Conversation Between eunice and 717495

8 Visitor Messages

  1. What does Aidu Gara means?
  2. Hi there!
  3. *poke*
  4. Happy Birthday, Poli!
  5. No prob. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. I will take it into consideration. =)
  6. Hi Ustice. Who ever said it bothered me? I said I was getting confused by it. Anyway you're entitled to you're opinion, but ILE is seriously not the best choice for my type. I mean people on average should at least be qualified enough to differentiate between types of a certain quadra for instance, LII not a bad typing at all. ILE is just weird for me. Say what you want, I'm not getting you thus far.
  7. Hi polikujm, I'm not Alpha, but based on my interaction with Alpha types, you seem ENTp to me. Btw, why does it bother you that other people have different opinion from yours? =P lol.....
  8. Why did you put me as Alpha? You're not an Alpha are you? I think what you did was a bad thing because you're just trying to further confuse me.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8