With socionics, you are suppossed to better understand (and hopefully fix) poor relationships... but can that only go so far? I'm starting to think that conflict relationships can almost never work. The reason is because, even if you know and understand your conflict and WHY you have problems with them, it is almost impossible to change yourself enough to accomodate those diffrences without a great deal of psychological pain to yourself. How can you work out your diffreces? It baffles me. What one does to feel better naturally makes the other one sick. Then their reactions to each other wil almost undoubtedely create even more bad tension. On top of this, coming to an agreement to a problem is alomst non-exsistant.
So, does anyone have anyways in which they have made conflict relationships a little more tolerable? Does anyone think that conflicts can live together, at all? Is it hopeless?