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and it said what Rocky said in another post, that I'm probably NeFi:
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************************** (34.6)
good use
introverted Sensing (Si) ******** (8.7)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************************** (46.7)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ******************************* (31.3)
good use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ****** (6.6)
introverted Thinking (Ti) ******************** (20.3)
poor use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************************************* (43.4)
excellent use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *********************************************** (48)
excellent use
So I have a couple of questions. In the summary it said I am NeFi, but I see that Fe and Se are also high. How is that related, and is that common?
Also, I want to get my husband (I think he's an ISTP) to take this test but I have a very hard time getting him to do this kind of thing because he thinks it's silly. I had him take one test but I had to read him the questions and he didn't really take it seriously and hardly answered. It did come up as ISTP but I would love to have a way of talking him into sitting and taking a test. Has anyone talked a skeptical spouse/SO into taking a test of this sort and, if so, HOW? It seems like it would be helpful to compare my type to his.