Conversation Between FreelancePoliceman and Kalinoche buenanoche

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi! It's Eugene Debs.
  2. hey, who is the guy in your profile pic?
  3. Can also be read as “Remember who you are’’.—> this is more of a personal interpretation
  4. Ok thanks for the clarification. If one is acquainted with state management techniques, be it inquiry/meditation or just life experience, i believe that this quote may inspire action through a “clearer” state.
  5. Ah no, I didn't check for a translation, but I study classical Greek. The translation you gave me was more or less the same as mine; I was confused by your saying εσχατα could mean "edge" (I couldn't understand what edges had to do with anything!), and how you mentioned it could be understood as “Remember who you are’. I've gotten four hours of sleep, so excuse me if I was unclear!

    My original question, though, was why that quote inspired you to include it in your signature.
  6. Ok I misunderstood your first message. I thought that you had already checked for a translation (although maybe that would be tricky since it’s written in an archaic form of Greek). It means something like “under all circumstances remember your end(s)* and certainly don’t sin”.

    * IMO it can be taken to mean death or sublime form/lowly form
  7. Interesting — if you translate it as “Remember who you are”, you’re taking “σου” as the object, right? What’s done with εσχατα; accusative of respect? In that case, it would seem to mean roughly the same thing as just taking directly εσχατα as the object, wouldn’t it? And what would a translation of “edge” mean in this context?
  8. It is a phrase that can be understood in various ways. Έσχατα means end but also edge. Αμαρτία means sin and this is also open for interpretation according to what level of subtlety one is open/exposed to.

    Can also be read as “Remember who you are’’.
  9. I like the Greek in your signature. Why did you choose it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9