Conversation Between Dr PissBender and Kalinoche buenanoche

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Only who you think you are
  2. So, you supervise me.. UwU
  3. Ya
  4. I mean, you don't seem hysterical like an Fe lead and can't see any Te role, as opposing to very in-your-face ESE's like LMFAO(idk if that's still her name in this site but whatever). So yeah, may-be.
  5. If you stick around long enough you will figure it out. Wont spoil the surprise.
  6. How did you go from ESE to LII? That's like, turning yourself inside out. Interesting.
  7. hi
  8. kalidía malosdías
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8