I don’t really like typing by the surface, but that’s how a lot of typologies are set up.. I actually have a 5 phase understanding of typology with varied
Braingel Today, 03:47 AM^made quickly when closer to my baseline or core thanks to the slightest of dual influence
necrosebud Today, 02:52 AM
Voted for Kamala but all of the butthurt "democrats" (people that make neo nazis seem downright humble) threatening suicide and
I agree, his media campaign was far superior. whoever was running it knew what they were doing def. Harris just isn’t very smart or likable. At
Aster Today, 01:53 AMThe average person isn't stupid, but most people aren't the average person, they're the modal person. A few outliers bring the average intelligence way
YinlongDownsi Today, 01:50 AMThis is called postliberalism. Postliberals won the election for Trump. I know some people who are influential among postliberals. I think Trump is horrible
YinlongDownsi Today, 01:43 AMType in the Amish communities come in all stripes. They embrace it, just as all types are in any other community that move that system in whatever way
Distance Today, 01:30 AM
Can SEEs be autistic?
If it’s confusing: I am not a Pan Jungian; I believe there are 5 primary parts that serve an entire sum of a personality, to one’s psyche,
Braingel Today, 04:07 AM