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Report VV Gulenko 24 IIA Conference 20.09.08Writing the report
1 The energy challenges of the future
On every corner we hear that an era of the information society. On the one hand, it pleases, and on the other, makes you wonder. The information stream is doubled every 2-3 years. information loses its value: firstly, quick aging, secondly, all the more energy is required to produce and store it. Thus, the lack of energy resources has become a major challenge for the world, and hence the strategic problem of scientific research. All the more surprising to see how many of the current realities socionists live the 70s of the last century, turning a blind eye to the lack of one-sided and purely informational models.
2 Competing paradigms
Let us take a brief look at the state of psychology in similar industries. Most of you know about the confrontation between the two paradigms in modern psychology of the unconscious - Freud and Jung. The first of these, the majority of researchers characterized as closed and orthodox, and the second - a more open and creative.
Similar processes have long been observed in the socionical movement. Just these two paradigms have received other names, in the spirit of our time - the information paradigm, on the one hand, and energy, on the other.
Information socionics, continuing the orthodox tradition, where possible, ignore the energy model, and where to dismiss it fails, descend against her barrage of uncompromising criticism. They are in their mass, unfortunately, remain closed to dialogue.
Anyone who is seriously interested in socionics, now we must make a choice. Freudian and Jungian be (read: socionics information and energy) at the same time - it's just like being an extrovert and introvert in the proportion of half and half. It means to be a nobody.
3 The main modeling
I draw your attention to the features that must necessarily be taken into account in the modeling of behavior. Full model should reflect:
- How to change a person's behavior as a function of distance,
- How it changes depending on the time - the basic pattern here is that the energy is spent and goes and comes and collects information,
- Building blocks of complex self-regulating systems, which have been identified in the current research; there are only four - in any model is, firstly, the perception unit (receptors), and secondly, the control center,thirdly, the execution unit (effectors), and fourthly, a memory unit,
- In addition, you built a model of behavior must be experimentally testable.
4 Seven binary divisions energomodeli (for example, LSI)
4.1 Upper / lower position - eksternal / internalization
The main energy division. Means communicative distance - far in the first case (externalities action, the starting point - the outside world) and proximal (internalising action, the starting point is its own territory) in the second.L | S |
T | R |
I | E |
P | F |
4.2 left / right position - the value of / tools
L1 | S2 |
T4 | R3 |
I6 | E5 |
P7 | F8 |
Left accumulated problems, and using functions, positioned on the right, these problems are solved instrumentally. The problems are divided into two broad classes: on the one hand, we distinguish between the problem of lack of energy, and on the other, - problems of its excess. Thus, in the Inspector:
- L1 - the problem of bureaucracy,
- 4 - problem of timing,
- I6 - the problem of conservatism,
- P7 - the problem of avarice.
4.3 master / slave position
This division on setting the type of activity. It is these settings indicate the optimal scope of the implementation of social type in the society.L1 | S2 |
I4 | R3 |
I6 | E5 |
P7 | F8 |
4.4 Stable / unstable position.
The first work systematically, little dependent on the situation. The latter is switched on and off depending on the situation. Systematic in their work is not observed.L1 | S2 |
T4 | R3 |
I6 | E5 |
P7 | F8 |
This polarity, as we see, is closely linked to the rationality / irrationality. Stable rational act of rational functions, and the irrational, of course, on the irrational. Irrational mode rational type of energy is always unstable, and vice versa. And it does not depend on communicative distance and complexity of the problem (as it is observed in the case of extraversion - introversion).
4.5 Automatic / informed position.
This quadra division - the function of their energy / protivokvadry.L1 | S2 |
T4 | R3 |
I6 | E5 |
P7 | F8 |
By automatically positions the carrier type acts without thinking, on the machine, but by a conscious - with a maximum knowledge of what is happening. Interesting conclusion: the maximum energy of the unconscious is realized in the dual pair. Passed to grinding, you must fully trust dualu - so hard to shut down the mind control.
4.6 Kinetic / potential position
Staggered.L1 | S2 |
T4 | R3 |
I6 | E5 |
P7 | F8 |
I think that these positions are most closely associated with the process of verbalization: potential more say and kinetic - act . During the behavioral act of speech go into business, and then, on the contrary, made under discussion. Kinetic type positions consumes more energy than the stores. They are much more activities. Feature potential positions media type information accumulates and verbalizes his experience.
4.7 Positions accelerating / decelerating
The X-shaped division. Generally vertical divisions are much more media-type strain than horizontal, it is peculiar to the nature of stressor.L1 | S2 |
T4 | R3 |
I6 | E5 |
P7 | F8 |
The load on the same retarding positions, on the contrary, lowers its energy, straining the resources of the psyche. According to him the type of media is experiencing distress - a negative stress in their consequences, undermining the entire immune system. Source of distress is the maximum vertical block of the 6th and 7th of functions.
5 Isomorphism sociomodel and behaviors of other sciences
First position - leading sustainable externalities. Is called control . Corresponds, of course, the control unit. The essence of its management - encouraging.second position - situational leading externalities. Called realizable . Corresponds to the effector (executive) mechanism. Implantation occurs flexibly, taking into account the prevailing conditions.
third position - stable-driven externalities. Corresponds to a block of short-term (operational) memory. Filled with energy as a result of training. Its name - role .
fourth position - unstable-driven externalities. Corresponds to the block receptors working on the excitation. Called start-up . Since it launched a social activity type.
fifth position - stable-driven internality. Corresponds to long-term memory. This program lays unconscious. Title (temporary) - suggestive .
sixth position - unstable-guided internality. Corresponds to the block receptors working braking. Called brake .
seventh position - stable-leading internality. Called controls . Complies with management through punishment.
eighth position - the unstable leading internality. Demonstrative as draws attention to itself. Performs its action impulsively and despite the circumstances.
summarized in tabular form:
Number | Title of position | The complex features | The essence of the behavior |
1 | Management | Leading, stable, externalities | Management through the promotion of |
2 | Creative | Leading, unstable, externalities | Taking into account the implementation of the local conditions |
3 | Role | Driven, sustainable, externalities | Short-term storage of |
4 | Launcher | Driven, unstable, externalities | Arousal as a result of the perception |
5 | Suggestive | Driven, sustainable, internality | Long-term storage of |
6 | Brake | Driven, unstable, internality | Inhibition as a result of the perception |
7 | Controlling | Leading, stable, internality | Control via the restriction |
8 | Demonstrative | Leading, unstable, internality | The introduction of local conditions contrary to |
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