Conversation Between Taknamay and HandiAce

6 Visitor Messages

  1. This is for you:

  2. Absolutely! When you have a good deal of energy and have had a good day, THAT is a good time to try the activity.
  3. I will keep track of that. It's probably easier when I am not half-asleep.
  4. You're off to a good start. Work on it as you please. As I said. It will probably take time.

    Also, even something that puts you almost near the verge of tears is something that matters.
  5. I wrote down a few things, none made me cry. Here is what I have:
    Potential purposes -
    Being a good friend
    Loving everyone
    Becoming happy
    Making others happy
    Letting others know how special they are
    Doing math problems
    Understanding the workings of the universe
    To live and depend on my mom
    To be there for someone
    To sacrifice for a greater purpose
    Make lots of friends
    Have lots of sex
    Become a sex slave
  6. How is that purpose of your life activity going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6