Conversation Between Korpsy Knievel and HandiAce

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you keep a budget on your food and cooking at all? Just curious since you seem well-versed as a cook.
  2. Fuck ON, baby!
  3. Fuck off.
  4. "Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it."

    Good quote.
  5. Thanks for elaborating. We shall see in time where I fall...
  6. I'm not too sure any such things as "SLI mannerisms" exists, and even if they did, in my opinion they'd be best delineated negatively through a process of elimination (for instance I'd be rather surprised if an SLI habitually ran around shouting OH MY GOD with little provocation and hugging on people gratuitously). As I said, you remind me of a certain friend, which can be both an aid and an impediment in typing. The first case is easy enough to understand on a basis of similarity, but in the second the same observational patterns, as assembled by my mind, could easily produce a distracting likeness that leads to false conclusions. This is why any typing I've provided you so far has been highly provisional and attended by the caveat "I'll keep an open eye/mind to new data": to prevent my brain from playing tricks on itself, or, if self-bamboozlement has already occurred, to allow sufficient time for countervailing evidence to present itself and dispel illusions. This is also a good portion of why I'm critical of over-reliance on still photos to determine the nature of someone's thinking.I'm not a fan of on-demand typing because its forced orientation to results often causes people to overlook vital information, to fall prey to their biases quickly, and to arrive at bogus conclusions. If you really want your type discovered properly I think it's best to simply partake in general forum discussions, where no one can say hello without someone else trying to challenge their type, and where you produce a more voluminous and detailed picture of how your brain operates.Sometimes I'm wrong. I might be wrong. Am I wrong? We'll see.
  7. What kind of SLI mannerisms do I show?
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