Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I am an LIE male and I dated an LSI female for two years. I think she was first attracted to me because I was kind to a person whom no one else liked.

I recognized her type immediately, knew that she'd be rational and easy to get along with, so I invited her out to dinner just to socialize. While we were sitting in the restaurant, she asked me what's my deal? I told her that I'm divorced and looking, but not looking for her. She got really insulted and said she felt like leaving the restaurant, but I said "Wait a minute. Don't tell me that you don't have a list of things you are looking for. If we got together, we'd like each other a lot, the sex would be terrific, and it would last three months."
While she's thinking about this, the check comes, she watches me pay it without blinking (it was a very nice restaurant) and she thinks, "This guy isn't cheap, he's not bad looking, and there's something about him (Mirage, if you were wondering). In three months, I think I can change his mind."
Well, it lasted two years because Mirage has its good points, but eventually the constant misunderstandings got to be too much for me and I ended it.
1. Her thinking isn't typical for LSI at all. It's typical NF thinking about changing the other person's mind about the relationship. It requires 1) confidence in Ethical area/manipulation of feelings 2) future/possibilities oriented Intuition. To me trying to do all this or even just considering to do it just would be *incredibly* stressful.
2. I would never choose someone just because they were able to pay a bill at a nice restaurant.
3. I didn't have *constant* misunderstandings with any LIE. Some but constant? No.

So yesterday, I was talking to this 31 year old LIE about business and how to make money and navigate the business world, and the talk got around to business vs home life and raising kids, and he said his wife is an airline pilot and makes a high income, so if they have kids, it is likely that he will become a house husband. Which he was OK with. He showed me a picture of himself and his wife. He looked deliriously happy and she VI'd LSI. (Hey, the sex and emotional support between LIE and LSI can be very, very good.)

Alarm bells started to go off in my head. I asked him if she's very logical and he said "Yes, how did you know?"
I asked him if she liked to go to the theater, and again he said yes.
Does she like it when you really show her how you feel about her, like when you really express your emotions?
Yes, again.
I said, "I had a GF like that for a while. She and I got along great emotionally, but we had a hard time agreeing on how to work together. Even on short term, daily projects, we clashed, to say nothing about trying to make long range plans."
"Yes! That's exactly how my wife and I are. We can't agree on anything. Not even something simple, like where we're going to eat."
I often couldn't easily agree with the LIE ex bf on where to eat lol, and a few other things, but in many other things we could agree. If you got along with this person great emotionally they were probably a Fi valuer.

Sure airline pilots tend to be Logical types. I think the stereotype for pilots is SLI.

Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
Dude every girl likes it when u open up and show ur emotions lol, also the "girls not knowing where to eat" bullshit is like a running gag in mens lockerroom talk community, but yea
I don't like it done in the Fi way so no, not every girl likes every way of showing feelings.

And Adam didn't post about girls not knowing where to eat.