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Thread: INTp-ESFp duality discussion and examples (ILI-SEE)

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    if we aren't, my inner nature comes out.
    Your inner nature = your type = INFp.

    Your type isn't the stereotype you identify with.

    You soaking up emotions, and then releasing them like you describe. Is typical of INFp's, they have IP-temperament. INFp's aren't ENFj's.

    i like the esfps, but my default mode of interactions is hateful.
    Default mode of interaction of an INTp would be unemotional and trying to get along with people they like. Despite how hateful they are. INFp's however are emotionally motivated.

    all of the esfps on this board are also fi subtypes
    No they are not. At least Hoodrat seems more like Se-subtype. And actually it's very inaccurate to try to claim any of them being of any subtype, we can't realistically be even certain about their type. To you types seem to be what you want them to be, not a matter of realistic observation. And then you make half-assed attempts at Ti to explain something with these false sub-typings.

    The ones you describe as "ESFp-se" are ESTp's. The ones you describe as "ESFp-fi" actually seemed more like ESFp-se, ESFp-fi are the ones who are comparitevely nicer and less likely to have fun at other people's expence. Both subtype ESFp's appear just as "dumb" if we speak of a generic person of some type.

    Your speaking about subtypes and attempt to explain something, is cop-out so you don't have to face the facts. Subtype difference's in reality won't make that much of difference in relationships, nowhere near to extent that you describe.

    This hyperawareness of my own negative tendencies (along with others) brings out their honest expression.
    That is Fe. INTp's are very little aware of their negative tendencies. And even more clueless about others.

    Vaguely, I consider everyone a killer.. where killing takes the form of different socially acceptable actions which lead to the subtle destruction of the world in favor of the self.
    Using word killer has only a emotional content and is an attempt to influence other peoples emotions. You are trying cause some kind of "uh oh he considers people to be KILLERS!"-reaction. I consider a person to be area of quark and fundamental force interactions, perceived as a person by another similar area

    Past observations have proven to me the more intelligent a person is, the more variant their personality.
    You consider them to more intelligent on what basis? I doubt that variance of personality has nothing to do with intelligence.

    This is true for ILI; and particularly the Ni subtype, where their internal perceptions are all that define their personality (they are unanchored by the external world.. they only look inside for what is real.. where inside means the consistency of what is outside).
    That's just as true to many other introverted types. INFp's included.

    Basically, ILIs are all pretty different from one another.
    Perhaps, but being the same or different isn't in the question here. But what functions you mostly use, are strong at, what you value and your intertype relations.

    With gamma, I get along extraordinarily with the perceiving subtype subquadra... with the judging subtypes, I am left with the impression they are in a delusional static state of opinion.
    That's what INFp could say, unlikely to how INTp would see it. As for INFp it's comparative & semi-dual (perceivers) VS supervisery & benefactory (judgers).

    I am also in the top .001 percent of the population in terms of intelligence.
    And still haven't learned to write well enough to even pass the required standards of Finnish high-schoolers? You just have delusions of grandeur.

    since you are actively trying to overthrow my self-typing via internet observations and a clearly self-centered understanding of the concept of ILI; most of which seems more socially oriented then theoretically oriented;
    Just more emotionality there, and very little factuality. You just jumped on those conclusions because you liked it better that way. As you should see, my claims are based on your consistent behaviour, and on how you describe yourself. Can't you see how well everything just clicks on you being INFp?

    If it was matter of some other function than Fe, I would agree that it's just matter of internet observations.

    Writing emotional long-winding posts, with unrealistic assumptions about the world based on your beliefs. Isn't going convince that you are Te-creative.
    Last edited by Warlord; 07-26-2008 at 05:56 PM.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    Your inner nature = your type = INFp.

    Your type isn't the stereotype you identify with.

    You soaking up emotions, and then releasing them like you describe. Is typical of INFp's, they have IP-temperament. INFp's aren't ENFj's.
    This had been my suspicion as well.
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