Hopefully this stuff isn't just me.

"Wait, that doesn't make sense!"

<sarcasm>"___________" </sarcasm>

"I feel an emotion coming on... let's see, it seems to be a subset of nervous... hmm... worried? Not quite... fear? No? hmm... perhaps anticipation? Yes. Now is this positive anticipation or negative...? hmm..."

"Ack! That guy just touched me! He... I... That... uh... Searching for proper reaction....................................... [2 days later].....proper reaction found... hmm, too late I guess."

"Normal people are shallow. Shallow people are so obnoxious. Therefore normal people are obnoxious. ...*sigh* I wish I was normal."

"Why am I at this party? Where's the point to this? Oh, yeah, it's supposed to be fun...ooookkkaaayyyy, sure."

"If I do this they're going to think _____ about me." (does it anyway)

"I hate school; I know all this stuff already."

"I need to read _____."

"I really shouldn't stay up this late... I really shouldn't eat another brownie... I really should excercise... That settles it, I think I'll check my email."