INTj: Steve and I are going to play D&D at his house with his sister and her friend. Want to... tag along? It's a fun game, dice-rolling aside.
ENTp: Yeah I want to go hang out with you and your one friend to play a video game without graphics or sound. Sounds like ass.
INTj: Hey, what the fuck's wrong with you?
ENTp: I don't know man. I'm depressed, I guess. I hate work and I have no drive. Plus I think I'm addicted to masturbation.
INTj: *long pause* So... maybe coming to Steve's with me will help you think more clearly... All you do is sit around after work.
ENTp: That's all YOU do.
INTj: ...Yeah, but...
ENTp: Look, is there going to be alcohol?
INTj: Uh... sure.
ENTp: Is Steve's sister hot?
INTj: She's cute. Hey, she's into Star Trek! She has those life-size stand-ups of the crew of TNG in her room. The WHOLE crew.
ENTp: *eyebrows perking* Excellent. Does steve smoke cron?
INTj: I'm trying to get him to break the habit... He needs to save his money, and I don't want you to get his sister to start smoking.
INTj: No, and she's the gullible kind... The kind you have no business being within five hundred feet of.
ENTp: Dude, are you telling me that there is a girl who is gullible, cute, into Star Trek, probably willing to smoke weed, and potentially willing to get drunk in a single night? How long have you been keeping this from me?
INTj: What the hell are you talking about? You're the biggest retard in just about the entire fucking world, do you know that?
ENTp: What don't I know? Anyway, at least I have more than one friend. Owned.
INTj: You have all the same bad habits as me. You're just better at acting like a normal person. I hope you enjoy all your friends that you have, because your bullshit is going to cause you to end up alone.
ENTp: I'm already alone... *clutches chest* on the inside. And it bad.
INTj: *supressing laughter* Shut up. Are you coming or not.
ENTp: I wish I were coming... baby.
INTj: *laughing* Shut the hell up!
ENTp: Hey, do you realize that we're of the opposite sex?
INTj: Holy crap, you're a dude!
ENTp: You're kinda hot. Want to have casual sex?
INTj: Yes.
ENTp: And a winner is me.