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Thread: The Directive ESTj description

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    Default The Directive ESTj description

    Right now this is a draft, I based it off of 3 ESTjs I have been observing six hours a week for two months. May soon end up on the website.

    The Directive ESTj - by Reuben McNew [ENTp]

    A chief characteristic of ESTjs is their quick, affluent logic; from this, it is exceptionally commonplace for ESTjs to think ahead, to determine the thoughts and actions of those around them. In situations where ESTjs find themselves in a place of authority, they may word statements and phrases in such a way by which none could argue with their logic; thus, placing impedance upon others and ordering the environment to their specifications. However, ESTjs may also impress others with expressions of extreme generosity and maintain such an intrinsically clean orderliness about them, that some may consider them official.

    Loyal and responsible, ESTjs manifest an intrinsic sense of duty. Even when low ranking, most respect and admire hierarchical structures and seek not to challenge established institutions. Despite, ESTjs may also typically demonstrate a strong will and desire to create a means or circumventive measures in order to dominate, and remain competitive throughout. When in doubt, ESTjs remain polite, non-intrusive, and seek not to infuriate the will of their superiors; they know when they have been licked. Even so, they are good workers, and may work for long periods of time with little rest. Self-discipline is definitely an important element in the life of an ESTj.

    Opting not for patience and sympathy, love is tough; not know to be among the most patient of types, ESTjs may often demonstrate a complete and total lack of empathetic understanding, finding it difficult to control their emotions in full. Because of this, ESTjs may manifest directness and irritability towards anyone and anything rubbing them the wrong way, inadvertently creating odd moments of outbursts over things and situations in which most find commonplace and expected. Most people do not understand ESTjs, and may consider them hot tempered and boisterous. ESTjs may never really know how people feel about them.

    When ESTjs are in good humor, their whims may be sharp and shrewd; because of their weakness in empathetic understanding, they may be mused by common oddities and their jokes may contain aggressive connotations; their humor may even contain a characteristic emotional detachment that many would find violent and disturbing or may be hidden behind an awe of seriousness. ESTjs usually are not ones to jokes in ways others would find funny or humorous, but may sometimes stumble onto something good on occasion.

    ESTjs hold a strong belief in common courtesy and demonstrate a healthy degree of politeness to others. They enjoy the company of those who maintain an honest demeanor and good reputation, and willfully treat others the same. However, ESTjs may not stand or tolerate the company of others who demonstrate any degree of carelessness and thoughtlessness, and find no difficulty in voicing distress in the perceive sloppiness in others or inconsiderate behavior; they want everyone to be as neat and orderly as themselves.

    One strong point about ESTjs is their honesty; they rarely cheat and remain generally honest, sometimes brutally so. However, their lack of intuition and insight into their behaviors may cause them to lead into odd extremes that some may find ethically severe, such as an obsession with perfection or placing nearly unachievable standards on themselves or others; this may stem from a fear of untimeliness that haunts them continually in their daily efforts and activities.

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    I went ahead and added it, but I am not quite through with it ...

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    Thanks, I actually hard a pretty tough time saying much good about the type, but I have always gotten along well with ESTjs, and I think that helped.

    Fortunatelly the teacher of mt EMT-b class is an ESTj and I was able to observe alot of his behaviour; he really is not that bad of a guy, just jokes agressivelly and does not like sloppiness and is very direct towards those who are. Fortunatelly, I get along with him.

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    It is a good description. I work with 2 ESTJ's everyday of the week and i want to pull my hair out.

    You could sum this type up with a lot less words. Stubborn, tactless, domineering, annoying, rude, no imagination, boring...need i go on?

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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
    It is a good description. I work with 2 ESTJ's everyday of the week and i want to pull my hair out.

    You could sum this type up with a lot less words. Stubborn, tactless, domineering, annoying, rude, no imagination, boring...need i go on?
    I guess this would matter what kind of environment you are working in. I work in semiconductor manufacturing and i work in one area with 4 other people and pretty much take the initiative to tell everyone what to do and how to get everything done, sure I come across as bossy but it always has a purpose and we do the best work of all 4 shifts that do my job during the week. I don't usually get bitched at because I come across as someone that knows what he's doing and I'll usually be right up front with that and say i know my job better than after so long, you get the respect that comes with that as long as you are in fact, always right...and when i'm wrong (rarely ) i usually have to have proof and then I'll still find a way to be right... (c'mon, u all know ESTJ's) I don't think I come across as too stubborn or annoying though since i still get along with everyone I work with and the few arguments I've had in my time with people I work with have usually been just 2 points of view being spouted off and then both of us go different directions with neither being right... I dunno if this makes sense since i'm just rambling a bit...hahaha
    as far as being rude, tactless, and not having an imagination... I'm one of the more polite people I know unless I have a reason not to be, and tact...well to be able to tell people what to do all day long and not get yelled at, this takes a little tact. :wink: and as far as not having an work i don't need one...I know what needs to be done, where would I need my imagination?

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