Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
Oh yeha I realize it was just your guess about what she may have been thinking, so I just wanted to point it out that it isn't LSI thinking. I wouldn't want to guess what her exact reasoning was instead though lol. Interesting what you say about your reaction to the Fi role, thanks. Were you exaggerating the constant misunderstandings?
I actually think she and I understood each other fairly well. She may have understood me more than I did her, though. I think she made a study of me, while I just went along for the ride and tried to make her happy.

I'm not sure what I meant by constant misunderstandings. We had different approaches to problems, which I guess could be interpreted as different understandings of the situation.

Mostly what bothered me about her was her drama, which I interpret as her need for Fe when I wasn't supplying enough of it. Sometimes she would do things which just shocked me. Needlessly reckless things. I'll PM you about that.