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The best explaination I can think of right now about typing people is to compare it to music. If you are a musician, then you can certainly listen to a song or a person singing and know what chords or notes are heard. Someone who has not spent their time studing music will have no idea or even recognize that diffrent chords exsist (they will know that everything is not the same, but won't be able to exaplin it). If you listen to music ALOT and practice an instrument, then you will be able to pick out the diffrent notes just by the way they sound (and this is a skill that many people have). It is exactly the same way with picking out a type. People who don't know socinics don't realize that everyone fits into one of 16 types (but we know that :wink: ). If you put some energy into noticing the little things about people (facial expressions, they way they hold themselves, their voice, mannerisms, movements, etc..) then you will be able to pick out certain types the way a musicain can pick out a note. With alot of work, you will start to notice alot of patterns, and typing people becomes almost secong nature. The only reason that some people don't see/accept this is that not as many people actually try and learn this skill as they do with things like music. It's not really any more difficult.