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Thread: rmcnew has me almost convinced I'm ENTj/ENxj

  1. #1
    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Default rmcnew has me almost convinced I'm ENTj/ENxj

    Well it's a really long thread, but I'd love to hear some other perspectives also. I think only rocky has stopped over there.

    Cliff Notes

    • Used to test years ago as INTJ (MBTI), then INTP, then INFP, occasionally INFJ, and just didn't know what the hell I was anymore, and MBTI didn't seem to be able to explain it so I've been looking at socionics.

    • Am fairly convinced I may really be Extrovert, and that being an extrovert doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be very socially outgoing like I thought it did. rmcnew said he originally used to think he was an introvert also.

    • The Jack London ENTj profile really seemed to nail me more than any other profile there. I read almost every single N profile. The one thing I know I'm sure of is that I'm an N.

    • I know that relationship wise, my wife has to be a dual to me. We've been together 9 years, have had very few fights, things are settled quickly, and we appreciate each other's strengths and protect each other from our weaknesses. She previously tests as an ESTJ (MBTI) and a lot in that profile seemed to fit her, but maybe there was something missing. Just as INTJ (MBTI) really seemed to fit me, but there were inconsistencies here and there that becamse more apparent over time.

    • If I'm ENTj, a dual would be ISFj. I read rmcnew's ISFJ profile and it really seemed to nail her down just as ENTj seemed to nail me down. Going on vacation on Saturday and have a looooooooong flight, so I'm going to try to con/badger/bribe my wife into taking rmcnew's 320 question whopper test. She'll be bored out of her mind so I think she'll do it, although usually she has zero interest whatosever in psychology theory.

    • Hidden Agenda for an ENTj is which is to "become wealthy"? I guess I can sorta see this in me. Before I thought I was INTp and had Fi HA, but that just didn't feel right. Wealth brings independence and autonomy all of which are big NT values, and I think this might fit me a little bit better.

    • I've taken rmcnew's test 3 times. I don't really trust the first 2 results because I was under a ton of stress both personally and professionally at the time. Also, I've taken these tests enough times that I can pretty much come out however I want to, although on the latest results I did "try" to answer as honestly and true to myself as possible. I'm giving up on testing in favor of profiles and seeing how I relate to people though, which socionics covers. Knowing my wife is a dual to me and trying to see what her type is from that is a big key.

    • I do have some pretty strong at times, so perhaps I could be ENFj or ENxj. I've read ENFj and ENTj profiles and ENTj seems to fit me a lot better, although I do identify with a lot of NF traits. I think a conflict between Fe and Te could explain why I'm more socially reserved and "think" I'm an Introvert though. Te says I should say or do something, but Fe holds me back and says not to be rude, don't upset or offend people. Therefore I end up saying nothing and appear reserved in person. I've always been described as a very sensitive and caring person. On forums, it's "just the Internet" and not people I know personally in many cases, so Fe doesn't care as much and I'm much more expressive and outgoing, perhaps true to my extroverted self maybe?

    Anyways, I've been thinking about this a ton and not posting very much. rmcnew has given me lots to think about so special thanks to him, but would also love to hear other feedback and comments too. I think I'm going to "switch teams" over to socionics. :wink: I think I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and a lot of whats helped me get to this point has been through the stuff covered in socionics which I just haven't seen covered in MBTI.

    Thanks for any feedback here or over at

    - "probably" ENTj (with a strong dose of Fe)

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    If you're 100% positive that your wife is ISFJ, there is NO WAY you could be ENTp, 9 years with your Conflict partner? As if.
    ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    I know my wife is an SJ almost for sure. She fits almost all of the SJ temperament traits from Keirsey/MBTI more so than any other temperament.

    T/F is a close call but I really think she may be more of an F. The ISFj profile by rmcnew really seemed to describe her well, although he doesn't have an ESTj or ESFj profile up to compare with yet. E/I on her is up for debate though. She's definitely the more socially outgoing one between us, but I guess you can be a socially outgoing person and still be an introvert. I see lots of signs of introversion in her, just as I see lots of signs of extroversion in me.

    There are other possibilities, but ENTj/ISFj seems to make the most sense at this point.

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    From my experience with ISFJs they try to hide their F side and can often seem T, because they're not comfortable with their emotions and feelings. That's my experience, I was always trying to get her to open up about her emotions, express her feelings, etc. I guess that was my supervisor role kicking in?

    Don't worry. I'm over having something against ISFJs, I really am. But I believe it would be very easy to mistake one as T, but they all seem to match their profiles quite accurately. If you can live with an ISFJ for 9 years, I'd say it's a very good chance that you're ENTJ.
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeonMonk
    From my experience with ISFJs they try to hide their F side and can often seem T, because they're not comfortable with their emotions and feelings. That's my experience, I was always trying to get her to open up about her emotions, express her feelings, etc. I guess that was my supervisor role kicking in?

    Yes, that's her too! She does tend to "appear" T. She thinks she's a logical T (tested ESTJ, only slightly T though), her friends would most likely see her as a T, but really, I think she's really an F. Yes, when we were first dating she was very hesitant to share feelings on things and I had to drag things out of her. She has a very domineering ESTJ father and I think any expression of emotion was considered to be a weakness, and she learned to hide her emotions and not let them out as a result. She doesn't have too much of a problem expressing feelings now.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeonMonk
    Don't worry. I'm over having something against ISFJs, I really am. But I believe it would be very easy to mistake one as T, but they all seem to match their profiles quite accurately. If you can live with an ISFJ for 9 years, I'd say it's a very good chance that you're ENTJ.
    oh no worries, I don't get offended by that. There seems to be a lot of hatred for SJs on almost any MBTI/socionics forum I've been too, particularly from N's. I understand where a lot of it comes from (usually domineering parent SJs clashing with their N kids, or a boss at work). I haven't been jaded like that, or had an ex-SJ, but I know that other people have so I understand where they're coming from and why they feel the way they do. I guess that's my empathic at work.

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    Sigh, I've just had one (two) too many relationships with ISFJs. But I can't bring myself to hate them. It took me a long time to actually come to terms with the fact that some people just aren't compatible with me, no matter how hard I try. And my experience with ISFJs it got worse as I tried harder. One of my ISFJ exs is now with an ENTJ, and I'm really happy for her (not that I talk to her anymore, but I still hear things) and I wish the same for the other ISFJ. I think ISFJs have a lot of trouble finding someone who they can relax with. Who will understand their often seemingly destructive qualities, and work with them. So good luck to you both.

    You seem ENTJ to me, but then I've never professed any great talent for type identification, you'd be better off asking an ENTP or ISTP.
    ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
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    I must also corroborate your observation of ISFjs; all the ISFjs that I have known, ever, have behaved as such, ranging from my school-yard "pals" and my own father.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Yeah, my ISFj mom's exactly like that! She tested ESTJ for MBTI, and still thinks that she is a logical type. I guess I'll have to explain a little more about Socionics to her.
    heh, don't bother, unless she actually cares (not likely) or has some and is not very S. When I con my wife into taking rmcnew's test I'm not going to tell her the results or interpretation if it shows her to *not* be an ESTj which I'm almost sure she isn't now.

    My wife tested with only a weak Sensory preference and she does have a fair amount of Intuition in her, but for the most part she just doesn't care about this stuff, and I know not to push stuff on her that she really doesn't care about. :wink:

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    I mean, I'm an engineer, don't keep a notebook at all, and go into technical meetings without a thing in my hand and can spout off how something is performing, how it performed 2 weeks or 2 months ago, and what we're doing about it right now right off the top of my head most of the time. And I can give specific numbers. Remembering detailed data... hell yeah. There are other people there who keep meticulously detailed notebooks and anything you ask them they have to page through their notebook. And yes, I *can* recall memories or experiences so vividly that I feel like I'm reliving the experience. Sometimes I can recall a previous experience or emotion so strongly that it sends a tingle town my spine, or gives me a shiver. So I definitely have a fair amount of Si...
    No offense, but this doesn't sound xIE to me. More likely xLI (IxTP).

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I mean, I'm an engineer, don't keep a notebook at all, and go into technical meetings without a thing in my hand and can spout off how something is performing, how it performed 2 weeks or 2 months ago, and what we're doing about it right now right off the top of my head most of the time. And I can give specific numbers. Remembering detailed data... hell yeah. There are other people there who keep meticulously detailed notebooks and anything you ask them they have to page through their notebook. And yes, I *can* recall memories or experiences so vividly that I feel like I'm reliving the experience. Sometimes I can recall a previous experience or emotion so strongly that it sends a tingle town my spine, or gives me a shiver. So I definitely have a fair amount of Si...
    No offense, but this doesn't sound xIE to me. More likely xLI (IxTP).
    ah, good point and good catch.

    I think I was still a little confused on that function at that point and I also don't think I'm really recalling data the way somebody with strong Si would. As far as remembering detailed data goes, I don't think it's really just recalling the numbers themselves. With technical things, or things that can be measured that involve numbers, I can conceptualize how something performs or behaves using . Then if somebody wants an actual number, what I do is not recall the actual number or measurement, but rather recall the concept and model, and re-process in realtime. I understand something and create a model for it, remember one baseline reference number, and then I can recall other numbers based on what we did at a certain time all based on that concept and then the reference.

    For example, initial performance = -95 with issues. We did "this" and it got 2 better, we did "this" and it got 10 better. We did "that" and it got 5 worse. So I don't recall -97, -105, and -90. I recall the concept, the reference -95, and then the deltas from that. I think somebody using would remember those actual numbers and just spit them out, but I don't. I use and reprocess. It's a little slower, but it works, >90% of the time I'm very close (close enough).

    If I can't use a concept with Ni and numbers (Te?) then I'm pretty hopeless. I'm not sure what else would be considered data recall or Si, but with names of people, I'm horrible. Remembering street names I'm equally horrible. There are two parallel routes right next to each other where I live, 41 and 43, and I live off of one of them. I can NEVER remember which one it is that I live off of, 41 or 43. There's no concept, or I haven't created one intuitively that I could post-process, so I can't remember. Also, remembering routes on how to get to places. My wife (probably ISFj) can remember a complicated route on the first shot. We both joke that she's a "human GPS". OTOH, I usually need to take a complicated route a good 2, 3, or even 4 times in daylight hours to really be comfortable with it. I have a handheld Garmin GPS that's a GODSEND, lol. My wife can get by just fine without one though. I couldn't imagine possibly driving a taxi. I also remember when I was in grade school how I was just blown away that a teacher could remember the names of 25-30 students in a class in just a couple of days. I could go through the whole year and still not remember half of the kids. Of course, it's part of their job so they have to, but still...

    Maybe some of that is really (I'm still learning and getting a feel for which function does what exactly), but I just don't think either Se or Si are strong functions for me. They're definitely on the weaker side for me.

    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Steve, in that case I really do think you are ILI.

    Check these out:

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Steve, in that case I really do think you are ILI.

    Check these out:
    Nah, there isn't much that really clicks in that INTp description, nor in the description. Ditto on rmcnew's INTp profile. ENTj really really clicked though, as does ISFj for my wife.. T/F is still very close with me, but I'm definitely more of a J, so I'd have to have T or F as a dominant function.

    I know now why I "thought" I was a P/irrational. It's a little complex and I haven't had time to explain it, but I'm definitely a J. Basically what it comes down to was being forced into a schedule at work that I damn well knew wasn't going to work, and I hated it. I thought maybe that made me a P/irrational and that I was anti-schedule. But no, I'm pro-schedule/organization/focus, but just didn't agree with the schedule that was forced on us and didn't have any say or power to change it. And you know what? I was right... the schedule didn't work at all and it caused myself and others a ton of needless stress all summer long.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    ENTj / LIE it is!

    Well I'm back from vacation. Unfortunately no luck getting my wife to take mcnew's test, she was stonewalling me. hehe. She definitely has to be ISFj, the profile fits her like a glove, and functionally it all seems to work out too. The more I think about it and let it sink in, the more it just makes sense, as odd as it seemed at first.

    For me and ENTJ: Since going on vacation, I noticed that my Fe has just died out completely, and now I realize how much effort it really took to use that function and how unnatural it was for me. Fe is Role for an ENTj, and I think it really does just sorta try to go with the flow. Si PoLR I know this has to be weak, and yes I think I am very sensitive to criticism in this area. Dual seeking would be Fi. I think I do take criticism well here. I don't always know how I should feel about things, and am probably not the best at maintaining relationships except with my wife. The Hidden Agenda Se (to be wealthy or powerful?) also seems to fit. Not that I consciously crave either, but I want to make sure things are done as efficiently and effectively as possible, and if I'm in a leadership role I can make sure that that happens. I guess it makes sense. Over the summer I was in a situation that caused me great pain in that I KNEW the strategy wasn't going to work, yet I had no voice or say over any of it, and sure enough the strategy failed.

    I'd say INTj would be a close 2nd, ENTp 3rd, and INTp 4th.

    As for my wife and ISFj: Her Fi is always very strong and conscious. Whatever emotion she's feeling I almost always know about it, even if she isn't very expressive of it. I would say her Fe is probably subconscious. As for realization/creative, I'd say it's more Se. One of power, control, and authority. If she feels wronged, she'll plot revenge. An ISFj is one person you do NOT want to cross, LOL. She's also fiercely defensive of and protective of her family and closed loved ones. In theory, she would get offended or easily hurt/upset if slapped with some Ne in her PoLR. Definitely true. I can have a tendancy to do that and the results are never good. If I'm trying to win an argument, I have to use Te with her, which is her duel seeking / suggestive function where she's much more open and receptive of criticism and help. Good results if I use this. Even though she's more socially outgoing, her friends and social network tends to be smaller, her friends fewer, but relationships more meaningful, which points to introversion. Despite myself being socially introverted, I seem to be the one with a very wide range of aquaintences on broad subjects, but have far less meaning in those relationships than her. That and mcnew's ISFj profile really nailed her, and not the other SJ's.

    I'm sure maybe I'll find something in the future that'll give me 2nd thought, or that maybe somebody here will still disagree, but I'm convinced beyond a reasonable doubt now. It all just seems to click. Special thanks to rmcnew, rocky, a few that have PMed me some stuff, and anybody else that replied in my threads. Only took me 6 months but I think I've finally got it.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    In that case I geuss you need to change your name. Maybe something like, "StevLIE".

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  15. #15
    Creepy-ms k


    i still dont understand Si for some reason. What does it mean to be criticized in this area?

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    Jung's function: Introverted Sensing
    Socionics function: white sensing - sense - sensational sensorics
    physical relationships between processes taking place at same time and place - how they affect one’s inner state; physical sensations (sound, smell, etc.), how one feels, health, aesthetics

    Positive(short range):
    Pleasant sensations, comfort, convenience, harmony, beauty, appeal, rest, health, slackness, good state of health, pleasure, pleasure, sensitivity;

    Negative (long range):
    Unpleasant sensations, discomfort, inconvenience, disharmony, disgrace, unattractiveness, weariness, pressure, illness, bad state of health, suffering, pain.
    Hearing from my wife that I've inconvenienced her, created disharmony, or that I've done something that she considers a disgrace. And maybe health wise if she thinks I'm not taking care of myself, I "can be" very sensitive to that. At least that's how I interpret it.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    In that case I geuss you need to change your name. Maybe something like, "StevLIE".
    hmmm... yeah, not stevLIE though. haha

    Who do I PM around here for a screen name change, or should I just re-register.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
    16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship

  18. #18
    Creepy-marcus the maniac


    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
    I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
    I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...
    I don't think "critic" is the word for it.
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
    I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...
    .. he's not critisizing you. He's mad that you let some people think of you like this God of knowledge about socionics when you really shouldn't be considered an authority on this stuff. Like I said before, we have more of a "check and balance" around here, no one should be thought of any more than an amature. Some people, like waddlesworth, actually admit that...

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    There's the right way to criticize someone and then there's the wrong way; ie being an ass.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
    I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...
    .. he's not critisizing you. He's mad that you let some people think of you like this God of knowledge about socionics when you really shouldn't be considered an authority on this stuff. Like I said before, we have more of a "check and balance" around here, no one should be thought of any more than an amature. Some people, like waddlesworth, actually admit that...
    No, I think the others are right ... I think he is mad because I said that the description he made of himself was unreliable. Apparently some have not taken well the considerations I made with that statement.

  25. #25

    Default Re: rmcnew has me almost convinced I'm ENTj/ENxj


  26. #26
    Creepy-marcus the maniac


    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
    I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...
    .. he's not critisizing you. He's mad that you let some people think of you like this God of knowledge about socionics when you really shouldn't be considered an authority on this stuff. Like I said before, we have more of a "check and balance" around here, no one should be thought of any more than an amature. Some people, like waddlesworth, actually admit that...
    No, I think the others are right ... I think he is mad because I said that the description he made of himself was unreliable.

    No. Look at your own webpage. The most pathetic celebrity typing Ive ever seen. Just horrible. It KILLS your credibility.

    Your written profiles are all paraphrased and stolen material. You come up with nothing original. Your test is as accurate as SuperSoaker, and your perspectives on other types are "childish" at best.

    Like I said...youre the last person that should be convincing people of anything.

  27. #27
    Creepy-marcus the maniac


    LOL! I dont know if you personally came up with that nonsense, but the simple fact that you endorse it in your signature proves how unreliable YOU are at typing.


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    Billy Crystal Ethical-intuitive Intratim?

    Brad Pitt a rational?

    Evander Hollyfeild a rational??

    Robin Willams an ethic?

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  29. #29
    Creepy-marcus the maniac



    The guy has NO clue what he's talking about.

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    You're still an ass regardless of the truth or falsity of his statements.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    Rueben McNew is a McIdiot. He's the last person you should ever let convince you of anything.
    I still have critics ... isn't that nice ...
    .. he's not critisizing you. He's mad that you let some people think of you like this God of knowledge about socionics when you really shouldn't be considered an authority on this stuff. Like I said before, we have more of a "check and balance" around here, no one should be thought of any more than an amature. Some people, like waddlesworth, actually admit that...
    No, I think the others are right ... I think he is mad because I said that the description he made of himself was unreliable.

    No. Look at your own webpage. The most pathetic celebrity typing Ive ever seen. Just horrible. It KILLS your credibility.

    Your written profiles are all paraphrased and stolen material. You come up with nothing original. Your test is as accurate as SuperSoaker, and your perspectives on other types are "childish" at best.

    Like I said...youre the last person that should be convincing people of anything.
    Whatever floats your boat, now why do you not go and make a professional looking webpage about what you think about my efforts and shut up. Otherwise, you are just looking like an ass, and those sort of people are not taken very seriously anyhow. In any case, feel free to dig yourself in deeper. Absolutly no skin off of my back.

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    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    oh wow a pissing match.

    Well lets see, I believe it was mcnew that "suggested" that he thought I might really be an extrovert when I had always tested as and seen myself as an introvert all my life. And it turns out he's most likely right on that, and it was a big key. He was also the one that questioned my wife's type of ESTJ, and that maybe she had mistyped herself just as I had and maybe she was actually something else. And it turned out he was right on that one too, and that was a huge key as well. He's the one with a 330+ question test, which is by far the most comprehensive FREE test I've seen on the Internet and provides by far more information than any other one out there. Turned out those quick 60-70 question tests from other sites are far less accurate because they don't check for biases or functional preferences like mcnew's test does. He has many of his own profiles written, and say what you will of them but the ISFj one reminded me of my wife so much that it was scary. He has tons of useful charts put together and other analysis, and articles, etc. And I see links to his site from the Lytovs at who are professional psychologists with published articles. If they thought his stuff was a bunch of BS do you think they would be linking to his site? I don't think so.

    You coming on here and in essence calling mcnew a "poo poo head" means nothing to me. You disagree and think a lot of his stuff is dumb, but don't say why. There is no substance whatsoever to your posts and nothing whatsover that gives me any reason to take you even the least bit seriously either.

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    Thanks Steve, I appreciate that you pointed that out ...

    I do not know why, but some people just have it out to wreck my reputation. I have actually been accused of plagerism before ... the first time I was accused of plagerizing an article that Dimitri Lytov wrote on Model-A, but that was before he added me as an author on his webpage and actually linked his site to the article I supposedly plagerized. People say that my computerized test is a joke and innacurate, but I never designed the test to be 100% accurate, as I feel that is a structure flaw in basically all internert test. People criticize the typed V.I pictures on my webpage, when in reality I personally know a good majority of them and have interacted with them over a good period of time, some for years. The typology and relationship descriptions I have literally based on my own personal experiences with atleast two of the varying types after comparing their similarities and diffrences in behaviour [totally an thing]. I am not sure how I can not make them sound like other descriptions, I am talking about the types after all and not making anything up. Does that mean I am plagerizing those also?

    Anyhow, I honestly can not stop people from saying bad things about me, even after I take out much time and effort to create tools to help people correctly identify their own types. And People are welcome to appreciate my efforts, yet if they do they do and if they do not they do not. Everyone has that freedom of choice, I can not take that away.

  34. #34
    Creepy-marcus the maniac


    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    Whatever floats your boat, now why do you not go and make a professional looking webpage about what you think about my efforts and shut up. Otherwise, you are just looking like an ass, and those sort of people are not taken very seriously anyhow. In any case, feel free to dig yourself in deeper. Absolutly no skin off of my back.
    LOL! I Dont care if a webpage looks professional or amatuer. Fact of the matter is the CONTENT is ridiculously stupid. And I dont care if I'm an ass. I'm telling you how it is, son.

  35. #35
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    Well, I fully agree with Steve since I went through a similar process, also helped by rmcnew (and Hugo) -- as far as the webpage goes, even if it's not 100% accurate it's far from being "ridiculously stupid".
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  36. #36
    Creepy-marcus the maniac


    The website is counter-productive.

    Sites are supposed to be helping people identify the types, but instead his page is confusing them more and more.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    The website is counter-productive.

    Sites are supposed to be helping people identify the types, but instead his page is confusing them more and more.
    Which just shows that you missed the point. No online test or profile is perfect. They can also be misleading, making people believe they're the wrong type.

    His test, by focusing on individual functions, helps to double-check whether it's likely or not that you are a certain type, helped by individual questions in the forum.

    That would only be "confusing" or "counter-productive" to people who want quick and easy answers as to their type, and don't want to think about it afterwards. Such people are also likely to believe they're the wrong type.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    LOL! I Dont care if a webpage looks professional or amatuer. Fact of the matter is the CONTENT is ridiculously stupid. And I dont care if I'm an ass. I'm telling you how it is, son.
    It must be troll season again ...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    The website is counter-productive.

    Sites are supposed to be helping people identify the types, but instead his page is confusing them more and more.
    I think that this input is fair and I'm sure alot of people are thinking the same thing about it.

  40. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by waddles
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus the maniac
    The website is counter-productive.

    Sites are supposed to be helping people identify the types, but instead his page is confusing them more and more.
    I think that this input is fair and I'm sure alot of people are thinking the same thing about it.
    True though it may be it could have been handed forth in a far more mature manner. Without the name calling no?

    Try to say things in a more stoic manner and you might be taken seriously Marcus.

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