Thanks Steve, I appreciate that you pointed that out ...

I do not know why, but some people just have it out to wreck my reputation. I have actually been accused of plagerism before ... the first time I was accused of plagerizing an article that Dimitri Lytov wrote on Model-A, but that was before he added me as an author on his webpage and actually linked his site to the article I supposedly plagerized. People say that my computerized test is a joke and innacurate, but I never designed the test to be 100% accurate, as I feel that is a structure flaw in basically all internert test. People criticize the typed V.I pictures on my webpage, when in reality I personally know a good majority of them and have interacted with them over a good period of time, some for years. The typology and relationship descriptions I have literally based on my own personal experiences with atleast two of the varying types after comparing their similarities and diffrences in behaviour [totally an thing]. I am not sure how I can not make them sound like other descriptions, I am talking about the types after all and not making anything up. Does that mean I am plagerizing those also?

Anyhow, I honestly can not stop people from saying bad things about me, even after I take out much time and effort to create tools to help people correctly identify their own types. And People are welcome to appreciate my efforts, yet if they do they do and if they do not they do not. Everyone has that freedom of choice, I can not take that away.