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Thread: Is Ne really an introverted function?

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    Default Is Ne really an introverted function?

    seems to relate to producing ideas, which possibly leads to absent mindedness. So how can be an extroverted function?

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    I dunno.
    But if it isn't, my type is pretty screwed .

    With Ne as an Introverted function?

    There'd be only one good thing about it:
    The INTj would be equally screwed .

    Let's see...

    Ne focuses on the outer world, on the "big picture" of what is happening outside of the self. This leads into space battles and theories of the Big Bang, but also leads the mind away from the current physical location of its nexus.
    Ne was the one that stood on the inside of the sphere looking out, wasn't it? It is directed outwards, but located within.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

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    Ne focuses on the outer world
    So does which is supposed to be an introverted function.

  4. #4

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    Extraverted functions don't require you to focus inward when using them. When you use introverted functions you have to sorta ignore the external world and drift inward (so no one can be talking to you at the time). Ne on the other hand you can space out but its not an inward transition. Spaced out people can carry conversations without problems, they are just more relaxed.

    What a great replacement for a nany

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slava
    Extraverted functions don't require you to focus inward when using them. When you use introverted functions you have to sorta ignore the external world and drift inward (so no one can be talking to you at the time). Ne on the other hand you can space out but its not an inward transition. Spaced out people can carry conversations without problems, they are just more relaxed.
    I dont think thats quite it

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Default Re: Is Ne really an introverted function

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    seems to relate to producing ideas, which possibly leads to absent mindedness. So how can be an extroverted function?
    is more an unsorted library of potential ideas. They'll be sorted out differently depending on the use of the other functions (Mainly the creative function though, other functions might have more to do with motives than actual idea sorting.).

    An analogy to differentiate for example an INTj and an ENTp could go like this:

    INTj: Their is a sorted library with books collected in the a room called room, where there are many of them, the books represent potential information, abstract or not. An INTj will then take them depending on their needs and preferences and carefully put them in it's assigned place in the library according to his prefered classification system (Which he designed prior filling his library). So there is classification (according to internal principles because it's an introverted function), and only then there is information (objective information from the outside world filling the library depending on the introverted judging function).

    ENTp: Their is a room full of books filled with potential information and they use to sort it out in such a way that it makes sense to them, either that be alphabetically, or by genre, or any other category, it depends on how well they "feel" about it, and their libraries can have many shapes in such a way that it makes the same book fit in the right place in many categories at once (This is actually the ENTp life challenge). So he firstly has information (Which he only contemplates), and only then comes classification (Using his introverted creative function).

    With this example we can see that what makes seem like an introverted function is partly the constant introverted judging that needs to be processed to it. This is due to it's lack of subjectivity (Not it's absence necessarily). is as naive as a mathematical formula, as it will consider what it's told without any discrimination, is like a photograph of the individual's perceived reality. It's not like the actual picture but like the action of voluntarily taking a photograph (Don't forget it's an extraverted function) and the picture is the "introverted material" it leaves to the introverted judging function. The problem with this naive, plain, picture is that since it depicts so many aspect, the only ink that can correctly draw it's every represented relation is an abstract ink. So we have a lack of subjectivity that means two things: a) A judging process is absolutely needed. b) The information depicted will be abstract. Let's put it in one statement: Abstract thoughts always have to occur using an introverted function. How would you toy with abstract things else than with your mind anyway? And toying with your mind means using an introverted function. Thats what you get for having an extraverted function constantly giving you a huge amount of abstract information: a voice inside your head always have to tell you what you should do with it or else you go nuts the same way as when you extensively use your brain on something you don't understand, like reading a book in a language you don't know. Both ENFps and ENTps do this, only the former judges using , the latter with .

    Now i may have forgotten things, and i'm aware some links were not clearly stated but i tried to write in such a way that at some place in the text, it says that A+B=X+Y=A+X=B+Y=C (Ok, maybe it doesn't "say" but "implies"...).

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    Default Re: Is Ne really an introverted function

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    seems to relate to producing ideas, which possibly leads to absent mindedness. So how can be an extroverted function?
    Perhaps you should ask an ENTp, I do make regular use of this function and have a conscious awareness I am using it.

    is basically just looking at people, understanding what they believe, and collecting their beliefs to form a non-judgemental and non-biased picture of the totality of the beliefs, even if they conflict.

    Add into there, and you can discern the strengths and weaknesses of the varying beliefs. This is why ENTps are so good at making arguments and at convincing other people of what they themselves believe.

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