Where I ended up . . . lol . . . for some reason I find that funny . . . is at home taking care of the house and indulging my every whim. I married for money.

But my favorite jobs included Human Resources where I wrote policy and procedures and employee handbooks, speeches for my boss along with composing letters and memos. I was giving the general idea and had the freedom of expression within context. I love that!

Then I balanced the daily cash flow for the same company, in another position obviously. I balanced the books on paper and then on the computer and generated daily, monthly, yearly cash reports. I loved that job too. I think here it was being able to finish my work daily even though I did the same thing everyday. I think this overflows with the first job I mentioned in that having a completed project with my name on it suites me well. I don't work well in groups/part of a team.