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    Introduction to Socionics

    Socionics is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche, called Model A, and a model of interpersonal relations. It incorporates Carl Jung's work on Psychological Types with Antoni Kępiński's theory of information metabolism. Socionics is a modification of Jung's personality type theory that uses eight psychic functions. These functions process information at varying levels of competency and interact with the corresponding function in other individuals, giving rise to predictable reactions and impressions—a theory of intertype relations.

    Socionics was developed in the 1970s and '80s, primarily by the Lithuanian researcher Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, an economist, sociologist, and dean of the Vilnius Pedagogical University's department of family science. A. Augustinavičiūtė has later shortened her last name from "Augustinavichiute" to "Augusta" to make it easier to spell for foreigners. The name "socionics" is derived from the word "society", because A. Augusta believed that each personality type has a distinct purpose in society, which can be described and explained by socionics. Augusta created symbols to represent the functions described by Carl Jung and — together with a circle of fellow researchers/hobbyists — eventually created what is known as the "socionic model of the psyche" — a description of the psyche where each of the 8 information elements has its place in each person's psyche.

    The central idea of socionics is that information is intuitively divisible into eight categories, called information aspects or information elements, which a person's psyche processes using eight psychological functions. Each sociotype has a different correspondence between functions and information elements, which results in different ways of perceiving, processing, and producing information. This in turn results in distinct thinking patterns, values, and responses to arguments, all of which are encompassed within socionic type. Socionics' theory of intertype relations is based on the interaction of these functions between types.

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  • silke

    by Published on 09-29-2011 06:01 AM  Number of Views: 57442 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. IEI - INFp,
    4. ILE - ENTp,
    5. SEE - ESFp,
    6. SLI - ISTp,
    7. SEI - ISFp,
    8. SLE - ESTp,
    9. ILI - INTp,
    10. IEE - ENFp,
    11. LSI - ISTj,
    12. LSE - ESTj,
    13. LIE - ENTj,
    14. LII - INTj,
    15. Additional translation required,
    16. EIE - ENFj,
    17. ESE - ESFj,
    18. ESI - ISFj,
    19. EII - INFj

    Socionics Type Profiles by Grigory Reinin

    This is an excerpt of type descriptions from Grigory Reinin's book "The Mysteries of Type. Models. Groups. Traits.", 2010.
    The original text can be found at http://isra-trainings.com/reinin/socionbook.html.

    ENTp, ILE "Don Quixote" (Ne,Ti)
    The intuitive-logical extrovert

    Function #1 – objective intuition (Ne): integrity of the external situation. The world should be always harmonious and complete – this is the principle of existence of this type. A wide spectrum of variants may exist according to the first function, though Don Quixote considers the world to be in order and harmony which are manifested in different ways. People of this type often create illusions for themselves that “everything will always be as it is now, that they will never die or be sick”: "Nothing will ever happen to me”. A Don Quixote’s first function might be one of the possible reasons for aggression. People of this type do not plan ahead (unlike, for example, Holmes), but are acutely aware of the beginning of one period and the ending of another. Don Quixote is governed by this feeling. Think of a Don Quixote leaving for work in the morning. He is late, but he is planning on cutting a corner to be on time. He knows he will be five minutes late, but the boss will be five minutes late also. Anyway he will make it! At this moment his wife (Dreiser) says: “Listen, you are late anyway, take out the garbage on your way out”. This statement may provoke aggression, which Dreiser does not expect. But the boss’ reprimand “Why are you late?” will not cause aggression. Well, I am late, but I have had objective reasons to be late. It is normal. But this type will not tolerate when someone attempts to destroy the integrity of the external situation.

    Function #-1 – subjective intuition (Ni): ignoring the integrity of internal situation. This is the lack of ability to plunge in thought. A Don Quixote finds it hard to plunge deep into him/herself and search the inner mechanisms of the soul. "What do you mean, 'analyze the internal situation'?" Hamlet enjoys this creative area of self, but a Don Quixote runs from it. He knows nothing about it.
    This is a potential area for problems. When a Don Quixote is asked to look inside of him/herself, he is lost because he/she does not think this way. They do not understand what is required of them because their IM structure ignores this area completely. Relationships with other people come easy for them. It is easy for them to deal with other people’s problems. But their inner world is beyond their understanding.

    Function #2, creative function – subjective logic (Ti): explanation, understanding. A Don Quixote produces original understanding and explanation of things. A Don Quixote feels that everything can be explained in a number of ways. Representatives of other types are amazed at the ease with which a Don Quixote is able to explain anything. For example, a Holmes is surprised and irritated: “What are you teaching me?! I am interested in the reality and the actual mechanics of things. Do you have experimental data, a method? Where did you study?”
    The excitement of a research is more important for a Don Quixote; he invents his own methods of research if needed. This IM type excels independently of their education and training. They have a strong research reflex. The sphere of risk is the intellect. They are busy creating new techniques and approaches, solving the unsolved, ...
    by Published on 09-27-2011 03:34 AM  Number of Views: 33247 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. IEI - INFp,
    4. SLI - ISTp,
    5. SEI - ISFp,
    6. ILI - INTp,
    7. LSI - ISTj,
    8. LII - INTj,
    9. ESI - ISFj,
    10. EII - INFj

    Logical Intuitive Introvert (LII) INTj: Ti-Ne

    ♦ Excels in analytical thinking; presents his ideas with clarity and some measure of order; notices flaws, alternative options, and brings them up in a discussion.
    ♦ Mentally comprehends and models the entire system; captures a notion and then systematizes it, suggesting simplified explanations and schematics.
    ♦ Can distinguish what's important from what is secondary; however, often neglects details and specifics in presenting material, preferring to present a more general (vague) overview of the topic or the situation.
    ♦ Careful, does not rush into action; prefers preparation, discussion and mental exploration of options beforehand; takes note of alternative options; dislikes topics that have little potential for mental exploration.
    ♦ Politely formal and reserved in communication; prefers simple and democratic relations.

    LII generalizes and systematizes prospective ideas. He is interested in uncovering underlying regularities and patterns. On foundation of these, he comes up with new ideas, theories and maxims, and corrects the existing ones. His view is abstracted away from the details. Instead he looks into the general processes and uncovers phenomena that lie at their core. He skillfully designs abstracted, generalized schematics and utilizes them. In work and production, he points out potential problems in systems, evaluates
    by Published on 09-26-2011 05:19 AM  Number of Views: 62304 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Intertype Relations
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    Relations of Semi-duality

    If you are coming from MBTI please note that Socionics assigns j/p letters differently from the way MBTI does. Do not translate your MBTI type directly to Socionics type. If you want to find out your Socionics type, you can take socionics type tests, fill out a typing questionnaire form or make a freeform thread in What's My Type subforum, and read through the type discussions posted in socionics resources thread. Participating in forum discussions and chatbox provides more accurate feedback and type suggestions in typing threads. To read how Socionics j/p letter assignments differ from MBTI J/P visit the type names page.

    If you have questions about socionics intertype relations, you can post your inquiry in the Intertype Relations Subforum, or alternatively inquire about it in the forum chatbox (for access please post ...
    by Published on 09-26-2011 04:10 AM  Number of Views: 41109 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Intertype Relations
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    Business Relations

    If you are coming from MBTI please note that Socionics assigns j/p letters differently from the way MBTI does. Do not translate your MBTI type directly to Socionics type. If you want to find out your Socionics type, you can take socionics type tests, fill out a typing questionnaire form or make a freeform thread in What's My Type subforum, and read through the type discussions posted in socionics resources thread. Participating in forum discussions and chatbox provides more accurate feedback and type suggestions in typing threads. To read how Socionics j/p letter assignments differ from MBTI J/P visit the type names page.

    If you have questions about socionics intertype relations, you can post your inquiry in the Intertype ...
    by Published on 09-25-2011 03:55 AM  Number of Views: 48919 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Intertype Relations
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    Conflict Relations

    If you are coming from MBTI please note that Socionics assigns j/p letters differently from the way MBTI does. Do not translate your MBTI type directly to Socionics type. If you want to find out your Socionics type, you can take socionics type tests, fill out a typing questionnaire form or make a freeform thread in What's My Type subforum, and read through the type discussions posted in socionics resources thread. Participating in forum discussions and chatbox provides more accurate feedback and type suggestions in typing threads. To read how Socionics j/p letter assignments differ from MBTI J/P visit the type names page.

    If you have questions about socionics intertype relations, you can post your inquiry in the Intertype Relations Subforum, or alternatively inquire about it in the forum chatbox (for access please post an introduction to get your account activated).

    by Published on 09-24-2011 03:36 AM  Number of Views: 44951 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. Intertype Relations
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    Quasi-Identical Relations

    If you are coming from MBTI please note that Socionics assigns j/p letters differently from the way MBTI does. Do not translate your MBTI type directly to Socionics type. If you want to find out your Socionics type, you can take socionics type tests, fill out a typing questionnaire form or make a freeform thread in What's My Type subforum, and read through the type discussions posted in socionics resources thread. Participating in forum discussions and chatbox provides more accurate feedback and type suggestions in typing threads. To read how Socionics j/p letter assignments differ from MBTI J/P visit the type names page.

    If you have questions about socionics intertype relations, you can post your inquiry in the Intertype Relations Subforum, or alternatively inquire about it in the forum chatbox (for access please post an introduction to get your ...
    by Published on 09-22-2011 07:55 AM  Number of Views: 18227 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. ILE - ENTp,
    4. SEI - ISFp,
    5. LII - INTj,
    6. ESE - ESFj
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    Sociotypes: Profiles by Functional Assignments
    INTj, ENTp, ISFp, ESFj

    INTj, LII (Ti-Ne)

    Using introverted thinking as his base function and extroverted intuition as his creative, the LII is adept at creating a concept of reality through the synthesis and application of preformulated principles and rules. When formulating new principles, the LII methodically analyzes new information, taking the salient aspects and discarding the extraneous. Staying within the boundaries of his principles, the LII is capable of generating new ideas and possibilities of how the world could work. At its best, this ability gives the LII an aura of confidence and insightfulness into areas of abstraction and possibility that many other types don't have; at its worst, this ability may lead the LII to possibilities so impractical or unreachable that he is perceived as others to be out of touch with reality. Additionally, the LIIs inclination for deep isolated thoughts often leaves him disconnected from societal interaction--as if he is constantly an observer but never a participant.

    Ego Block

    Leading - Introverted Logic, Ti
    LIIs are adept at organizing their understanding into structured thought. They may organize their cogitations into categories, diagrams, formulaic descriptions, or complex step by step explanations. LIIs may have an uncanny ...
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