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Thread: translation blues?

  1. #1

    Default translation blues?

    Just got a full version of Systran...

    If you find a site that's too large for the free online translators send me a link or just post it here and I can take care of it for you. Anything beyond plain text you'll need to give me an address to send to since we can't post html here.

    I won't personally transliterate or select correct multiple meanings unless it's something that interrests me... But even still the translation will probably be a little better than Babelfish does.

  2. #2
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  3. #3


    I was actually thinking more like individual pages or articles. That sites pretty big- Can you be a little more specific about what your looking for? Function descriptions? Type descriptions?

    Sorry, translating an entire website is a little beyond my motivation level... LOL

    If your really desperate though PM me with an email address and I'll send you a ZIP of all the index pages translated so you can pick and choose what you want.

  4. #4


    here's a little taste though, I just picked some type descriptions at random... They've got tons more

    SELECTOR (Don Quixote, ENTP)
    1. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    The prospect of new ideas and projects sees well. It is interested by all in the hope of in a row finding out anything unique. Rapidly it refuses those ideas, which proved to be hopeless, and it is thrown to something new. It has different interests. Frequently its entrainments are in no way connected with the basic work. It is attempted to gather all discoveries and innovations on it the problem interesting. It generates daring, alternative ideas on any question, with which for it it only is necessary to contend. It does not transfer rutins also of the fetters of traditions. If the work, by which it is forced to be occupied, it does not carry off, will attach to it completely new turnover. It can propose the great number of applications to invention or to discovery. It is persistent and expansive in the dissemination of its own developments. In order to catch fire by idea, it must make its “its”.

    2. L of — the structured logic
    It attempts to study and to explain complex objectives or phenomena, on which there does not exist well-defined concepts or logical theories. The interdependence of different schemes or structures clarifies. It compares different systems between themselves. If idea not does " set” into the comprised by it resulting scheme, then it is capable to change and to give it then so that it nevertheless would be entered in the necessary framework. Any problem it analyzes complexly, from several sides. It explains, in what cases works that or by something different its aspect. Is collected its structure as in the designer, from the finished component parts. Interesting observations or consideration it links with its own theory. It attempts to find out the uniform explanation to heterogeneous phenomena. To it it is important to find out the cause-effect connections between the quotient and the general.

    3. F of — power [sensorika]
    According to the nature of [neagressiven], but their mode of life and their theories is capable to deposit very actively. To the attempt to subordinate itself to unjustified, from its point of view, limitations it reacts very stormily. If we to it exert power pressure, [tutzhe] passes into the short, but the strong, counterattack. In this case so it is stimulated, which to the period loses control over its behavior. During the conversation it tries to take possession of entire attention of collocutor. In this case strongly it gesticulates, speaks in loud vote, worthite in the hands any object or it touches the collocutor. Although it can answer the deserted call, prolonged competition it will not take out, since forces do not be sufficient to hold themselves in the mobilized state. Therefore it avoids straight rivalry.

    4. R of — the ethics of relations
    With the people it associates on the short psychological distance. Relations are evaluated according to the degree of their democratism. The less the formalism and ceremonies, the for it better. It is completely inconsistent with respect to its native or friends. First it is democratic to the familiarity, then it is suddenly unbleached and inaccessible as with the strange people. People, which to it turn for help, it can render this aid unselfishly. To it it is very difficult to spoil relations, refusing to man the contact. It feels his connectedness by relations. Without being constrained, it shares with its surrounding personal problems. It is inclined to consider the characteristics of the behavior of people or their mode of life.

    5. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    Frequently it is acted unsure of the appraisal of the physical qualities of objects. It scrutinizes everything, sniffs, it feels. In order to feel the taste of food or beverages, it needs their significant dose. Its tone is supported with external stimulators. In the first place its own conveniences are placed. It easily expends, without a moment's hesitation about the reserves. Does not turn attention by an order around itself. Are left objects it, where them put to use, and it then for long seeks them. It is interested in questions of diseases and health. After falling ill, it assumes the increased doses of treatment, seeks radical methods. However, it is not occupied by daily prophylaxis. Exterior view is frequently careless. Badly it carries clothing, it in it rapidly is worn. It does not love changes in the customary for itself circumstances in the room. It is conservative in the tastes and the household habits.

    6. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    Loves companies, parties, emotional contact. Without the injection by positive emotions for long it is in the lazy apathetic state. It is always ready to the stormy exchange of opinions, interesting dispute. The emotion it answers emotion; therefore it is important not to [peredozirovat] the degree of involvement, otherwise in the gust of inspiration forgets the benchmark of disagreements. In the emotional excited state he speaks rapidly and confused. Thoughts begin to pass their expression with words. Speech from this becomes indiscriminate. In it there are very sharp drops in the mood, noise, humor, cheerfulness they are changed by depression and unsociability.

    7. T of — the intuition of the time
    Constantly tracks existing it stored up time. Other people are adapted, but itself manages its and strange time it in the manner that considers it necessary. Frequently it is late or forgets about his promises to make anything to the assigned period. First is too fussy, then is stressed by leisurely. The average rate of vital activity adjust it cannot. It lives by its understanding of time. Has the tendency to consider questions of interest to him in time inappropriate for others. But itself to listen to that which to it seems belated, will not become. It predicts rather well the basic tendencies of events, since it leans on their past course. It is interested in catastrophes, natural calamities, mass loss of people and in other [sudbonosnymi] events.

    8. P of — the business logic
    It manages well the technology of parallel activities. It knows how to carry out several heterogeneous processes simultaneously. The maximum of functions attempts to combine. In the money- owner's sphere although it develops resourcefulness and keenness, [zatevaet] too many works immediately, in order to follow after them. Because of this it suffers from the incompletness, [nerezultativnosti]. It loves to [pokomandovat] in the work, to give out commissions. The objectives of the effects, which it could move at its discretion, are necessary to it. From the small work in it emerges large, that requires for its realization of great the power consumption. It immediately tests practically the obtained ideas. Excellent experimenter and repairman of unique equipment is effective in the area of new technology.

    1. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    Men of customary pleasures and simple everyday happiness. Greatly it is considered habits and conveniences in those surrounding. Does not violate strange rest. It always worries about the health and a good health its and its close ones. It surrounds itself by pleasant details. It dresses simply and with the taste. It rejects extremities in the exterior view. He tries to be held in the shadow, it is not allotted neither to the side of the good nor to the side delaying. It will get along with all, since it knows how to occupy the position of the golden mean. The world of things is studied. It loves to take object in the hands, to touch it, to feel its physical qualities. It for a long time memorizes sensations. It easily manipulates by objects, seeking that which to it is usual.

    2. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    The reasons for human emotions are understood. He knows, as to cheer up or to anger one or other man or another. In the contact of nonformal nature it is invariably friendly, demonstrates optimism. It loves to be enjoyed in the close to the circle of friends. It attempts to cheer up those surrounding by jokes, hints, drawings. Its thoughts are directed toward the ways of obtaining the positive emotions. It does not interfere in the disputes, the disagreements of the clearing up of relations, since he wishes to live in the world with all. From the center of conflict it is held on the safe distance. It collects and shares with familiar different rumors, gossips, sensational and simply curious information. It is always in the course of the secular chronicle item of its circle.

    3. T of — the intuition of the time
    It forces itself to be leisurely, measured off and smooth. In the contact with the people it does not feel sorry time, it knows how to extend pleasures. It does not love people of hasty, eternally hurrying. It remembers well the holiday dates of its relatives and familiar. He does not forget to in proper time congratulate them. Time usually works on it: which did not succeed for it now, then it will make up in the future. It does not love itself to link with periods, it is not characterized by punctuality. Everything are done at th rate e convenient for itself. It will always find reasons to its delays. Final decision deposits to the last minute. Inwardly sufficiently variable and varying himself man. It must be pushed so that it in proper time would begin and would be put in time.

    4. P of — the business logic
    Efficiently it works, if people await from it help. Greatly it requires so that its efforts would note and would value. If we it do not praise, not to note the results of work by positive relation, inwardly greatly it will offend, although this it will not show. Economic man. With the pleasure it is occupied by supply, construction of rooms. Especially he tries before the checks or the arrival of guests. It solves matters of business through its friends and familiar. Is the more enterprising, the greater the quantity of connections winds. However, natural laziness limits a increase in its contacts. Those of them, which yield use to it are supported in essence. It is very tied to its work, type of works. To it it is heavy to vary professions, to violate the customary, worked out rhythm of labor.

    5. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    It heavily transfers uniformity and monotonicity. The alternatives of dull daily activity, possibility of selection are necessary to it. Pleasure is received, if the emergence from the irredundant, it would seem, hopeless situation finds out. It draws contact with the unusual people, which it is many ideas and daring sentences have. People dull, gray strain it. It will try to avoid their society. It is resourceful and quick in the preparation of food or the formulation of dwelling. It loves to [poeksperimentirovat] in this the field, to devise anything its. Tolerantly it relates to the cranks, the inventors, generally to people “not from the world this”. It relates to them as to the children, worrying about them and leniently pardoning their trick.

    6. L of — the structured logic
    It badly accepts confused information. It it puts together to sense, spoils mood. It pleases itself it, when concrete phenomena are linked with the general conformity with the laies. Its mood is raised from the realization of its necessity, that it cannot be been bridged without it. It loves to correspond to reserved to it to place. It is activated, if we before it place precise goal, to explain direction of motion. Of the ways of achievement of the objective it will find out itself. To it are not necessary “bare” facts, instructions, elucidations. The main thing so that the system would please itself it, were caused emotions. Then it becomes assembled and organized.

    7. F power [sensorika]
    It depends on that how forces in the concrete situation established, will be foreseen rather well possible aggression, disruption of equilibrium, loss of stability. Critically it relates to the people flaccid, inert, which be in the apathy. It knows how to untwist them, to activate, calling to the decisive and quick actions. Sensitively it reacts to the volitional pressure. In the rough, power circumstances it behaves with the analogous degree of aggressiveness. It will not make it possible on itself to drive, to abuse by its reasonable nature. He knows, when it is necessary to press, and when to [popustit]. However, to control by people he does not attempt. Burden of authority for it too severe a load. To it it is sufficient ability to be located its own interests.

    8. R of — the ethics of relations
    In relations with the people, which it please themselves and answer reciprocity, it is very attentive and obliging. Its sympathies it demonstrates not in a word, but by work. To it it is inconvenient something to request or to attain for itself. On the request of other people it can make much more. In this case itself also it will not offend. So that the work would go, it should catch, who relates well to it. Remaining — the work of technology. Alertness, bad relation deprive its fitness for workes. Good intermediary in the deals, the commercial operations. It knows how to propagate commodity according to the nonformal connections. Relations in it are tightly interlaced with the matters of business.

    1. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    Its strong side of — emotional influence on the people. Developing stormy, sharp emotions, it can attain much. Surrounding it is not easy to maintain its emotional pressure. It distinguishes well, in what mood the collocutor is situated. It knows how to raise mood to itself and by others. Optimist, the faith in the success attempts to move by his close one. It is very sociable, easily it goes to the contact. With the pleasure he tells about his connections, familiar, relatives. Although the aim is high social status, it can to them endow into the name of family. Good organizer of leisure and solemn actions in its to circle. It tracks so that all it would be interestingly, it involves those invited into the general conversation. It does not love skeptics and isolating.

    2. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    It is very thoughtful with respect to its native and close ones. It is attentive and responsive, it is a guardian people of patients and impracticable. He understands, what help is necessary for whom. Simply for good relation it will not begin to help. The guests assume with the pleasure. It loves holiday celebratory meals and entertainments. He knows, whom to invite as itself news, that tax in order to leave necessary impression about itself. It is practical in private life. It knows how to create cosiness from the fact that there is under the hands. Rapidly it [obustroitsja] at the new place. It gets rid of the excess things, which it sells or simply gives. Has nagging esthetic taste. The harmony of the exterior view of those surrounding analyzes. Itself dresses [produmanno], it combines well the different components of dress.

    3. P of — the business logic
    It forces itself to be enterprising and active in the business sphere. Much moves, it [zatevaet] different deals. Greatly it offends, if they consider it unbusinesslike, unimportant man. It is sufficiently fussy and scattered. Frequently is overloaded itself by works, from what strongly it overstrains. Work is punched into the front, by several approaches. In the life in all attains itself, without designing for the help of others. The impression of adroit, quick man is carried out. Itself usually adds itself to the impracticable people, since visible result is given to it dearly. Work is executed rapidly, but it loves so that it in this case by anything they would help. Apprentice for the petty commissions is necessary to it. Several interconnected works attempt to execute simultaneously, at one stroke.

    4. T of — the intuition of the time
    Time badly is counted. On the necessary work frequently it starts in the last minute, than it dooms itself to the disastrous hurry. It values those people, which prevent it about that, how long it remained in the reserve. For long it varies to before make the cardinal, influencing fate decision. It remembers its past errors, but it enters not according to the practical experience, but on the subjective predilections. It suppresses in itself the presentiments of misfortunes and misfortunes. Itself to the positive outcome is adjusted. Because of this its many hopes and expectations suffer break-up. It is impatient, it does not love to await. It does not respect those, who be late, much philosophizes, [tranzhirja] precious time.

    5. L of — the structured logic
    It feels itself peacefully and confidently, when all around order, system, there are no unclear questions. Complex information interprets if and only if it it presents in the clearly structured form. A feeling of duty is inherent in it. Responsibly it relates to the commissions, it cannot be weakened, if something did not make as placed. Its relations are built on the confidence. It does not love to prove, to chew, to reiterate on [mnogu] of times. It awaits from of surrounding understandings its problems and concerns. The objective, impartial analysis of imbroglio damps it. However, that to make concretely, it will find itself. It seeks the system of the rational organization of way of life and sanitation. Feeling well its body, it attempts to find method as to avoid disease or to hide deficiencies in the figure.

    6. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    New, long-range promising beginnings willingly are supported. The alternatives, which wake its enthusiasm, are necessary to it, they stimulate to the dynamism. Greatly it is glad, when its abilities and energy find use. The state of the inability to make anything greatly suppresses it. It needs its efforts noting and would encourage. Is lent emotional support to people, which go by their path, which does not coincide with the beaten road. Itself can catch fire by idea and independently punch it. Greatly he wishes to be to someone necessary. It proposes many ideas in the organization of holidays, celebrations, actions, presentations, advertizing operating periods and the like avoids templates, customary vulgarity.

    7. R of — the ethics of relations
    Relations between the people critically are rated. Openly condemns roughness and caddishness. It requires attentive, correct relation to itself. It loves to teach people the ethics of — of politeness, good manners. With the people it is always held on the close distance. It does not love haughtiness, [napyshchennosti] and affectation, although itself attempts to create the image of aristocratic good breeding. It is angered, when with it they enter into the arguings. It tries to shame, to cause feeling of guilt. If admonitions do not act, it can [poskandalit]. It does not suffer, when they talk condescendingly with it. It is characterized by a morbid feeling of validity. It tracks the fact so that no one would be offended, bridged with attention. For the close ones it can go to any adventures.

    8. F of — power [sensorika]
    In the business relations it is persistent and it is sufficiently nagging, if people enter not in the manner that to it it seems correct, it will constantly call to mind, not leave them at rest, until it attains its. Very autonomous and independent in the work man. It knows how to be located its interests. It will not let go its profit. It is initiative-taking. It constantly pushes people to the business activity. It tries to lead their behavior. Sluggishness, cessations in its work irritate. Nothing it buys provided as. It goal-directed seeks commodity or seller. Purchases make rapidly, but it always tracks so that the thing would correspond to its price.

    ANALYST ([Robesper], INTJ)
    1. L of — the structured logic
    It knows how to logically and convincingly present its thoughts. Are built schemes and concepts, it is clearly separated the main thing from the secondary. After working out general system, it defines concretely it, approaches practice. Clean theoretization, philosophizing, the taken from the life reasonings of — not for it. The correctness of system is determined on its internal logical consistency. It easily alters the formal framework of system. It prefers the compact, maximally compressed information, although it can develop it to the necessary capacity. It sees well the possibilities of systems, formal models and concepts. It gives objective, frequently impartial evaluation to their potential. Detail knows how to link with whole.

    2. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    It attempts to improve or to supplement any theory or development. Alternative ideas do not escape from its attention. It persistently completes the passed teams it of the system interesting. It possesses capability for a generation of ideas, a brainstorm. It thinks very independently. After being dismantled in the problem, it puts forth fundamentally new decisions. Ideas to it come intuitively — on the guess. Logic for it only the way of the formulation of the intuitively obtained information. It is capable to be dismantled at the intricate, unclear problem. It will intuitively find out the concealed interdependences. A deficiency in the facts will be replaced with imagination. Increasingly more deeply it penetrates the subject of research.

    3. R of — the ethics of relations
    Reticent man. To it it is very difficult to adjust relations with the people. Is strained above itself in order to behave affably, to come into close contact. It hides its personal life from the alien. It does not love unasked guests, it does not know how to occupy them. In the contact it is very cautious. Conversation supports if and only if it it concerns those meant for it by the fact. It values already established relations. It firmly retains that system of relations, with which [svyksja]. It will not begin to tear fixed relations, but also it will not be caught for relations, which eliminated themselves. It is indifferent to the criticism from the side. It does not fear negative relation to itself. It is inwardly jammed with the unknown or incomprehensible to it people, he does not feel as itself with them news.

    4. F of — power [sensorika]
    Relations between the people are evaluated according to the degree of their ease and not constraint. The aim is affine, democratic ratios. Severe, strained relations select in it forces, they make with passive. Soft and gentle man, does not possess penetrating power. The sharp need for independence, territorial self-reliance is felt. It does not know how to subordinate people, it badly deposits its daily interests. In the critical situations it is indecisive and [nerazvorotliv]. Although retains the composure, it needs prompt, that also as to make. Ignores violence, power pressure. It is very balanced and sustained. From it it is not possible to attain nothing by constraint.

    5. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    It weaken and damp friendliness, positive emotions. It [otklikaetsja] with the pleasure on them, it becomes sociable and ingenious. It attempts to obtain to close people happiness. It is affable on the close distance of oars. Its optimistic attitude transmits to partner. If emotions are negative, then it [otklikaetsja] on them it if and only if considers it their substantiated. In the opposite case it removes or tries to extinguish them by logical analysis. It includes its inherent emotions, only when it passes to the close distance or feels itself in the customary, mastered circumstances. Otherwise behaves coldly and [otstranenno].

    6. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    It is in private life modest, agreeable to be satisfied by the minimum of conveniences. However, the efficient concern about its health and comfort raises structure, adjusts to the optimistic harmony. When its household and material problems are solved, its energy increases — it starts for the solution of those problems, which were postponed until the better time. It attempts to dress harmoniously, without the pretentiousness and the artificial adornments. However, its style finds not immediately. It feels itself uncomfortably, if it is dressed in a nonfunctionally, unbecoming for the situation manner. When discomfort for long surrounds it, this it conducts to the accumulation of negative emotions. In the course of time its patience can break, a., which formed a deposit by boiling " splash out outside.

    7. P of — the business logic
    The prospects of new undertakings and enterprises are rated well. It advises, as to adjust unusual daring work, that it is necessary to undertake for its success. However, itself by business and enterprise is not characterized by. It varies in the business activity, for long he thinks to something being decided before. Therefore first it is too cautious and inactive, then, on the contrary, suddenly goes to the risk, hoping for the transportation. In actual labor first it is thorough and it makes more precise everything, then it hurries faster to finish it and to begin the following work. Its damp result does not confuse: if must, subsequently it is returned ago and it will alter. In it the area interesting he wishes to know, as people act, on which technology they work. On the basis of this information it decides how to act very. But it rapidly loses the acquired work habits.

    8. T of — the intuition of the time
    It feels his dependence on the lapse of time. It comes in time to the meetings and the actions. It is proud of its punctuality and organization. It knows how so to design its forces in order to finish precisely the planned work to the assigned period. However, at the beginning work usually it begins with the retardation; therefore nearer toward the end accelerates, because of what the capacity or the quality of work suffers. It seeks such methods of labor, which make it possible to economize time. Greatly it does not love, when time is spent uselessly. It prevents about its employment, about the presence of the set of the works, which cannot be put off. Above it rules the fate, which it cannot fracture. Only those works in it succeed, which it begins in proper time. It rapidly forgets past failures, but also from the future not nothing good.

    TEACHER (Hamlet, ENFJ)
    1. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    It manages the wide set of emotional states. Dramatic emotions rapidly pass into the comic or are interwoven with them. However, with the alien it can conduct peacefully, also, with the value. It is provided by the gift of the emotional sympathy of — of empathy. It survives the emotions of another man as its inherent. Overflow by negative emotions frequently leads to the mental interruptions. It is indicative in the mimicry, the gestures, the view, the intonations and other emotional signals. Good actor or speaker. Constantly it reembodies into any mode. To close people it is to heavy carry out its emotional pressure. It constantly aggravates situation, emotional stress is forced. To it it is not given to find pacification and sincere rest.

    2. T of — the intuition of the time
    The development of situation in the time is understood well. Sensing alert situation, is prepared for it previously — it thinks over the fallback positions. It warns people about th danger e threatening to them. Men being constantly varied and being doubted. To it it is to not easy take decision of major importance. However, after decision is made, no longer it will think over and will not turn ago. Its world view in the course of time can vary for the diametrically opposite. It is inwardly very contradictory. Catches falsity and nonconformity between the words and the real behavior of people. It is usually interested in the themes, connected with the fate and other mysterious phenomena. It loves to seclude and to reflect about the meaning of life, the past and the future. All problems are examined from a global, philosophical point of view.

    3. R of — the business logic
    It forces itself to be occupied by the work, which yields concrete use. In this case it executes work qualitatively, does not love to alter. It it pleases itself to surmount itself, mastering difficult technology. It is impatient and restless on the temperament. Long seat on the spot leads to the muscular pains. To it it is difficult to be weakened even in during the sleep. It frequently possesses organizational abilities. However, prolonged business activity strongly exhausts it. It gives out many petty commissions to people; therefore it does not manage after all to follow and is nervous. To it it is heavy to work with the witnesses. Any rapid movements its sharp sounds irritate. However, the moderate sonic background raises its fitness for work.

    4. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    It fears diseases and physical sufferings. With difficulty it gets rid of the harmful habits. In the sexual sphere it is frequently characterized by the extremities: from the indifference to [izvrashchennosti]. Much attention gives to its exterior view. Dresses either stressed pretentiously and [aristokratichno] or it is entirely simple. The aesthetics of appearance obtains to it many happiness or disappointments. In the nourishment it is capricious of [izbiratelen], it is inclined to the combination of products with the opposite tastes. However, there is entirely [nepritjazatelen] in the food, provided it was given regularly. Relation to itself rates at will people to worry about it, to suffer its strange tastes and habits. It does not love so that they would touch it. It badly itself feels in the closed spaces. The life of hermit frequently selects.

    5. L of — the structured logic
    It needs organization and order around itself. Its physical health depends on this. The slow, scrupulous works, which require concentration, weaken it. Life along a strict system goes on to it for the use. Vaguenesses, unpredictability, constant change of order suppress its health, solid support. It seizes well the least divergences from the customary scheme of events. However, in its logical outputs it is sufficiently subjective. Its generalizations frequently suffer unilateralness. The logic of system pleases itself it. It attempts to order everything, to bound by the reasonable, from its point of view, framework and rules. However, exception makes for itself.

    6. F of — power [sensorika]
    Stormily it protests against force and roughness. It is disposed to the exceptionally polite and preventive address. In the state of passion not before how it will stop. Its inherent force sharply increases in the extreme situation (panic, confusion). In this case it behaves confidently and decisively. It is at the same time unprotected against the force, if it is emotionally and sincerely broken. Takes in in this situation submissiveness to fate as inevitability. Only sudden force can derive from its hysterical state. Its unexpectedly plotted impact sobers. In order to suppress the unguided emotions, it needs help from the side.

    7. R of — the ethics of relations
    It is not confident in durability of relations, which link it with other people. It seeks constants verbal and other confirmation of feelings. Very jealous it relates to the rivals. The development of relations in the time forecasts well. Criticisms and the exposer of dispositions. Itself is either the loyal and devoted partner or windy philanderer. Its morbid place of — the reliability of relations with the people, by which it was entrusted. Those, who it once conducted, it does not pardon. It is very touchy and rancorous. From the people it prefers to be held on the distance. It strongly understates its own appraisal in the eyes of those surrounding. Its another extremity with respect to — obtrusiveness and egotism.

    8. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    In the work it develops the most unexpected talents and abilities. Greatly he wishes so that its efforts and achievements would praise. It gravitates to the nonstandard, sometimes shocking forms of behavior. It knows how to use abilities of people in the work, distributing roles in the group. Frequently a good teacher the educator of collective. Individual is formed in the cumbersome labor. He wishes to bring use to entire humanity, the partial solution of its problems does not arrange. It frequently occupies the uncompromising attitude, it would seem, on the small or non-essential matter. It seeks the most complex and gripping works. However, greatly it survives, if they criticize it, since takes in this as the break-up of its ideals. For it is characteristic the feeling of its own inferiority, which can be compensated by the demonstrative manner of behavior.

    INSPECTOR (Gor'kiy, ISTJ)
    1. L of — the structured logic
    Thoroughly it investigates the work, by which it is occupied. Information obstinate and persistently is collected in order to completely manage situation. Collector or bibliophile, him especially interests reference literature. Supporter of a strict order and fixed system. Everything, which is not inscribed in it, rejects as illogical. In it the work interesting regularly it checks and controls its course. Itself is balanced and executive, the same it requires from others. It respects subordination. It does not take into consideration of the personal sympathies, when the discussion deals with the work. It expands objects on the strictly reserved places. It does not suffer, when someone takes without to demand or it shifts its things.

    2. F of — power [sensorika]
    Sober realist: only feasible goals are set for itself, therefore in the majority of the cases it attains them, even and not immediately. If explanations and warnings do not help, are included the pressure and other power methods of control. It knows how to press home opponent, driving in him into the angle. The stoic, who knows how to hold himself in the hands. It transfers any adversities. It forces itself to make that which is uninteresting, but it is necessary. It helps those, who is weak, unprotected. It is a guardian old and patients. He is unnoticeable champion- lone person for the validity.

    3. R of — the ethics of relations
    It is held politely and correctly on the people. It can force itself to be merry and sociable. Easily it comes into contact of situational, short nature. Confidence is caused by its behavior. Patiently it examines people, which turn to it. It sympathizes by them, demonstrates its arrangement. Although it passes to the close distance, rejects familiarity in relations. Houses with the relatives it is held sternly. It loves to bring up, to read morals. It is reliable in its attachments, although it occurs, which is agonizingly disrupted between two objectives of sympathies immediately.

    4. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    It is very tied to its world view. It does not go to the concessions and the trade-offs. Friends are selected to itself on the coincidence of views. Human abilities he judges from itself. If I this do can, then why others no? Personal relation replaces intuition for it. Can it will be entrusted to well-wisher, to earphone, to pseudo-supporter. It values people of intellectual, creatively gifted. To them it can forgive even selfishness and [neetichnost].

    5. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    Itself usually is found in the dark mood. It accumulates negative emotions. After splashing out them to someone, alleviation is experienced. For a good physical state a frequent alternation in the emotional background is necessary for it. It does not transfer the directed pressure by the negative emotions of — by weeping, by whims, by charges. To it to more easily yield, than to ignore them. It is inwardly sufficiently touchy even we wound, although this it does not show, considering it its weakness.

    6. T of — the intuition of the time
    It heavily transfers [nepunktualnykh] people, which all make not in time. It lives at the measured off rate. Greatly it does not love the unjustified transfers and the interruptions of graph. It frighten fate, unpredictability. Although it rejects mysticism, cautiously it listens to the prophecies, the guess-works, the sleeps. It will mobilize it and whips the unexpected, but important action, which must be executed in a short time.

    7. R of — the business logic
    It is very thrifty in the labor and the purchases. It attempts to save even the small sums of money. It just in case retains things worked out its. It attempts to get rid of excess labor expenses. Supporter of mechanization and automation. Are controlled faster incomes, than expenditures. Is monitored the activities of other people. If they are illogical, unsuitable, suspects wrong.

    8. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    Attentively it tracks its exterior. Clothing is always neat. It is accurate in private life and at the work site. It knows how to work to work by the hands: to overhaul, to make anything for the house. Delicate manual operations are performed well, especially if they are connected with the design, [oformitelstvom]. It loves simple, but healthy food. It is characterized by the stability of taste and habits.

    MARSHAL (Zhukov, ESTP)
    1. F of — power [sensorika]
    Decisive man, capable of showing power pressure, if that situation requires. It is disposed to the victory by any price. The more the obstacles meets on the path, the [sobrannee] becomes and the more actively it begins. It is confident in its rightness, doubts and fluctuations are alien to it. It is categorical in the appraisals. Latter word is left after itself. The ultimatum displays: once you me selected, then now be subordinated. It knows how to find the weakest place in opponent. If the straight attack of success does not yield, begins circuit from the side or from the rear. Frequently it acts through the third persons.

    2. L of — the structured logic
    In the mind it checks well different plans of activities, stopping on most logical for this situation. It manages the tasks to the keenness. It knows how to group people around itself under the specific goal. Precise place in its command is assigned to each. It confidently coordinates combined actions. Only junction points are controlled, without investigating in the component. It interests result, but not the process. Tries everything simply and accessibly to explain, giving obvious cases. It catches well the logic of the activities of other people; therefore win in it it can only the one who constantly it varies. In the nonstandard, illogical situations it is lost.

    3. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    It periodically becomes pensive. It goes away to itself, reflecting above the prospects for works and the newly opened possibilities. Forcing itself, it attains which by others seems practically impossible. Boldly it answers the call, when they bring into question of its ability. Itself is considered the provided unusual mind. It catches situation as a whole. Flexibly it is reconstructed, if work lost the prospect. On the people with the pleasure it demonstrates its erudition, fundamental knowledge. Away not to assume the role of patron or Maecenas.

    4. R of — the ethics of relations
    Establishment of personal relations with the people in the nonformal situation with difficulty is given. It is intolerant and obstinate, inclined to the dictates in relations. It does not believe that there are clean, platonical relations. Frequently it declares, that it “for the validity” of — for equal relations with all. Nevertheless, it has its pets or persecuted. It relates well only to those, who respects its friends and speaks against its enemies. Itself builds to itself the system of ethical values, which frequently will not be coordinated with conventional. It does not suffer, when from it they require personal obligations. Those, to coma it tied, for long it does not temper from itself. It attempts to in every way possible supply them in the dependence, “to tame”.

    5. T of — the intuition of the time
    It takes in well the words of damping, positive forecasts, faith in the future. Pessimism and superstitions anger it. It damps and weakens the light, [besproblemnyj] style of contact, optimistic world view. For any work is removed the interval of time, after which will take out the final decision: to continue it or to discontinue. More than one chance it does not represent. Time damps its strict disposition. After suffering the number of the [trudnoobjasnimykh] injuries, it begins to think about the fate, it can be converted to the religion, be occupied charity.

    6. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    If it are brought, it is capable to manifest merciless fury. In such minutes it cannot stop in anger. It is very reckless. It loves contests, noisy companies, where it is possible to be weakened, emotionally to be discharged. It loves, when they inspire it, mood is raised. Its emotional state in many respects depends on the emotions of those surrounding. It loves to listen to music. It adjusts it, creates sincere equilibrium.

    7. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    Comfort, good material conditions for the life of — its cherished desire. It attempts to ensure this to itself and with its close one. Without this it feels itself not realized, by unlucky wretch. It does not respect people of sickly, with the weak physical training. It is proud of its grow prettier by physical form or greatly it survives, if it does not exist. The natural reserve of health rapidly spends because of the immoderation of bends. It offends, if it they name [nezabotlivym] man. Exterior view either [nedemonstrativnyj] or is stressed status. In it is badly developed a feeling of harmony, esthetic taste. It is strongly subjected to the physical instincts, in particular sexual. Earlier than spiritual satisfies somatic needs.

    8. R of — the business logic
    A good owner, who knows how to supply work. From any enterprises is benefitted from itself. In the works it is not inclined to the economy. It does not value small sums. It is thrifty only in the large. It has handicraft skills. However, with the great working load it will hire people, which would make this for it. It loves to control complex technology in the extreme situations. People also are checked in the work, throwing those not trained “to float” immediately at the depth.

    1. T of — the intuition of the time
    In its behavior it is guided by intuitive presentiments. Because of this quality it is capable to survive in most difficult circumstances, since rapidly are distinguished artificiality, falsity, hypocrisy, degradation. It freely manages both its and strange time. It always acts in the manner that as if in it there is it stored up time. It deposits much for tomorrow. Great dreamer and lyric nature. The pictures, which to it designs the imagination, light and bright, are much more attractive than everyday life. It believes in good future. It calms down people, moving in them hope by phrases about the faster alternations to the best. Does not concentrate its attention in the errors of the past.

    2. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    Well it examines laws governing the emotional life of people. It is able at the necessary moment, when man is situated in a good arrangement of spirit, to be handled request, to so that to him it is difficult reject. Thinly it reacts to the ridiculous in the life. Humor loves. It jokes, it [durachitsja], it pulls at close people, causing they have positive emotions by different ways. It is peaceful. It does not transfer the quarrels between the close people. Easily it goes to the reconciliation, with the readiness sacrificing itself for the extinction of conflict. It is inwardly anxious. Much survives, but hides disturbance and bad mood after the soft smile.

    3. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    Many efforts give to the exterior view. It knows how elegantly, with the taste to dress. It is graceful, gladdens eye by esthetic movements. No one it ties. It applies efforts maximally to be entered in habits and tastes of people. It is very good-natured. To people complains about the health, the bad concern about itself, indifference. However, in the extreme situations it is collected and suppresses pain. It gains assurance and force in the circumstances of comfort and the customary to the circle of familiar. In this case it permits for itself and to [pokomandovat].

    4. R of — the business logic
    Not know how to economize money, to keep strict account of finances. It is spent on beautiful, from its point of view, but not always useful things. If it falls into financial difficulties, he knows, to coma to be converted for help. It will in such cases find what to sell the latter. Long-term relations in it frequently are combined with the pragmatic calculation. Rejects according to the calculation in it prove to be solider than union on the love. Badly are formed relations to those, who force it to work, to work in not the characteristic of it rhythm. It hopes for the condescension, the indulgences, the smoke breaks during the hard work.

    5. F of — power [sensorika]
    It gets along with the people strong and decisive, confident in itself. However, it will not allow so that the work would reach the despotism. Openly he will state about the primitiveness of obtuse force. He feels well, what force to exert in order to attain its. However, itself is solved to the power methods it if and only if feels a physical threat to itself or by its close one. If it is in the uncomfortable states constantly, then it begins to behave stressed roughly and provocatively. Makes this with the goal to hide its soft, [viktimnyj] nature. Without the solid leadership it is weakened and not assembled to the disorder. It is easy to bring down it from the correct path, to tempt by anything, that promises pleasant sensations. Easily are worked out harmful habits, to free from which it is possible only by force.

    6. L of — the structured logic
    When there is no clearness and uniqueness in understanding of situation, in it the mood spoils, confusion begins. Chaos, disorganization, absence of support throw down it into despondency. It acts with the enthusiasm, when it leans on the thought-out, logically adjusted plan with the precise ultimate aim. Greatly it needs schemes and technology. In the extreme situations it becomes cold-blooded. Thought works more clearly, more easily start the valid decisions. To it strongly spoils mood [zareglamentirovannost] and petty control. Constant solid discipline not for it.

    7. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    Vital values and the ideals of — one of its vulnerable points. Greatly it survives, if time passes, and trade-offs and concessions are involved, does not find resolution. It does not suffer oppressions, leveling of abilities both its its inherent and surrounding people. It lives according to the principle of nonintervention into the internal world of individual. Although it could give valuable advice for the disclosure of abilities, if we are converted to it. To its own abilities it relates very critically, it frequently understates them. It fears to remain talentless, not called for. It needs compliments and encouragement. It selects well from the existing ideas long-rangeest promising. Always seeks to itself such work, which would correspond to its ideal of service to people.

    8. R the ethics of relations
    Its relation supports by work. For those, whom it loves, it can make much. It is enterprising, if he feels, which conquers the sympathies of those surrounding. Flowing duties are stably fulfilled only in the collective with the steady system of interpersonal relations. It warns that the personal hostility and disagreements will lead to the break-up of work. Everything are done so that the business relations would be accompanied by favorable nonformal connections. The harmonizing beginning is introduced into the working team. Persuading people, it controls relations in such a way that the work would be turned to th side e advantageous for it. It successfully puts to use acquaintances and personal charm.

    OWNER (Jack London, ENTJ)
    1. R of — the business logic
    It sees well the possibilities of new works. He knows, as to turn work so that it would yield the perceptible profit. It criticizes those, who deal, from its point of view, with useless theories. It is enterprising and light to raising. He frequently is fascinated by dynamic forms of the sport of — by expeditions, by tourism, mountain climbing, run and the like it does not fear missions and passages but new places. It boldly puts forth business initiative and persistently attains its realization. If the possibilities of project are exhausted, rapidly it is thrown to new direction. It knows how to turn with the finances. It attempts to hold its cash resources in turnover, playing on the difference of the prices. The basic levers of material interest are concentrated in its hands.

    2. T of — the intuition of the time
    It intuitively catches the basic tendencies of time. It does not fear to go to the risk, relying on its intuition. It always works on the lead, since he knows that it will be tomorrow late. New technology and organizational forms are taken by one of the first for the armament. In the thoughts constantly it turns to the past, analyzing the past events and extracting of them lessons to the future. Analyzing in the time, it tries to find out basic laws governing the fate. Unusual, mysterious phenomena interest it. Tries to check them, to find by it logical basis.

    3. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    Optimist, does not lose heart under no circumstances. His vital upheavals only harden, they make with more confident in themselves. It loves to laugh, to cheer people. It enters into the contact, interfering collocutor with witty remark. Its humor is frequently sly — it includes hint, ambiguity. Easily it goes to the dispute, especially when they throw call it. In the dispute it is frequently ironic, it ridicules the views of opponent. Its irritability and hot temper is frequently unpleasant surrounding. However, itself he this does not feel, it considers that simply it was exchanged opinions.

    4. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    It can live and work in the conditions of discomfort, absence of conveniences. Its nature usually provides by endurance and health. It is not exacting to food and formulation of dwelling. Exterior view little disturbs it. Has the tendency for long to go in one clothing, getting used to it. It is appointed if and only if on this they depend its relation with those surrounding. It relates well to those, who frees it from the need for worry about the way of life and the daily details. It does not love people, which are covered by their weakness and diseases. It behaves light-heartedly, and now and then and lightly on nature. In it there are the extremities with respect to the harmful habits: first flaunts by them, then actively fights with them. The same extremities are encountered also in the sexual life.

    5. R of — the ethics of relations
    With the people it associates democratically, on the close psychological distance. It is disposed to positive relation and friendliness in its territory. It weakens the atmosphere of warm, sincere contact, disagreement with it necessary to settle in the nonformal circumstances, after certifying it in its good sense. Greatly it needs reliable, stable human relations. Because of the inability to immediately recognize falsity, can make it possible to draw itself in adventure. It values the reliable, checked by time friends. It fears its inattention to those surrounding. After spoiling with someone of relation, it seeks, as to smooth its fault. In this case it makes gifts or develops the concrete concern about the partner.

    6. F of — power [sensorika]
    It is activated in the extreme situations. It knows how to [postojat] for itself. Rejects emotional [pressing], in it the desire to lead, to attain the stated goals lives, using for this of other people. However, it leads well only those, who are its adherents. In the minutes emotional raising it feels itself by strong individual, to which any tasks are subject. But if does not find emotional support, then combat spirit rapidly passes. Daring romantic. Happiness of contest pleases itself it. It is reckless and persistent, if they resist it. It loves to throw call. Its steady, poor in emotions life softens, it makes with clumsy and ridiculous.

    7. L of — the structured logic
    Is not added special importance to a strict order around itself. Among the scattered things will always find that to it is necessary. It attempts to track performer discipline and observance of the comprised plans. However, regulation and control of the process in it are ineffective. It is obstinate in its understanding of situation or problem. Development forecasts too mechanically, because of what its iridescent plans frequently suffer break-up. He is either the supporter of a strict systemic nature, deriving all consequences of one and the same scheme or, on the contrary, not at all it will structure information, giving it in the random, random sequence.

    8. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    It heavily transfers endlessness and lack of promise. With the pleasure it is occupied by any activity is if and only if confident in its success. It loves to test itself in different forms of activity. Therefore frequently vary entrainments, professions, places of work, etc, until finds that to it is necessary. It is curious. Frequently it acts in spite of the expectations. It it pleases itself to experiment, to go by untraveled path, to come out in the role of inventor. It is completely given up to the dear work. It is vain. If its abilities are not valued, it is inclined to contradict against those surrounding themselves.

    KEEPER (Dreiser, ISFJ)
    1. R of — the ethics of relations
    It sees well, as people in the contact are revealed. It cannot be led by the strummed friendliness. The behavior of those surrounding critically is rated, but its opinion voices if and only if it greatly they caught. However, with the first acquaintance it sharply divides people into two categories of — its and strangers. Strangers seemingly cease for it to exist, and strongly it is cabled to its close ones and friends, feels responsibility for them. It is accurate to its internal ethical appraisals of man. It is very difficult to reconvince it. With difficulty it compromises with the strangers. By its much pardons. It freely manages psychological distance. First removes, then it brings people closer to itself. Thus it gives to comprehend, as it to them relates.

    2. F of — power [sensorika]
    Skillfully is designed the force of influence for man. It is not adapted to the partner, but it ties to it its line of behavior. It holds itself in the hands, until critical point occurs. It is capable to [postojat] for itself and its close ones. It does not transfer constraint, foolish application of force. Its resistance is always matching the degree of the manifestation of aggression. It knows how to train offender, consistently raising force of pressure on it. It will not be quieted until confusion and drop in the combat spirit of rival feels. Moral victory for it is more important than the physical. Never will make it possible to turn with itself unceremonious, to tie its opinion. It it cannot be intimidated or provoked.

    3. L of — the structured logic
    It attempts to analyze situation from all sides and to draw a objective well-defined conclusion. The mask of dry and impassive man is put on on the people. It depends on the kept balance norms and the tested methods of activities. Everything are rated from the point of view of the common sense, reasonable selfishness. It forces itself to make that the fact that they require the rule of game. The same it requires also from those surrounding. It needs physical distance. It is held beside the boring people. It avoids the great accumulations of the people.

    4. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    To it it is difficult to be dismantled at the pile original, but diffuse, of the not being leant on the acknowledged facts ideas and guesses. It heavily itself feels in the situation of uncertainty, incompleteness. Controlling man, it compares its possibilities with its. Can I make the same as it? First too idealizes man, then, on the contrary, completely negates the presence in it of abilities. It does not entrust to people boastful, which stick out their abilities. It will not begin to indulge to talented, but selfish and complacent people. Is not recognized itself the ability, which are not supplemented by labor. It awaits, when they note it also they will evaluate on the value. Itself to propose difficultly. It praises rarely other people, but compliments in its address assume with the pleasure.

    5. R of — the business logic
    Properly it weakens and is damped by that by afterward strained, but that brought the useful result of work. People, which involve it into the business activity, please themselves it. It is practical in the daily works. Starts everything, which is found on its territory. Greatly it loves the functional and beautifully designed things. Values that is useful, and it requires minimum efforts for its care. It knows how to ensure to itself comfortable conditions for the work. The work consuming forms of works rapidly are executed so that it takes a long time not to return to them. It heavily transfers the change of work, customary structure of life. Discomfort with the rebuilding to its new conditions greatly frightens away.

    6. T of — the intuition of the time
    It is impatient. It does not love red tape, the slow flow of events it is disposed to the rapid decisions. It is activated in the situations of the deficit of time. Ramming in the details causes in it protest, and in the the large of — it activates. It is better to give to it small preparation time, since the more it awaits and is prepared, the greater the disturbances and the worse the result. It is inwardly anxious. It survives because of the dangers of every kind, which threaten to it and close people. Seeks religious, philosophical, mystical and the like the ways of comprehension and defense from the wrongness of fate. It will not allow so that it they would take unaware, is always ready to unforeseen circumstances. It remembers well errors and upheavals of the past, from which are extracted the lessons.

    7. E of — the ethics of the emotions
    The emotional state of man feels well. He requests about the reasons, which led to the bad mood. However, itself improve it it cannot. It is adjusted slightly under the mood of those surrounding. In the serious situation stressed it is official, in to the circle of the friends unconstrainedly of oars, it allows even cynical sharpnesses for itself. It loves merry people, which know how to swing, to remove stress, to raise mood, to inspire confidence in the future. It needs abstraction from the painful thoughts and emotional detente. It avoids vital dramas, pressing of negative emotions. He knows, as heavily they influence the psyche and health. From other side, it desirous accelerates decouplings of conflicts or dramatizes situation.

    8. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    It cannot sit without the concrete work. Its idleness suppresses. Constantly it seeks, no matter by what to be occupied. Work serves it as medicine against many illnesses. It fears to seem before the people in the slovenly, plain form, in the bad physical form. If it falls ill, then the radical methods of treatment without delay assume. Is felt pity to the people [neobustroennym], patient, weak, dependant, deprived. The desire to help anything concrete involuntarily appears: to feed, to cure, to free from the dependence, to help to surmount the crisis, to throw harmful habit. Greatly values purity, the healthy mode of life. It will not be reconciled with man, who to it is physically disgusting, it has unhealthy instincts.

    POLITICIAN (Napoleon, ESFP)
    1. F of — power [sensorika]
    It feels well the arrangement of forces. Rapidly it catches, who is strong, and who is weak, on whom it is possible to press, but it is better not to touch whom. It gropes the weak places of people, with which it is close by sign. Influencing on the painful points, varies their behavior to th side e advantageous for itself. Itself is not subordinated to attempts at the straight pressure. Deftly it [uvorachivaetsja]. It knows how for itself to [postojat]. It reacts violently when it they limit in the selection. He commands those, who are less decisive and is less confident in itself. With the stronger partner it associates on the equal. Will always find way, as to focus on itself attention.

    2. R of — the ethics of relations
    Excellently it examines the system of relations, which are formed between the people. Knows how to say to man the fact that they wish to hear from it. However, it does not hurry to execute its promises, if he does not feel in this of particular need. It balances between the interests of opposite camps, successfully conducting negotiations or dealing. If that its inherent interests require, easily it reconciles itself with the former opponents. He knows, as to adjust relations. It is faster, it plays on negative relations, antipathies, than positive connections. To tear of very been bored with relations is difficult. He tries to give to man to indirectly comprehend that it to it is not interesting. It does not love to allow to approach people to itself closely, since he feels, that this assigns on it the definite obligations. It easily winds acquaintances and more confident itself it feels in the great company, than in private and in the everyday circumstances.

    3. I — the intuition of the possibilities
    It attempts to give itself by the original, nonstandard individual, which is stacked not in what framework. It is inclined to contradict against those surrounding itself. It can support conversation on any themes, demonstrating its knowledge about everything gradually. It seizes information rapidly, but it is shallow. Periodically it thinks, being immersed in itself. In such minutes it seems it that people take in by its not such, such as it exists in reality. Is sufficiently capricious and [priveredliv]. It will not fail to stress its great possibilities and great prospects. Frequently in this case he argues and does not agree, depositing from the principle the opposite point of view.

    4. L of — the structured logic
    Greatly it does not love, when they are not considered his conclusions on one or other situation or another or problem. Those, who ignore its observations, it adds to its ill-wishers. It depends on the steady order in that area, where it lives or works. Complains about the absence of discipline, disorganization, although itself cannot ensure it, since relations does not desire to spoil and it cannot work systematically. It reacts to the hierarchy taken. With the man it associates either from the position from below as subordinated or from the position on top as head. It permits for itself not to stand upon ceremony with those being subordinate. It cannot be located next to the people, which to it are antipathetic. Everything are done in order to remove them. Itself does not know, along what system it acts.

    5. T of — the intuition of the time
    It feels itself cheerful and healthy, when its time is occupied. Otherwise, having available the excess of time, the low-mobility, lazy mode of life conducts, it is depressed and it criticizes everything. Loves constant changes, the course of events, contradictoriness. It it frequently is desirable to leave somewhere, to completely vary circumstances. Time ties such, such as is convenient to it. First hurries and hurries others, then it lingers and it in every way possible inhibits rapid decisions. It will always find, at what to cavil. It loves, when they for long persuade it, they go from a distance, giving many examples and instructive histories from the past.

    6. R of — the business logic
    Its mood depends on that how works successfully go in it. In order to improve its emotional state, it is necessary to propose advantageous work to it. It is inclined to develop first great generosity to the extravagance, if mood elevated, then is economy and even stinginess, if it is emotionally depressed. In the work to it are important the emotions. It is not capable of working, if work seems it dull. Any work can convert into the entertainment, attach to it the nature of show. Greatly it is nervous and is angered, if it they cost in the work or then distribute supplies, which to it is obtained less than by other. It can [poskandalit] because of this.

    7. S of — of [sensorika] of the sensations
    Greatly i

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    didn't think it'd be that big

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    In touch with semireality.

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