I know that MB theory has a section on how type develops over time. For example, an N type balancing their N by developing their third function after adolescence.
is there anything similar in socionics, or your own theories?
I know that MB theory has a section on how type develops over time. For example, an N type balancing their N by developing their third function after adolescence.
is there anything similar in socionics, or your own theories?
Freud believed the ID is present first and that the super-ego develops out of the ID. The Ego is a means of justifying the the demands of the ID to the super-ego, while the super-ego places demands upon the ID. The super-ego exists more or less abstractly in a person's psyche, the vision not clear. Its presence in the environment in a strong form inhibits the EGO and places demands upon the ID.
if this is true, one could infer that the super-id develops out of the Ego. The super-ego duals with the ID, the Super-id Duals with the Ego.
This alludes to the "archetype" lifecycle. For example, most people face the shadow as either extroversion or introversion, depending on whether their dominant attitude is introverted in the former case, or extroverted in the latter.
For example, the introvert may see embracing the side of them that is willing to "extrovert" their feelings as evil, as I did until about a year ago. (I'm almost 24 now) However, the case is ultimately made by the introvert to risk falling into darkness on behalf of really understanding what other people go through. This was, for me, the first block in a huge wave of personal transformation. By extroverting myself, I was able to control the flow of knowledge into me, and out of me. I was capable of establishing a belief based on a concrete reality, as opposed to believing that nothing could be truely understood. As an introvert, everything seemed chaotic and unexplanable, people particularly.
From the extroverted perspective, embracing the shadow means learning to "think about themselves first." This trait has the effect of allowing the extrovert to choose what trends and activities they participate in, as opposed to simply going with the flow of things and risking injury or elimination as a dispensible part of the whole.
In Jung's terms, it is learning to assimilate the object to the subject on even terms.
What follows the shadow, is the soul. Thinking, or feeling determined by the dominant rational function of the individual. The feeler learns to think about what they want in life, and to what degree they must risk causing others emotional distress to get it. The thinker learns to be open with their emotions, and to let their emotions carry them someways.
After the soul, is the kingdom, or marriage. This is the stage of coming to terms with the limits of reality, on both the individual and the world. The battle is between the intuitive, and the sensate. The marriage phase sets the stage for the final "meaningful" phase, which ensues after the embrace of the inferior irrational reveals the extent to which the individual has sabotaged their own goals by not taking the whole of reality, both concrete and abstract, into account.
The individual in this case is prepared for the final conflict between that which can be known and that which cannot, between the structured and the free. The final acceptance of this ultimate duality, sets the stage for the end of the individual's history, for reason itself is in suspension. All that remains is the final curtain: death....
my my so poetic
*lip quiver* ..
It does, it is all part of the big ying/yang that is there if you look closely enough. I see it also ...Originally Posted by Waddlesworth
It seems to me that the POTS, George W. Bush, is in the meaningful stage now. He was in the third stage, marriage, prior to the election last year, but I perceived a distinct change in his behavior on election day. Mr. Bush said at the end of the final debate that he "could see the valley, and it is peaceful". One wonders whether the valley meant peace for America, or for him.