Alpha Type Subtype Descriptions
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Index of type subtypes:
Intuitive Logical Extravert ILE, ENTp (Ne,Ti)
Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov
Intuitive subtype Ne-ENTp (Ne-ILE)
Appearance: Makes an impression of a detached, floating in the clouds, and childishly naïve person. Socially adept conversationalist. Reads much and is inquisitive. Willingly discusses new information with his friends and associates, shows interest in their opinion. His seemingly soft demeanor is combined with obstinacy and imperturbability when he has to defend his views. Likes to discuss things but rarely if ever ends these discussions in conflict. Often smiles at others even if they haven't provided any occasion for this. With the same smile talks about both ridiculous and serious subject matters. Usually he is kind with everyone and doesn't readily take offense at critical remarks. In his undertakings and projects he is patient, and, despite being somewhat forgetful and scattered, if he is really interested in something he will follow it through to completion. His gestures and speech seem either slowed down or accelerated. His pose seems at ease, gaze is scattered and defocused, gait and movements lack in certainty and firmness.
Character: Interested in new, unusual or poorly understood phenomena. Curious. Usually reads a lot and has a wide circle of interests. Likes to surprise others with sensational news. Good at seeing potential prospects of various ideas and undertakings. If he is sufficiently provided for, prefers to occupy himself with that which is interesting instead of that which brings a return. Can get thoroughly engaged with one project or problem if for him it is interesting or beneficial.
Needs periodic emotional shake-ups. Feels delighted to have fun in a circle of friends. Loves those who are friendly, confident, optimistic, and can elevate the mood with provocative humor. Poorly sees how people relate to him. Afraid to show his feelings first and doubts them for a long time. Dislikes rushing things. Due to this, may manifest initiative with much delay, when the opportunity is already gone.
Does not hurry with the implementation of plans or ideas, because he believes that the main results are still ahead. Occasionally suffers from disorganization, lack of will and initiative. At times he will rush his work, attempting to make up for lost time. Resourceful and inventive in difficult situations. When at rest, shows little initiative, unless he is faced with a crisis situation, which stimulates him and increases his vitality. Then he begins to actively engage in work, he promptly carries out his assignments not sparing time or resources. Dislikes routine and any regimented, monotonous work. Cannot live by a strict schedule.
His character combines qualities of kindness, idealism, and trusting nature. Because of his innate impracticality and gullibility, he can be easily fooled. A sense of justice and faith in the best qualities are inherent to him, so he finds it difficult to come to a realization of such let-downs. Rarely gives compliments but is usually well-wishing towards other people, tries to understand their wishes and needs, to be helpful to all. Gladly gives advice on how to get out of difficult situations. Avoids disagreements and conflicts. Supports good, friendly relations. If necessary, attempts to explain the reasons for his mistakes and unethical actions.
Not vain. Defends his own interests with less vigor than the interests of those whom he cares for, although sometimes he can become principled and unyielding in matters that are of importance to him. Not always responsible and can promise that which he isn't able to deliver. Knowing this, he sometimes resorts to never giving promises to anyone not to spoil his relations.
Reluctantly deals with everyday life, yielding initiative to others over such matters. In issues that concern aesthetics often relies on tastes of his partner. Quite absent-minded and sometimes forgets what he needs to do. Getting distracted by the little things, sometimes runs out of time to meet important deadlines. Having to live by a schedule and constantly maintain order feels like a burden for him.
(Ne-ILE) Description by Victor Gulenko
Has a good feel for novelty. Not seldom becomes the author of many inventions and discoveries. Unsurpassed generator of ideas. Bold and forward-looking in his proposals. However, he easily drops tasks and projects he grew bored with for something new, more interesting and captivating. Capable of realizing himself in business. Characterized by dynamicity and quick speech, gesticulates a lot. Often has solid pudgy figure, looks with fortitude, if male may have a mustache. Places much importance on external appearance.
Logical subtype Ti-ENTp (Ti-ILE)
Appearance: The logical subtype projects an impression of a serious person. Can be sharp and even inconsiderate from time to time. Self-assured, speaks rapidly and usually in a categorical tone. Can be unduly categorical in his judgments with a tendency of imposing his opinion on others. At times appears assertive and self-confident. Impatient, cannot always wait for someone else to finish before interrupting. Often takes up something new and tries to find it a practical embodiment. Actively and vigorously defends his interests. While doing so, he may flare up and offend someone, but noticing this tries to correct the situation. Rather self-centered and may take offense at minor things, however, after some time he once again becomes well-wishing and amicable. His behavior is unpredictable and full of contrasts. His gaze is at times scattered and at other times testing and tenacious. Gait and gestures are swinging, seem confident but poorly coordinated. His pose is free and unrestrained. Easily closes the distance, may hug and kiss his conversation partner.
Character: Loves to expose everything to logical analysis. May be engaged in theoretical development if it has the potential of being implemented into practice. Critically thinks over old theories and methods and is able to create qualitatively new ones. Can turn vague ideas into well designed, easy to implement, concrete projects. Can feel potential and future prospects, has a good marketing sense. Quickly loses interest in what has been done. Due to this can scatter himself and not finish everything that he has started, unless it concerns something that is important and fundamental for him. Often completely changes his types of activity and plunges into something new. Avidly engages in projects and opportunities that cannot be fully exhausted.
Has an inclination to impose his views on others. In cases when he has been proven wrong, it is difficult for him to admit it. Does not succumb to intimidation. He can issue a challenge to a superior opponent even without any actual chances of success. In arguments and discussions he is excitable and often hot tempered. When he is put under pressure he boldly and aggressively fights back. When there is panic, he calmly and confidently takes the initiative in his hands, becomes focused and decisive, acts quickly and logically. Can find a way out of any difficult situation.
Active and energetic. Savvy in strategic questions and enterprising. Readily attracts people to new undertakings if he considers them promising. He is constantly on the lookout for new approaches and solutions to the present problems. Doesn't stop on what has been accomplished. Suggests radical solutions. Ambitious. If necessary can be tough and assertive. Does not like to compromise.
As a leader prefers that everyone would be in their places occupied by their work. Encourages people around him to activity, teamwork, and cohesion. Democratic by nature, tries to be the first among equals. Not inclined to show respect for ranks and conformity. Easily switches to a more familiar language in his conversations with others. Shows his positive predisposition by a handshake and a friendly smile. Tries to be fair to all but is not afraid to say the truth directly. Wants to be respected. Can be unrestrained in arguments and disputes. Tries to distance himself from imposing people who want to use him to their advantage.
From time to time needs to spend time in a good company or engage in other activities (sports or hobbies) in order to raise his vitality and spirits. Likes to make useful contacts. Since he is not always a good judge of character, sometimes keeps questionable acquaintances. As a consequence of this, he is inclined to periodically become disillusioned with people. Has difficulties creating positive, stable relationships, but despite being scattered he usually tries to keep his promises.
Mistrustful of feelings. Afraid to show how he feels being uncertain in subsequent reaction of his partner. Painfully experiences uncertainty in relationships. If he believes the reciprocity is there, he will honestly speak of his shortcomings because he is afraid of letting down the hopes and expectations of his partner and well as being let down himself. Afraid of becoming dependent on his partner. Often puts work interests above personal attachments. Any reproaches or criticisms irritate him. Can vehemently and sharply defend his independence and point of view, but later regrets it and tries to smooth things over if he cares for the person.
(Ti-ILE) Description by Victor Gulenko
Self-submersed and thoughtful person. He is attracted by ideas that don't have direct connection to reality, for example philosophy, religion, bioenergetics, and so on. His favorite occupation is to compare different logical systems. A type of office researcher. Often has an asthenic figure, can be angular in movements. Doesn't pay much attention to external appearance, takes little care of his health.
Sensory Ethical Introvert SEI, ISFp (Si,Fe)
Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov
Sensory subtype Si-ISFp (Si-SEI)
Appearance: Calm and soft person in interaction. With his presence often pacifies others. Industrious, practical, does everything with a sense of taste. Often engages in fine arts as a hobby. Well-wishing, tactful, unobtrusive. Tries to sympathize, to assist, to provide advice. Loves rest and comfort. Likes talking about his perceptions and sensations. Attentively questions his conversation partner in regard to his or her affairs. Slightly delayed in his behavior and speech, sometimes stretching out words and with difficulty forming clear thoughts. Even if he speaks fast, he doesn't hurry to end the conversation. Able to speak about the same subject with erudition, comprehensively and at great length. Smiles with confidence, nods her or his head as a sign of support. Movements are smooth, stylish, somewhat slow; may appear to waddle and "walk like a duck". Undemonstrative, but clothes and accessories nevertheless attract attention.
Character: Attentive and caring towards other people, considerate of their convenience. Aware of harmony in communication. Inquisitive, collects various information and shares it with others. Critically evaluates what he hears. Does not like exaggeration, hype - needs facts and justifications. He enjoys when someone argues with him a little, enlivening the conversation, but poorly tolerates people who are aggressive and avoids serious quarrels. In business matters prefers to negotiate at an informal level. Knows how to patiently persuade a person to take on a beneficial or profitable project, but doesn't always notice which undertakings are actually promising. Thus, he can be hesitant in starting on new projects, afraid of making mistakes and feeling at fault. Values his peace and knows how to move away from any sources of irritation.
Tries under any circumstances to not lose his sense of measure. Keeps neutral in debates. Amiable, will try to find a method to find rapport with most. Even when he has to insist on and defend his own opinions, he is able to maintain good relations. Often acts as a peacekeeper, trying to convince other people to agree to a compromise and come to mutual accord. Doesn't find it easy to deny a person's request, to push someone away, thus is often careful at the beginning of a conversation, and dislikes people who are "sticky" and intrusive. With difficulty determines what a person is capable of and what to expect from him, though he appreciates talented and original individuals. Usually does not criticize anyone and dislikes it when other people are criticized in his presence. May be impatient as a listener. Does not like to compete or to coerce others into doing things against their own will. Has difficulties asserting and defending the interest of his business matters if he is unable to find agreement on an informal level.
Able to describe events in great detail. Has good memory for sensations: sounds, colors, and smells. Loves nature and good aesthetics in any manifestation. Gravitates towards pleasant experiences. Dresses tastefully. Has an inclination for following the latest styles. Loves comfort and aesthetics, various original decorations. Industrious, loves doing something with his hands. Everything that he takes up does with a sense of taste investing his heart and soul. Does not like commitments and giving promises, since he is afraid that he won't be able to fulfill them. On some he can make an impression of a passive and inert person, since he doesn't see the point in empty hassle and pointless expenditure of efforts. Due to this, often acquires the reputation of a talented slouch, who takes up a philosophical, contemplative stance in life. Strives for good quality of life.
Warm, gentle, charming, seeks to be in accord and harmony with his environment. Pays attention to manners and behavior of others and evaluates them in his mind. Tries not to burden others with his requests, asks for help only in extreme cases. Generally, will not attempt to draw attention to himself when he feels that nobody is interested in him. Dislikes talking about his failures. By nature private, sensitive, and easily wounded. Turns for help only to people who are close to him and who have proven themselves. Hospitable, likes when food is cooked deliciously and served with appeal. If he is to receive important guests or visitors, spends a lot of time and effort on such occasions, and thus rarely agrees to such events.
(Si-SEI) Description by Victor Gulenko
This is an appreciator of well-being, wealth and savoir vivre. Possess a good aesthetic taste, which can show in his appearance, in the setup of his interior, in activities of applied nature, such as artist who depicts landscapes and still life. A hedonist, enjoys providing pleasure to both himself and to other people, appreciates convenience. Looks after his looks. Outwardly usually is more round and pudgy than the initiating subtype.
Ethical subtype Fe-ISFp (Fe-SEI)
Appearance: Seems lively, friendly, and unrestrained in conversation; emotionally responsive, easily gives compliments and closes the distance, may even take his conversation partner by his hand; his lack of restraint carries a shade of familiarity. Shyness can alternate with joking remarks; ironic quips easily turn into respectful and serious tone. Often jokes and tells even unpleasant things with a smile as to not offend the other person. Precautionary and careful. From time to time his temper flares up, but he is quickly appeased and is forgiving. Usually optimistic, merry, and upbeat. Likes to give and receive pleasure. Often gives compliments to people and renders various services. Knows how to cheer up or encourage someone. Seems carefree, for he is prone to hide his negative emotions from others. Impatient and restless. Speaks quickly and confidently, with imperative, declaring intonations. Has a quickly moving gaze that notes everything, sometimes cursorily "shooting" side to side, other times deep and meaningful. His movements are assured and graceful but a bit gusty.
Character: Very appreciative of the joy of human interaction and all the other pleasures of life. Skilled in his ability to do pleasant things and aims to provide enjoyment for himself and for others. As a rule he is helpful, friendly, sympathetic, and considerate. Often the soul of the company. Hospitable, often knows how to cook well. Creates a relaxed, informal, trustful atmosphere of communication. Cares for and attends to others with elegance and ease, readily gives out compliments, uplifting their mood and the general atmosphere. Able to cheer people up with jokes and ruses. If he sees that someone is growing angry, he quickly smooths out the bad impression of a failed joke thus preventing a potential conflict.
Usually has many acquaintances, but fully relaxes and enjoys himself only in a circle of close friends. Tries not to go where he is not wanted. With unfamiliar people he is somewhat cautious and reserved. Does not like people who are cold and arrogant, with whom he cannot create an atmosphere of intimacy and informality. Becomes anxious when he is dealing with someone who is unpleasant to him; in such cases his speech at times becomes hurried and indistinct. Not prone to insubordination; avoids his superiors and boring strictly business conversations. If he is feeling sick or is in a bad mood, he retreats not wanting to burden others with his problems.
Trying to lift the mood and vitality of those around him, he assumes a position that he is sincerely indignant at their passivity and inaction. If his cheers and jokes have no effect, he is able to prick with a word such that it finally gets him the desired reaction. Sometimes, in the interest of the matter, he assumes a harsh and severe look. In such cases it is difficult to understand whether he is joking or being serious. Well versed in the nuances of feelings of others and willingly demonstrates his own, due to which he is usually popular among the opposite sex.
Internally inconsistent and very dependent on his state. Pays attention to problems and tries to resolve them as soon as possible; cannot stand uncertainty and doubt. Impatient, finds it difficult to wait for the natural outcome of events, prefers to speed things up. He is inclined to make hasty decisions and take reckless actions. Clever and resourceful, does not lose himself under any circumstances. Quickly notices weaknesses and deficiencies of a person or a situation and can depict them in a humorous light. Tries to create and cultivate useful ties and contacts, but sometimes doesn't have enough tolerance and diplomacy.
Plays the role of someone without problems. Sufficiently optimistic. Failures for him seem like they do not deserve attention. Leads an active way of life. When occupied by some business matter, sometimes he fusses and hustles, even though actual business activity lends itself to him with difficulty. Cannot occupy with one thing for a long time. Often changes his hobbies and occupations, tries his hand at various activities. He does not like meticulous sedentary work, but willingly takes on an interesting to him assignment and carries it out with great enthusiasm. However, may also suddenly lose interest and grow cold and not carry it through. Often frustrates other people with his disorganization, but it's difficult to remain angry at him.
(Fe-SEI) Description by Victor Gulenko
Ethics of emotions is intensified - emotional, easily comes into contact with people, finds it easy to join any company to the point of appearing to be an extrovert. Artistic, often takes on a role of an inciter and a provocateur. Finds his inspiration in creative amateur artistic activity, can be a musician, an actor, an advertising agent, or a poet. Loves comfortable spacious clothes, of which he is not too demanding, can go around with a shoddy look.
Logical Intuitive Introvert LII, INTj (Ti,Ne)
Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov
Logical subtype Ti-INTj (Ti-LII)
Appearance: The logical subtype is usually calm, serious and self-contained. Often quite categorical and uncompromising in his judgments, not leaving any room for appeals. When the topic of conversation does not interest him, he is silent and austere, looks at his partners with gravity. If someone behaves disdainfully, he can put them in their place. Able to clearly and laconically, without superfluous emotions, explain his thoughts. Does not like lengthy discussions and discourse. Spend lots of time thinking and reflecting: analyzing and comparing various phenomena, figures and facts. Makes an impression of a strong-willed person. His lips are often densely compressed, speech precise and abrupt, voice lacks in varying intonations. Balanced, even, correct, unemotional. However, his otherwise frozen facial expression sometimes reflects his internal emotions in unexpected and impulsive movements of muscles.
Character: He has well-developed analytic thinking abilities of a logical inclination and is well-versed in systems, schemes, classifications and structures. Identifies the main components and cuts off anything that is of secondary nature. Likes to generalize particulars and discrete facts. Distrustful of new ideas until he can check them for himself; thereupon, he can become their staunch supporter and proponent. Realistic about evaluating the prospects, potential, and opportunities of any project. Puts business above personal interests and relationships. In the interests of his work can ignore his convenience and comfort. Very appreciative of fairness and reasonable order.
Usually he is polite, proper, and serious. Very straightforward in his behavior, lacks in flexibility and diplomacy in his relations. Fairly stable in his feelings and affections. Does not like uninvited guests and unexpected phone calls. Unlikely to take initiative with unfamiliar people. As a rule, has few friends, limiting his social circle to work colleagues and a few like-minded associates. Poorly versed in how other people relate to him and is thus quite restrained in communication. Hides his impressionability under the mask of austerity. Does not seek to win over the sympathies of others. Prefers to talk about topics that interest him, and ignores or omits anything extraneous. If the topic is of no interest to him, he tries to avoid the conversation to not waste his time. He doesn't like compliments, imposing and annoying advice, or too much attention directed at his person, but deep inside he is in need of a positive evaluation of his activities.
Purposeful; persistently and stubbornly strives for implementation of the set objectives. Inclined to present himself with increased demands. Hard-working and meticulous when carrying out his work. Can make himself do a job that is uninteresting but required. Dislikes doing several things at once, especially in a hurry. This is a person of his word. Proponent of discipline and order backed up by administrative means rather than by conscience and sense of personal responsibility. He believes that if a person has made a choice, then he or she is fully accountable for this decision. Dislikes having to defend his interests, but if needed he can stand up for himself, showing stubbornness and uncompromising attitude. Poorly tolerates being ordered around. Coolly responds to any external strong-willed pressuring. To sharp criticisms may respond in kind; If necessary, can deliver a reproof. Himself resorts to coercion very rarely, only when other measures fail.
Knows how to plan his activities so as to avoid unnecessary congestion. Prefers to lead a calm, measured style of life. Tries to watch his health as key to good performance. Can do with a minimum of things, does not seek comfort, and dislikes excess. Attentive to his close ones, but reluctantly takes care of domestic problems. He would rather devote most of his time to work and hobbies.
(Ti-LII) Description by Victor Gulenko
Concrete and structured, distrusts too far-flung ideas. He is an organizer in research. Erudite, but only within his narrow area of competence. An adherent of reasonable systems. In behavior he is dry, restrained, can be authoritarian. Does not love discussions and frictions in a group. Holds himself at a large psychological distance. Wears clothing that is strict, tries to be in good physical shape.
Intuitive subtype Ne-INTj (Ne-LII)
Appearance: The intuitive subtype appears soft even a bit diffident in communication. In conversation, he is restrained, attentive, attempts to come into good favor of his partner by giving advice and impressing him or her with his knowledge and conclusions. In such cases, his serious demeanor and gaze soften, goodwill permeates his voice. Not always absolute and categorical in his statements, but obstinate and uncompromising in his actions. May keep silent and refrain from the discussion, but won't change his opinion. His usually imperceptible emotions become visible during moments of extreme nervous pressure within intonations of his voice and impulsive gestures. Gait is calm and synchronous. Pose appears a bit restrained, especially in the shoulders which may be stooped. His movements are somewhat unsure and dilatory. Gestures are stingy and constrained, occasionally unconsciously impulsive and poorly coordinated.
Character: Likes to analyze various phenomena and processes. Inclined towards anything that is new and unusual, especially if it falls into the sphere of his interests. Often has a rich imagination and tries to introduce elements of creativity into his work. Has a good feel for the prospects of new ideas and initiatives. Willingly develops and works out new ideas for practical application. Able to analyze specific topics in great depth, but also shows an interest in the adjacent fields. Stable in his work performance, but quickly grows tired of routine and is in need of fresh impressions and changes.
Excitable in disputes; can inspire others with some idea. Becomes uncompromising in debates when his principles are concerned, but tries to develop in himself tolerance for other people's weaknesses and for differing points of view. Usually knows how to hear out his conversation partner and to encourage his initiative in useful direction. Evaluates abilities of others and finds them a proper application. May be a good speaker and lecturer capable of briefly and clearly conveying the material to his listeners.
Reserved, amiable to an extent, polite, and even-tempered, but rarely becomes very close with anyone, for he easily tires of social interaction. If he is interested in a person, he is able to come into his or her good favor by establishing intellectual contact and intriguing with ideas and new suggestions. Quite private, does not like discussing his personal life and does not allow his feelings to take precedence over the interests of business or personal principles. Although in relation with others he is reserved and distrustful, he is inclined to reciprocate the feelings of another person and show attention to his or her problems. Seeks support in active, lively, and strong-spirited people, who know how to encourage and provide help in business matters. Needs an emotional, optimistically oriented partner who would know how to raise his vitality. But at the slightest infringement of his independence, he retreats into himself, stubbornly defending his principles up to a break up of relations. Allows himself to get directed only by those who can persuade gently and not too aggressively.
Enemy of the administrative pressuring and control; considers it obstructive to the development of a person's potential. Convinced that the main thing in work is not sense of duty but interest in the project. Strives for independence. However, at the same time he is usually disciplined, punctual, and conscientious. Makes up his plans himself and follows them exactly. Usually does not run late to events but makes it in the allotted time.
Sometimes he is too categorical in his judgments and intolerant of different points of view. He will not dramatically change his beliefs, conclusions, habits and orientations under the influence of new facts and circumstances. He reviews and changes his former views with much difficulty and sometimes exhibits senseless obstinacy. Due to high self-esteem and a developed sense of dignity, it can be difficult for him to admit to being wrong. All of this does not make him the easiest partner to deal with and creates plenty of interpersonal problems in his life. Internally, he may acutely experience his disappointments, but tries to avoid quarrels out of fear of losing control and losing respect of others. Skeptical and distrustful, but does not show this. Restrained in the expression of his feelings, but when he is in a good mood can liven up the conversation with his humor.
Yielding and compliant in matters of everyday life. If he cannot completely avoid household chores and other mundane tasks, he will try to postpone them. Dislikes bureaucracy, having to petition various departments and to prepare documents. Shows inertness in such matters even if he sees that his project is suffering. Tries to rely on the help of others in such cases. Does not always take care of his health, but understands its importance. In treatment of illness lacks in consistency and follow-through. Tries to keep up with latest tastes and prevailing styles, to have a presentable appearance.
(Ne-LII) Description by Victor Gulenko
Analyst, good researcher and conceptualizer. Gives his attention to problems of general nature. Generator of options and ideas. Places more importance on future potential achievements rather than results of the current moment. Smooth, polite, careful in social interaction. Outwardly often seems asthenic, pays attention to his outward appearance and to his health.
Ethical Sensing Extravert ESE, ESFj (Fe,Si)
Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov
Ethical subtype Fe-ESFj (Fe-ESE)
Appearance: The ethical subtype is courteous and amiable, but stubborn and unyielding over important to him questions. Due to this can demonstrate excessive persistence. Inclined to finish what he has started. Finds it difficult to stop in timely manner, of which he may regret later. Tries to be serious, unobtrusive, and polite in dialogue, but often exerts strong emotional pressure upon those who, in his view, act wrongly. Likes to take his conversation partners by the hand, to touch their clothing. Knows how to host guests and visitors at home, but does so infrequently because he is more interested in public work and communication. Likes giving presents to people close to him and finds suitable occasions and reasons to do this. Dresses in good taste, with sufficient moderation. Gait is quick, a little jumpy. Figure is often thin and a little angular. His face may be expressing discontent and indignation, supplanted by a radiant smile.
Character: Optimistically oriented active person. Sociable, inquisitive, shares a lot of diverse information. Friendly, not envious, able to truly enjoy achievements and successes of others and willingly talks about his own. With interest and in detail describes the events that have taken place with him, or that he has heard of or read about. Enjoys discussing social issues. An opponent of empty waste of time, so tries to fill it with interesting experiences: visits to the movies, theater performances, exhibitions, friends, trips to nature, and so on. Likes capable, talented, and interesting people.
Flares up and feels an outrage when he encounters self-satisfied, critical-minded, or hypocritical people. From sense of justice can deliberately try to spoil their mood, even create an intolerable environment. Disproves of poor tastes, rudeness, lack of tact. Tries to instill good manners of behavior in people who are close to him. Often feels outraged at lack of order and fairness. Tries to look controlled and even, but doesn't always accomplish this. His mood changes often, even for minor reasons.
Has a well developed sense of humor. Easily makes new contacts and friends of personal and business nature, but has few close friends, as not everyone can withstand his emotional pressure. Not very discerning in business and work related qualities of people.
Somewhat conservative and cautious in new endeavors as he doesn't see future prospects well and is afraid of making mistakes. Prefers to act by tested methods, but at the same time doesn't tolerate routine well. Very curious and not averse to try himself in something new. Can hesitate before making important decisions. Willingly listens to the advice of others, experiences doubts and fears making poorly thought out actions. Can step back from making a risky decision at the last moment.
Lighting up by some idea, he becomes its active supporter and promoter, tries to implement it into life, not sparing efforts nor time. Knows how to interest and involve people, persuading them to realize what he has planned. Shows patience and perseverance. Takes up new projects with much enthusiasm and tries to carry them through to completion.
Not very eager to take up domestic affairs and doesn't follow particular order or schedule. If he's not in the mood, may postpone chores or assignments until later. He gravitates more towards social activities, wants to benefit people. Doesn't like running late to events, which happens rarely and only for serious reasons. Strives to dress according to fashion, even somewhat extravagantly, but more often dresses modestly.
(Fe-ESE) Description by Victor Gulenko
Very expressive. It is difficult to withstand his emotional pressure. Possesses high aptitude for work, however, the surges of emotions may prevent him from being constructive and realizing his potential. Can be very scattered, jumping from one thing to another. In communication is direct, immediate, uninhibited. Distinguished by an explosive choleric temperament. Outwardly may wish to draw the attention of the opposite sex by bright clothes, which has an element of demonstrativeness.
Sensory subtype Si-ESFj (Si-ESE)
Appearance: The sensory subtype is energetic, work-oriented, and practical. Emotional and sufficiently direct, but also well-wishing, sensitive, and responsive towards other people. Able to correct impressions caused by his sharp statements. Self-confident, daring, and skillful in his ability to become liked by others. Coquettish and pleasant, creates an intimate atmosphere in conversation. Demonstrates physical tenderness, often embraces those who are sympathetic to them. Attentive towards people, very caring, and helpful, yet sometimes may raise a scandal if he doesn't like something. Has a sharp tongue, is not at a loss finding words, and is quick to respond in a conversation or argument. His speech, as a rule, is fast and emotional. He readily voices compliments, though sometimes with a little jab. Erratic and restless, but knows how to relax in an interesting and pleasant manner. Gourmand, knows how to cook well, and is hospitable. His mimicry is lively, movements are vigorous and gracious. Dresses exquisitely, with sophistication and charm. Often has a bit round figure. Likes expensive things, could be a spender.
Character: Lively, cheerful, energetic person. Well-wishing towards other people, courteous and helpful. A charming and interesting conversationalist, able to understand everyone, to find an individual approach, to cheer up with a good joke or a compliment. Well perceptive of others' moods, sympathizes with them, tries to help by word or deed. Takes care of the weak and defenseless, kind and gentle with children. Aesthete, a good designer, dresses tastefully, tries to create comfort at his home and in the workplace. Hospitable, prefers a beautiful service and arrangement, and savory well prepared food. Likes to give gifts and arrange for pleasant surprises.
Sociable, attentive and responsive. Persistent and straightforward in relationships when he is convinced of his own correctness. Doesn't know how to hide his feelings, both positive and negative. Irascible and short-tempered, but easily appeased and forgiving. Doesn't tolerate hypocrisy, injustice, and cruelty. Capable of actively defending his interests and those of his loved ones, decisively rebuffs his opponents.
Hard-working, diligent, operational, and conscientious. In life, he achieves much by his own effort not relying on other people. Successfully takes up any practical activity and likes it when his efforts are appreciated. In the interests of his project or his case, he with enthusiasm visits all the appropriate centers and offices and files all the needed paperwork. A good organizer, who tries to create the conditions needed for effective work and encourages others to work actively.
Frequently gets overwhelmed by work, chores, and errands, both his own and those of others. Poorly calculates time, expending a lot of effort on secondary and minor things. Due to this, may run out of time and not finishing everything. Feels ashamed of such lack of organization and tries to discipline himself. Can be overly trusting and careless. Poorly foresees the outcome of a new venture or project. Because of this may commit rash actions, undertake wrong steps, and regret of them later. Doesn't always listen to the advice of others - prefers to act in his own way.
Shows authoritativeness and rigor in business. Everything that he starts he tries to bring to its completion. Knows how to do a lot of things with his own hands.
Dislikes uncertainty in both professional and personal respects. Gravitates towards stability, both at work and in his personal life. Respects serious, reliable, goal-oriented people. Loves it when information is presented concisely and clearly, when the important parts are distinguished, and it is based on facts. Expresses his own opinion when he is competent in the given matter. Tries to be credible, authoritative, and painfully experiences criticism of his work and professional qualities.
(Si-ESE) Description by Victor Gulenko
Aesthete, likes to bring pleasure to people around him, and to himself, likes to give presents. Good at organizing and managing his household. Knows how to make do even with a minimum of conveniences. An operational person oriented towards work. Can realize himself well in management in leisure and entertainment industries. Women of this type are good at sewing, knitting, know how to be charming, and have a good sense of taste in choosing clothing. Behavior is usually undemonstrative. Poorly endures pain and bad health.
hi new user here
i mean i have ili personality but also interest that are very sle styles. i read all the official descriptions in terms of hobbies and lifestyle i only
TristanLouisino949 Today, 04:15 PM