correlation between fondness for kids and type? Or fondness for people who like kids?
i happen to think its very sweet when a guy is good with kids
i did just have a hormone induced period though.
correlation between fondness for kids and type? Or fondness for people who like kids?
i happen to think its very sweet when a guy is good with kids
i did just have a hormone induced period though.
I'd like to know this as well. I want more kids eventually, but my INTx husband doesn't like kids and I won't have them with him because of that and because the kid would have a higher than average chance of being autistic and a 50/50 chance of having a connective tissue disorder.
I don't like little kids but I like teenagers . . . we seem to get along very well . . . my children's friends and I that is. I tend to treat teens as adults and do not judge and criticize. I figure by the teen years they have to have some sense of right and wrong and know where their life is headed and anything I might add will be too little too late.
Little kids ask too much of my time and effort. It was different with my children though . . . I mean I loved and love them and they were planned and wanted. I rarely look at pics of other people's kids . . . and can't stand listening to all their wonderful accomplishments and having to pretend their so cute and all that BS. I can't stand my step-grandchildren . . . the screamin' little brats . . . but then I can't stand my step-children either so it goes hand in hand.
I hate being honest! INFp
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
I love kids up to the age of seven <- after that they become decrepit little fuckers, like undersized twenty-somethings. I don't mind the screaming. It's good for their voices. The running around is hella-fun too. Memories of my own childhood running out into the woods where some unforeseen disaster could befall me, looking for tadpoles in the filthy creek, climbing the lone apple tree in the town, jumping in three-foot piles of autumn leaves and five-foot mounds of snow. Good times! And for some reason, babies and toddlers tend to stare at me for long stretches of time when we're in the same room. It's throughly unnerving, but I think "What the hay. It's a baby!" But, yeah, kids are cool. Teenagers... well, I am one, lol.
I love all ages of kids and they love me. I love teaching kids things. I can just see the gears turning and it's so awesome. I also have a gift with troubled kids. There have been more than a few "problem" kids who listened to me when I asked them to do something. I have though of becoming a "big sister" but now is not the time.
Yeah, I just love seeing the world through the eyes of a child. I love seeing them make mental connections and I LOVE teaching them about how to treat people and respect themselve.
ISFPs are supposed to be good with kids. That's the MBTI ISFPs, though. But from what I've seen, it seems to be true.
When I was pregnant, before I was even showing, no matter where I went, every single kid or baby in the area would have his eyes glued to me. Kids always talk to me and look at me and stuff, but it was to a ridiculous extent when I was pregnant. Very interesting.
Just so everyone doesn't get the wrong impression that I bury every little kid I can get my hand on in the backyard . . . don't look in the basement . . . I would defend . . . and I have . . . any little kid from physical and/or mental abuse from their peers or parents. That anyone would ruin someone's self esteem will get them ripped if I know anything about it!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Hmm. I do love playing with kids. Teenagers I'll do ok but once they get bossy I can't do much as controling. Playing with kids make me feel like a kid so I tend to act like a kid with them also useful in helping them too. I don't want one of my own though. They are wounderful and sweet. As long don't have to change diapers I'm good.Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
REALLY?? That's both relieving and disconcerting at the same time. One one hand, at least I know I'm not hideous. On the other hand, that means that babies can discriminate based on outward appearance at a young age and that all those things about "don't just a book by its cover" are to undo something that is biologically inherent!Originally Posted by NFp-
I love MY kids! Other kids are OK - I am not a kid magnet but they don't stay away from me either.
I probably am a kid magnet, although it isn't intentional. Kids and pets always find me though. I adore my daughter and I'm fond of other kids, but it isn't a big thing for me - I don't seek them out.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.-Mark Twain
You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
Hey I'm a pet magnet, too. Especially cats!
Me too. They seem to know that I'm allergic and that I don't like them.Originally Posted by Herzblut
TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
"I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible
Me, too. It's creepy, having a strange cat rubbing itself up against your legs. Or when a strange dog comes running full pace, barking, wagging its tail and wanting to lick your face .
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
Dogs do that to everyone!Originally Posted by Darklord
Not when you walk on the other side of the road, with the dogs lying down inside their respective garage lair. The usual reaction seems to be, and I quote the Ikarran security cyborg from the Babylon 5 episode "Infection": "Protect."
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
You know, Darklord, you make me want to believe in science fiction just so you can get on your little space ship and fly away home.
Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, I detest science fiction but just about everything we know about our world was science fiction at one point in time and there's so much more to come. I just want to live long enough to see and know it all. Augh . . . what a dream. I really hope that's what the afterlife is all about . . . my idea of heaven!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
All the F types and animal lovers are going to hate me now, but I just read this in The Onion and found it absolutely hysterical. It's because I hate baby-talk, it isn't because I hate puppies (I don't).
Puppy Dies Adorable Death
October 26, 2005 | Issue 41•43
SOUTH BELOIT, IL—Three-month-old Lab-Dalmatian mix Smokey curled up into the sweetest little ball of fur you'd ever want to see and died of canine parvovirus in his owner's home Sunday. "Awww, look! Look at that!" said Smokey's former master, nurse practitioner Dieter Knast, who discovered the puppy's corpse. "Did puppums have severe dehydration? Who had a bacterial infection that caused septic shock? You did! You did! You're a little angel." Smokey's corpse is expected to remain under the radiator until it doesn't smell cute anymore.
TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
"I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible
I, ehm, think it's funny, too. The only difference might be that I feel guilty for finding it funny. :wink:
(On a sidenote: I watched Sin City with a bunch of people and the two ESFjs didn't like it. The INTj and I thought it was awesome! But I probably felt more guilty about liking it.)
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
― Anais Nin
Why, thank you! That's the best anybody has wished for me in a very long time :wink: .Originally Posted by Artemis
My idea of heaven, too. Except with the ability to interfere, of course. Travel around the universe at will, watching civilizations grow and prosper while sheltering them from doom until they are strong enough to do so themself... Ah, but that is probably just a stupid dream.Originally Posted by Artemis
You don't like SF? Hey, your loss. I absolutely love it. I watch, read or play it, and I see the possibilities and opportunities. I see what can happen and what can't, and then I dream of it.
And then I'm yanked down to the realk world again, and again I'm faced by the prospect of impending doom for humankind.
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
"My idea of heaven, too. Except with the ability to interfere, of course. Travel around the universe at will, watching civilizations grow and prosper while sheltering them from doom until they are strong enough to do so themself... Ah, but that is probably just a stupid dream."
There's this little thing called Astral Travel. I got out of my body once but didn't get very far. Haven't been able to do it since.
I love Paleo-indian cultures. I would love to be an invisible watcher and get inside their heads and know what they believe as far as faith and relgion. I dream of being a shaman.
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Maybe you could live in one of my caves! See day in the life of an entp thread!Originally Posted by Artemis