Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
I wonder if it could be as simple as the fact that Si types are the first to notice that the bug is there, and the most comfortable with dealing with it.

I suspect that Ni types dislike distractions just as much, but they may not notice the bug at first, and may not want to handle it when they do.

However, I'd be surprised if ISFps would be more inclined to kill the bug than ISTps.

Then again, let's flip this around: What types of people would be most likely to insist that cockroaches, ants, and the like, should never be killed, but just carefully taken out of the house and deposited in the woods without killing them? Would acc-Fi types be more likely to do that?
you probably do need to differentiate between bugs which are legitimately harmful or unpleasant (like mosquitoes) and completely harmless ones (like flies). clearly, the latter category will receive less attention.

you will probably find that very few types would take such a foolish and radical stance as to respect the lives of the former group. my gut says that EIIs would probably be most likely to do it (i have seen EIIs reprimand people for not respecting the feelings of a chair) but i still think that few sane people would view certain types of insects as anything but a nuisance.