Conversation Between FreelancePoliceman and Tallmo

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi. I was studying before Christmas, but not right now. But I will continue. I am still working my way through the Cambridge Latin Course, five books and I am at book three at the moment. It's going to take a while. Yes, I'll take a look at the material if you have a link. I hadn't heard of the Diogenes program, but I just looked it up.
  2. Hello. Are you still studying Latin? I have several gigabytes of PDFs of dictionaries/grammatical information, as well as as classical texts if you'd like them. If you're interested, I can give you a download link and you can just take what you like. Also, have you heard of the Diogenes program?
  3. yes, I can totally see you as H. I don't think I have any videos of H-LII, do you? But this guy I type ILE harmonizing, so Alph NT-harmonizing anyway.
  4. Thanks for the input. From what I've been reading, harmonizing seems to be a better fit than normalizing. I don't suppose that immediately strikes you as wrong somehow?
  5. Hi, sorry forgot to reply to this. I am not sure, but you might be a normalizer. But I could be wrong. I meant that it is easy to observe in real life, but online is not so easy. But you seem willing to go into detailed stuff and lengthy discussions. Noam Chomsky is a LII-N. Angela Merkel might be a LII-D. I type myself normalzing although I have - at least in part - become conscious of my subtype and risen above it. By that I mean that I don't automatically react according to N anymore, compared to when I was very young.
  6. Hi. Since you said you thought DCNH was easy to observe, I'm curious: do you have an idea of what my type would be?
  7. Ok. I haven't yet read anything by Hillman. I got very impressed by Erich Neumann a few years back. He's one of the central figures in Jungian thought. There is a chapter called "Mass-man and the phenomenon of recollectivization" in the book "Origins and history of consciousness". Could be interesting if you like to read about the psychology of modern man and what's happening in the world on a deeper level. I might have mentioned the book before.

    About Scandinavian paganism. The book I'm reading is by Folke Ström: "Nordisk hedendom". It's a good introduction and historical overview of Viking age religion but I don't think it has been translated into English. But there should be tons of literature in English. It's all based on the old myths and poems that were were written down in Iceland in the middle ages. The main sources are the Poetic Edda and Snorre Edda. They are kindof mandatory reading for anybody interested in Nordic / Germanic paganism. They should be read together with some book that gives an overview or introduction. That's what I'm doing now. Otherwise it can get confusing to keep track of all the gods and myth fragments.
  8. Yeah, I relate.

    About Hillman -- I read that chapter, of course. I also read a book he co-authored with Michael Ventura called We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy, and the World's Getting Worse. This was after he split with the Jungians. It had some interesting thoughts, though I despise the format and tone of that book. Also some ideas I don’t feel are quite right. I was curious if you had any impression of his writing since I wasn't sure how interested I was in reading more of him.

    What is the book on Scandinavian paganism? If you think it's good, I'd be curious to read it. Religion really interests me.
  9. Hi, no I haven't read him. He has written some chapter in the book we talked about earlier "Lectures on Jung's typology". I'd like to read, but I have so many other books waiting in line, I'm literally drowning. Just got a book on old Scandinavian paganism, another book with ghost stories, a third book is an old Norse saga. Just to name a few. And then my long term project to learn Latin and world history. Help!

    Have you read Hillman?
  10. Hey, have you read much of James Hillman? If so, what do you think of him?

    It seems much of his writing isn't on libgen, but I have an Amazon gift card; if I think his writing his good I'll upload some to libgen.
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