My best friend, in INFp, has a good friend who is ISFj. This friend of hers has a long-distance (about 70 miles) relationship with this comically ignorant guy who she has never met. The problem is that this guy is 23, and she is 16, so my friend and I both know that he will end up hurting her. He's the kind of guy that can't make it with girls his age, and so falls back on younger girls who are impressed by "older guys." That's not even half of it. He is a manipulative maniac who seems to consciously try to get jealous. When he heard about my INFps friend's sexual curiosity with other females, he became extremely worried that Kelly was trying to seduce her. Plus, he never met me, but when he heard a few jokes I made second hand, he wrote me off as some ignorant idiot that said ISFj should never talk to. He actively pried into her other relationships in order to weed out any potential competetion. LOL, what an transparent fool. The reason ISFj likes him is because he is 16, delusional, and likes the fake attention he gives her. They're both leeching off each other's insecurities.

Sorry for the length, but I wanted to fully explain myself. Ahywho, my INFp friend and I both agree that this can't go on. We don't trust this guy, and we know Christine (that's the ISFj) would be better off without him. Even though she is ISFj, I actually have gotten along rather well with her in the past, and I consider her a good friend. She has always liked me, and I think that sometime in the nest year I am going to attempt to seduce the hell out of her. Balls to there being some personality type I can't get a long with just because we were born that way.

I don't know why I bothered to make this topic, lol. Anyway, that's my plan.