Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
Is an ISFp one of the first types to actively defend somebody when they're being bullied or 'ganged up on.' I don't know they seem kind of shy and quiet then BAM they're all of a sudden defending you. Is this a trait for ISFps?

It seems that ISFps hate it when one sole person makes all the rules and equally hates it if one sole person is getting the short end of the stick. Also if everybody is liking you an ISFp seems to be one of the first people to offer another point of view or play 'devil's advocate.' They seem to want to keep you right in the middle with them if they really like ya.
I hate it too, and I'm INTp.

Edit: In fact, at Primary school a couple of times, I've stepped in to help the 'underdog' as it were, and they've fucked off, leaving me on my own.