That entire film was so Gamma. Every
important character was in gamma except the baddies because baddies
don't have souls(SeFi). All the good guys stuck together and when they
split up there was always a ' I CAN'T LEAVE MY BUDDY BEHIND!!!'
situation going on. The good bots had rude, loud and tough( I'm not using right word here) humour.

The only possible ESFj/ESTj was the guy with the blue hummer. The main character = ENTj and his girlfriend some gamma SF. Optimus was all ISFj - all that talk about sacrific and defeating evil reaks of Fi.

Ontop of that the way the film was put togethter was very simular to the way Tarintino puts his films together (speech seems overly realisic or cheeky, music doesn't fade into the atmosphere of the film well, only the action scenes where any good, romantic/relationships scenes where sappy and puky), so I'm guess we have a ENTj director.