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General Socionics discussion
For discussing the types of forum members and people they know.
For discussing the types of public figures and fictional characters.
Type descriptions, material translated from russian sources, etc.
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Member socionics(Model A) commentary, moderation selected content, and journal submissions and discussion of all theories that go beyond Model A, including alternate models, etc.
Talk about your experiences with intertype relationships.
For discussion between and about Alpha Quadra members:
LII (INTj) - ILE (ENTp) - ESE (ESFj) - SEI (ISFp)
For discussion between and about Beta Quadra members:
IEI (INFp) - EIE (ENFj) - SLE (ESTp) - LSI (ISTj)
For discussion between and about Gamma Quadra members:
SEE (ESFp) - ILI (INTp) - LIE (ENTj) - ESI (ISFj)
For discussion between and about Delta Quadra members:
LSE (ESTj) - EII (INFj) - IEE (ENFp) - SLI (ISTp)
Post anything here that does not belong anywhere else in the forum.
Discussion about the Art, Music, Literature
Discussions about how you live your life -Food, Cooking, Health, Beauty, Fashion
Forum about philosophy, politics, economics, science, religion
Forum about psychology, Jung, Cognitive Psychology, Behaviorism, etc...
Enneagram Discussions
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