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    Introduction to Socionics

    Socionics is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche, called Model A, and a model of interpersonal relations. It incorporates Carl Jung's work on Psychological Types with Antoni Kępiński's theory of information metabolism. Socionics is a modification of Jung's personality type theory that uses eight psychic functions. These functions process information at varying levels of competency and interact with the corresponding function in other individuals, giving rise to predictable reactions and impressions—a theory of intertype relations.

    Socionics was developed in the 1970s and '80s, primarily by the Lithuanian researcher Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, an economist, sociologist, and dean of the Vilnius Pedagogical University's department of family science. A. Augustinavičiūtė has later shortened her last name from "Augustinavichiute" to "Augusta" to make it easier to spell for foreigners. The name "socionics" is derived from the word "society", because A. Augusta believed that each personality type has a distinct purpose in society, which can be described and explained by socionics. Augusta created symbols to represent the functions described by Carl Jung and — together with a circle of fellow researchers/hobbyists — eventually created what is known as the "socionic model of the psyche" — a description of the psyche where each of the 8 information elements has its place in each person's psyche.

    The central idea of socionics is that information is intuitively divisible into eight categories, called information aspects or information elements, which a person's psyche processes using eight psychological functions. Each sociotype has a different correspondence between functions and information elements, which results in different ways of perceiving, processing, and producing information. This in turn results in distinct thinking patterns, values, and responses to arguments, all of which are encompassed within socionic type. Socionics' theory of intertype relations is based on the interaction of these functions between types.

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    by Published on 11-19-2011 12:49 AM  Number of Views: 49219 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. LII - INTj
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    Robespierre, Male Portrait, INTj by Beskova

    Slender, taut, and slightly stoop-shouldered, the male LII imparts a pleasant impression. Men of this type usually keep their hair short. Their clothing style often consists of soft pullovers and well ironed trousers, although they will wear suits on rare occasions.

    Being an intellectual person, somewhat distanced in his own thoughts, the LII behaves softly and with some caution. However, if he is positively predisposed to you, his eyes will suddenly become kind and a disarming smile will appear on ...
    by Published on 11-19-2011 12:45 AM  Number of Views: 40955 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. LSE - ESTj
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    Stierlitz, Female Portrait, ESTj by Beskova

    Girls of this type are notable, good looking, and hold themselves respectably. Their solidness and good carriage catch an eye. They have the strong, well formed bodies, the needs of which they feel wonderfully well. They take care of themselves, keeping themselves healthy and ensuring the necessary care. They also approach their appearance in professional manner: skillfully apply make-up, tidily assemble their hair, carefully select their ...
    by Published on 11-19-2011 12:44 AM     Number of Views: 37443 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. LSE - ESTj
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    Stierlitz, Male Portrait, ESTj by Beskova

    You can recognize SHTIRLITS by his confident, practical demeanor. He has a courageous, strained bearing, usually engages in sports and takes care of his appearance. Men of this type as a rule prefer short haircuts. Their facial features are distinct and symmetrical. Their gaze looks solid. SHTIRLITS makes an impression of respectable, imposing man, always dressed well and shaved cleanly. Sometimes you can meet SHTIRLITS dressed in looser clothing such as sweaters, but he looks ...
    by Published on 11-19-2011 12:40 AM  Number of Views: 41741 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. LIE - ENTj
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    Jack, Female Portrait, ENTj by Beskova

    Slender and graceful, light and directed, strained as string - this is a typical outward appearance of female LIE. In any clothing she makes an impression of being very tidy. Everything on her is clean and fitted well to her figure. But she dresses without pretentiousness to originality, without any experiments - no unusual cuts or uncommon combinations of color. Her style is more similar to official dress. Good figure makes it possible ...
    by Published on 11-19-2011 12:36 AM  Number of Views: 45074 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. LIE - ENTj
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    Jack, Male Portrait, ENTj by Beskova

    In youth, LIE male is practically always thin and mobile. He's frequently attractive and flirtatious, as well as charismatic, resourceful, ingenious and mysterious. His dressing style is very simple; he prefers neutral-colored and plain clothing e.g. jeans and a t-shirt. Only when the LIE male grows older and achieves a higher position in society does he start to wear suits and the like. Commonly has short hair, because its easier to manage. ...
    by Published on 11-18-2011 01:33 PM  Number of Views: 40684 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. LII - INTj
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    Logical Intuitive Introvert: The Analyst

    General description

    The LII has a well developed ability for logical analysis and is capable of clearly distinguishing the primary from the secondary. Creating structures, classifications, concepts is in his style. He is objective and impersonal, at times even harsh in his assessments and principles. If he is not satisfied with some guidelines or regulations, he can simply ignore them.

    Poorly orients in people's feelings and personal relationships. Stubborn and inflexible in his relations with others, and obstinately attempts to retain the system of ...
    by Published on 11-17-2011 03:26 AM  Number of Views: 56955 
    1. Categories:
    2. Socionics,
    3. ILE - ENTp
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    Don Quixote, Female Portrait, ENTp by Beskova

    A woman of this type often looks like a good-looking, slender boy. During her childhood, she even behaves not like a girl should: often runs around with boys, climbs trees and garages, plays pretend war games, scorning traditional girlish entertainment. As a general rule, she remains a “boy” for the rest of her life. Slenderness and a certain skinniness are characteristic of the majority of ENTp women at any age. ...