scattered. it jumps from one work to another. In the contact is straight-line, [neposredstven], it is characterized by blasting choleric temperament. Outwardly — the desire to draw the attention of the representative of opposite floor by the bright clothing, in which can be present the element of demonstrativeness.

    Enthusiast is initial (sensory)
    ([Obustraivajushchij] — from Engl. entertainer)
    Esthete, loves and to himself, and to those surrounding to provide pleasure, to give gifts. A good owner in the house of — knows how to be arranged even with the minimum of conveniences. Man of business, can be lucky manager in the sphere of leisure and entertainments. Women of this type bind well, sew, know how to be charming, possess a good taste in the selection of the colors of clothing. Behavior [nedemonstrativno]. It very badly transfers pain and insignificant health.


    Analyst is initial (intuitive)
    (Planning — from Engl. conceptor)
    The analyst of — good scientist -[kontseptualist], primary attention gives to the global issues, the generator of ideas. For it are more important long-range promising achievements than the result of the flowing moment. It is held it is softly, correctly, cautious in the contacts. Outwardly frequently [astenichen], more than attention gives to the exterior view, the health.

    Analyst is terminal (logical)
    (Systematizing — from Engl. systemizer)
    Is concrete and ordered, organizer in the science, he does not entrust to the too removed ideas. Scholar, but only in its narrow area. In the behavior of — it is dry, restrained, it can be authoritarian. It does not love discussions and friction in the collective, it is held on the distant psychological distance. Strict adherent of reasonable systems. It carries a strict clothing, it is attempted to be in grow prettier to physical form.


    Teacher is terminal (ethical)
    (Inspirer of — from Engl. inspirator)
    Emotionally excited, sharp. The heat of feelings demonstrates, is decisive [artistichen]. It easily yields to exaltation, is characterized by aristocratic manners. Frequently these are a good speaker, political leader with the patriotic gradient. Is inwardly dramatic [spontanen], it loves itself to demonstrate. Outwardly it can shock [bomzh] with the soiled sleeves surrounding by extremities in the clothing of —. It can, on the contrary, dress by surge, vividly or [izyskanno]-[aristokraticheski].

    Teacher is initial (intuitive)
    (Warning — against Engl. Warner)
    It is predisposed to the reflex, the internal fluctuations and the doubts. It thinks figuratively, it is inclined to the philosophy. It is not very critical to the exterior view, it is not exacting to the food. Concealed, [ranimyj], is cracked, speaks out [nenavjazchivo], it is compulsory and punctual. It — a good educator teacher, can entice its students. It is calm outwardly, it is consistent in the presentation of material.


    Inspector is initial (sensory)
    (Requiring — from Engl. demander)
    It is irregular and impulsive, does not always follow itself that order, which it requires from others, in this case it is capable to condemn those, who violate this order. It is communicative and courteous on the distant distance, but on the close one it can prove to be intolerant. [Esli] it to catch, can answer by aggression. The aim is leadership, but he leads better small collectives. It outwardly appears with fortitude. Men frequently carry whiskers, in the clothing they prefer free style.

    Inspector is terminal (logical)
    (Checking — from Engl. controller)
    Most rational logical type. It is very constructive, the aim is hierarchy, it can all surrounding “[zaorganizovat]”, itself works thoroughly, is brought to the end everything, it lets go not one detail. [Malodinamichen], does not transfer confusion. Outwardly strict, sustained, somewhat equally significant. It is official in the working circumstances even with the close relatives, it occurs, that in it is developed the barrack style of behavior. In the clothing also conservative. Its suit is, as a rule, strict, dark tones, it calls to mind form.


    Marshal is terminal (sensory)
    (Attacking — from Engl. forward)
    Sharp, demonstrative, attacking style of behavior. It is expressive, expansive to the aggressiveness. It feels well itself in the emergency and emergencies, sharply is included in conflicts, it can press in order to rapidly introduce order. If it proves to be not in works, it can provoke conflict in order to then take initiative in its hands. Emotional and sociable, will bridge by the attention not of one person of opposite floor. Women also display initiative in the acquaintances with the men, it is sinewy, mobile, frequently thin, has well developed taste, epicure. In the mode it approaches refinement and prestige.

    Marshal is initial (logical)
    (Moving — from Engl. promotor)
    Itself it prefers to remain in the shadow, not to demonstrate its strivings, but it constantly holds hand on the pulse of that occurring all around. It outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic. Before the fact, that as to act, checks all variants of possible aftereffects and only then it enters into the game. Is distrustful and cautious, skeptic, conservative and realist. Because of a small sociability intro-faiththat carries out impression. If it planned to itself victim, it acts slowly, by the method “compressive annulus”.


    Lyric poetries initial (ethical)
    (Charming — from Engl. fascinator)
    It flatters and charms, [obajatelen] and is communicative. If he sees, which around it negative emotions, will try to make then so that the people would calm down. It will mobilize well in the risky situations, it loves to be in the center of attention, can [priljudno] suffer and dramatize that occurring, it possesses a feeling of humor. It easily manipulates by intonation, vote, it can realize well itself in the field of journalism of — - he easily succeeds in, telling " collocutor. Outwardly it can appear extravagant, frequently take the form [bogemnyj], bright.

    Lyric poetries terminal (intuitive)
    (Questioning — from Engl. questor)
    The characteristically question expression of face, the form is steady, is dreamy, contemplative. It is frequently passive in its line of behavior. Romantic on the spirit, lives in the world illusions, he attempts to go away from the negative emotions. Is optimistic, as a rule, it goes away from the conflict situations, the supporter of trade-offs. It is restrained in the clothing, it is elegant and refined, it can fulfill the functions of abstractor with “solid hand”, be occupied by psychology and psychotherapy.


    Owner is terminal (logical)
    (Accelerating — from Engl. accelerater)
    Most dynamic of all psycho-types, pioneer in his area of activity, seeks the supporters, with whom it is possible to together realize its or general ideas. It is very emotional and impulsive; therefore it can be inconsistent in the works. It is trusting, because of its carelessness it can fall into the different histories, it seems spontaneous. It can well manifest itself into the free of market activity, if plays back — it does not lose the presence of spirit and optimism, it again goes forward. Little attention it gives to the exterior view and the health, it is outwardly thin, very mobile, sometimes it carries beard and whiskers, it occurs, which conducts the random mode of life.

    Owner is initial (intuitive)
    (Researcher of — from Engl. explorer)
    Steady and balanced, conducts the ordered mode of life, feels well the prospect. Peacefully he selects, what idea it is better to launch into the work, will always find the most optimal and advantageous emergence, which will give the greatest return. This frequently — scientist- naturalist, experimenter, give work to mind and hands simultaneously. It can be occupied by chemistry, and by painting, in this case he tries to bring everything to the end. Excellent [igrotekhnik], experimenter. It will get along well with the children, it easily carries off by their interesting work. Outwardly — that restrained, denser constitution than terminal, tries to dress well and tracks its health.


    Keeper is initial (sensory)
    (Supporting — from Engl. maintainer)
    It is characterized by expansion in the narrow to circle, even it can aggressive, if they do not agree with it. These are — people of duty, active and durable. In the conflict situations never first they go to the reconciliation. They can lead the collectives of average value, are maintained discipline and order, they apply sanctions to those misbehaving. Frequently it is very rectilinear, they demonstrate their relation by the burning through view. Business and goal-seeking, they gravitate to the administrative activity. They can give resistance and to marshal, if that creates mafia structure, since the culms of this activity easily will recognize. Prefers the prestigious style of clothing, sometimes the bright, but nonexciting tones.

    Keeper is terminal (ethical)
    (Moralist of — from Engl. moralist)
    Delicate, sensory nature, well examines people. Reliable friend, is capable to compromise. By softness and by the ease of contact it sometimes calls to mind intermediary. This subphylum is more frequent a good executive than the organizer: to him it is important, as it includes others, their opinion about the Ger. very well it associates with the small children, it is sensitive, thoughtful and attentive. It can also realize itself in applied art and cultured activity. It is outwardly modest, little it tracks the mode, prefers freer style.


    Politician is terminal (sensory)
    (Supplying — from Engl. provider)
    Very active, energetic, enterprising. In it always, that is named, “the nose downwind”. It is inclined to the adventures, to the games on the difference of the prices, to risk, to game with the law. If is defeated, easily it goes away, “after substituting” less flexible partners. This is one of the most unpredictable types, it easily works in the commercial- intervening structures, but not in the industrial. A sharp drop in the mood is characteristic for it: if to me it is good, then all must be good, if to me it is bad, then remaining let suffer. It converges with the people on the short distances, it can arrange powerful emotional [pressing]. Good executive, the worker of service, for example waiter; actor - but only lungs of genres (comedy, operetta). It easily manipulates by relations: it approaches, people are removed. It is emotionally unstable; therefore it is frequently unsociable (it can provoke to something and in the case of failure - rapidly to go away into the shadow).

    Politician is initial (ethical)
    (Founder - from Engl. founder)
    Counts on people of influential and reliable, gradually it converges with them, if they are useful. It possesses definite snobbery, status of impressiveness. In it must be increasingly better - office, machine, giving… A good worker, can control people, relations, calculates well, pragmatician. He is not inclined to the adventures, a good politician, since he wonderfully feels people and draws necessary. Plays the role of thoughtful man, who works above the key problem. It dresses more with restraint than terminal subphylum.


    Criticisms initial (logical)
    (Utilizing — from Engl. utilisator)
    It is practical and it is operational, [razvorotliv], it goes away from the any useless activity. He tries from in all to extract profit, does not allow industrial wastes of — everything must be reasonably used. Loves companies, friends, a good desk. A feeling of humor is well developed, it knows how to get along with those surrounding. It is outwardly elegant, sociable; however, it is a little weakened.

    Criticisms terminal (intuitive)
    (Contradictory — from Engl. contradictor)
    [Asketichen], is grumbling, it loves to stress deficiencies, seeks opponent. It criticizes sometimes with the dose of biliousness. It frequently has [astenichnuju] figure, complexities in the contact are felt. It can well provoke situation, including commercial. It possesses great erudition and memory, frequently it gets stuck in the components. These are — scientist- theoreticians, who make the fundamental developments, which well feel also social-economic tendencies. Putting to use analogies, frequently they can predict, to what side the going process will play havoc with. Outwardly it is slovenly and negligent, little it tracks its health.


    Administrator is terminal (logical)
    (Generating — from Engl. producer)
    It is attempted in its hands to join entire cycle of production. A good worker, does not suffer incompetence, itself is well educated in its area. It is very operational, sometimes it works on the wear, it considers that only in this case it can require the same, also, from others. It can be sharp in the judgments, it usually formulates task very clearly. In the sphere of production it attains the responsibility of product, it loves to admire by that done, the advantage of its commodity stresses. It can well realize itself under the conditions of the stable market for — in the field of transportation, in the army. In the clothing conservative, principal for it — purity, order and functionality.

    Administrator is initial (sensory)
    (Connecting — from Engl. linker)
    Feels well the intermediate the fields of the production of — trade, management. It is more flattened than initial type, is very sociable, emotional, [kontakten]. Frequently [gostepriimen], loves comfort and cosiness, leisure on nature. Easily it manages the responsibilities of technical director, manager.


    Humanist is initial (intuitive)
    (Reconciling — from Engl. conciliator)
    It feels well people, immediately sees, who to it matches up on the views, but who no. It loves to be in the narrow to the circle of friends and adherents, to consider with them the novelties of literature, art, humanities. It is frequently acted unsure of itself, it occurs and it is scattered. The aim is humanitarian activity, but it can work in the area of service. It realizes well itself both in medicine and in the pedagogy. It knows how to reconcile those disputing, to smooth out sharp situations. It knows how to create pleasant circumstances, comfort in the house. It dresses with the taste, frequently it tracks the mode.

    Humanist is terminal (ethical)
    (Confessor of — from Engl. confessor)
    Confessor, is sincerely religious or adheres to any ethical system, [nenavjazchiv] and it is restrained, it is [asketichen], it is strict to himself and by others for the disturbance of moral n. Of [neinitsiativen]. It is little interested in the fact that it is not connected with its convictions. In the work it is sluggish and scrupulous. With it it is possible to have a talk, to pour soul, to obtain simple, but efficient council. Exterior of — [samouglublennost], asceticism; the internal strained life is examined in the extrinsic ethos.


    Adviser is terminal (intuitive)
    (Communicating — from Engl. reporter)
    Very sociable, spirited, mobile man. The initiator of many works; however, is characterized by great restlessness and mutability. Man very creative, but is scattered and not disciplined. It is capable to splash out its dissatisfaction, also, to the authorities, it is not considered the subordination. Outwardly — more frequently has complete rounded forms. In the clothing it can be demonstrative, bright. by sometimes even loud.

    Adviser is initial (ethical)
    (Adviser of — from Engl. adviser)
    It sees in the people the concealed gravity and attachments, prefers to work on the short psychological distance (in contrast to the terminal). It loves to give advice, it gravitates to the psychoanalysis, in this case counts on manifestation in the people of their positive of qual. it can [postojat] for others, depositing their interests, for itself to [postojat] difficultly. Is outwardly more frequently thin [izjashchen]. In the clothing prefers the free cut, soft tones.


    Skilled worker is initial (logical)
    (Developing — from Engl. devdoper)
    Outwardly business, a little unbleached, cold and as if inaccessible. Realist and skeptic, is distrustful to the newness, to those, who puts forth the ideas of declarative character. Will always go away from the useless works, one hundred percent pragmatician. It is very dynamic and technologically effective, can extract the maximum of use even of, it would seem, entirely narrower than unnecessary. Its production the always foremost, will maintain any competition on the market. In the clothing it is restrained, conservative, prefers sport, technological style.

    Skilled worker is terminal (sensory)
    (Finisher of — from Engl. concluder)
    Esthete, disposed to obtaining of pleasant sensations. [Kontakten] also of bendings is considerably more than initial subphylum. Is more optimistic, but is less operational. [Sibarit] epicure. It gravitates to humanitarian disciplines of — to art, linguistics, history. It dresses with the taste, stressing values by clothing, selecting harmony of colors.

  2. #2
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    There is a lot of type in the above post, not realy suited for the concept of a forum...
    You should have put all that info in a webpage (a blog even) and post a link here in the forum... this way people could use it as a reference easier...

    Anyway... software wise... if you can describe the user-software interaction, how do you see the software used... maybe I could help with a prototype

    The problem I have with the tests I've see so far is that it doesn't take in account the fact that the pearson taking the test might have a stronger or weaker preference to one side... an so we have quick tests that doesn't help a pearson without a strong inclination towards one side like the STA Turbo... or the exact opposite... long long long tests with a gazilion of questions some of them usless for a peason with a strong inclination towards one side... For example I am an INFp or IEI... and I can tell you that when I took the STA turbo... it was enough for me... I was not in doubt about choosing one side or the other... BUT I have given the link to the test to some friends and a lot of them found one or maybe 2 cathegories where they were "I'm a little bit of both".

    In my view a good test will take in account that some dimensions are clear and some are not... first get the information from the certain dimensions and then move the test into a custom dimension decider...

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    I can help computerize the test as well ...

  4. #4
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    Each of the 8 functions can either be + or - .

    For example, +Ti and -Ti are close in meaning but have subtle but important differences. +Ti is the base function of ISTj. -Ti is the base function of INTj.

    When you read their details you'll see what I mean.


    Below are the correlations for types and consious strengths and consious weaknesses:

    Strengths: + , - , + , -
    Weaknesses: + , -

    Strengths: - , + , - , +
    Weaknesses: + , +

    Strengths: + , + , - , -
    Weaknesses: - , +

    Strengths: + , - , + , -
    Weaknesses: + , -

    Strengths: - , + , - , +
    Weaknesses: - , +

    Strengths: + , - , + , -
    Weaknesses: - , -

    Strengths: - , - , + , +
    Weaknesses: + , -

    Strengths: - , + , - , +
    Weaknesses: - , +


    All SF types have the following strengths in common:
    + , -

    All NF types have the following strengths in common:
    - , +

    Therefore these don't help in separating the SF or NF quadra.

  5. #5
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I should print this thread off. This is the most useful thing I've found as far as explaining the jargon and symbols, and showing how everything fits together, for someone just starting to learn about it.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    I think it clarifies Socionics, and makes typing easier to do.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    I can help computerize the test as well ...

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