• ISFj description by Filatova


    Ethical-Sensory Introvert
    ESI – ISFj – Dreiser (Guardian)

    The orientation of main functional block of ESI: the conditions of normal life, harmony in her personal relations, observance by her sense of ethics and moral norms, sensitive and careful keeping and safeguarding of historic traditions, and concrete volitional efforts and actions aimed at defense and preservation of ESI's system of values.

    Description of the Strong Functions:

    Fi – Program function. As an introvert, ESI is primarily oriented at her own directives, system of values, and motivations, for which the external factors are only circumstantial. An ethical introvert possesses in her consciousness an all-encompassing idea about personal and ethical norms, about rules of coexistence, of the need to lead a particular way of life, that, from her point of view, is the only one worthy of a person.

    Subjective ethics of relations is ESI's strongest function. She understands, from an earliest age, what is good and what is bad. She is a moralist - and considers it necessary to clearly formulate and firmly observe personal criteria of behavior and moral norms.
    [Translator's note: To address a common confusion: the "subjective" ethics of ESI allows people of this type to formulate a system of values that doesn't have to correspond to what is objectively (or socially) considered to be appropriate, moral, and good, but instead define it independently in accordance to own inner world, and orient by these personal ethical values with confidence - outcomes vary.]

    Especially important for her are traditions and ethical systems, which, have been accumulated by people throughout centuries. She believes that these traditions, and also the rituals, serve as necessary reference points capable of orienting people in any situation in life. ESI assumes that these traditions must be kept and preserved with great care, never transgressed, and passed on from one generation to another.

    She usually adheres to the social norms of behavior and ethical standards that are accepted in society. If she sees someone disregard them, she may openly voice her negative relation towards that person, because she considers herself obligated to eliminate bad habits and ethical flaws of people who are close to her. This fight she can carry out firmly, without deviation, and for a long time, using all the resources accessible to her. ESI is a strongly emotionally oriented person, but she tries to conceal this with much effort. Thus, to the outsides the ESI often seems calm, even cold. However, the closer she allows someone in, the more open and warm she becomes with that person. In a circle of close friends, if the ESI is confident that she is valued and appreciated, she may feel completely happy.

    It is generally very important to her to have someone to whom she can dedicate herself, but, at the same time, she wants to make sure that her efforts will be valued - otherwise she can fall into depression, or even start a scandal. She appreciated when people are good to her, but she also remembers evil for a long time. In regard to offenders, ESI often takes an irreconcilable position and ties to punish them, to take revenge.

    ESIs sensitive nature also manifests in her love of art, especially of music. Frequently she loves to play a musical instrument, with pleasure attends concerts, and herself loves to sing.

    Se – Implementation of the program. Her ethical program ESI brings into into life with persistence of a volitional sensing type. However, interacting with her at a distance, it is often difficult to recognize the resoluteness, firmness, and dedication with which she implement her directives into real life, because this trait is often masked by external conformity and ability to pick up on the mood of another person and his attitude towards what is occurring around him (Fi).

    For some time the ESI tries to adjust to another person, to be tactful and considerate, but eventually she shows her inclination to exert willful pressuring, especially if on the path of her implementing her principles and wishes, she encounters an obstacle. In such cases the concealed at the first glance qualities of her character manifest – demanding, exacting, and very direct nature. She will without rest and without getting side-tacked try to get what is hers, convinced in her right to it. If she manages to make someone obey – she secretly feels satisfied but does not openly show this.

    Strong sensing function is also reflected in her disposition to be industrious and practically active: ESI is hard-working, energetic, fastidious, fair and conscientious – all of this is especially noticeable within her family. She generally provides for and keeps many products, arranges for additional storage units (i.e. a garage, a shed, etc). She is careful and assiduous with her resources and money and replenishes them in a timely manner. She is sensitive towards wastefulness and tries to minimize it, to put everything to use, whether it is pieces of floor panels or food leftovers.

    Such thriftiness allows her, from an early age, to save up the financial means to attain and supply for her self-sufficient existence in life, and even acquire things that symbolize prosperity – a car, a condominium, a country house, etc. She obtains everything through honest hard labor, her innate resourcefulness and scrupulous economy, and not by reckless enterprises or machinations, that often contradict her ethical directives.

    Description of the Weak Functions:

    Ne – Painful function. While the ESI is fully aware of what is happening right in front of her, she is poorly aware of its historical causes and inner context.

    She finds it difficult to accept the inner world of another person. Due to which, she is usually very thorough in selecting her life partner: she looks at him attentively, tries to check his moral qualities in interaction, then she tries to figure out how much they correspond to her requirements of a partner.

    It often is the case that ESI underestimates herself and her positive qualities, feels tormented by her conscience for her flaws, considers herself insufficiently erudite or talented, or incapable. She responds very painfully to negative remarks in her address on such matters.

    Ti – Role function. At the beginning of any task or project, ESI attentively collects and prepares the necessary material, carefully thinks things over everything, but afterwards she takes action energetically and decisively. However, the weakness of this function is exhibited by the fact that this preparatory period consumes huge investments of her time and energy. She don't naturally, quickly, nor easily make rational decisions. She also finds it difficult to objectively prioritize, to distinguish primary from the secondary: she often does everything at once, tries to work as much as possible, and doesn't always correlate her capabilities to her plans. Thus it often happens that she overloads and exhausts herself by work, while not achieving as much as she could have achieved.

    ESI at Work and at Home:

    ESI's strong sensing becomes apparent at work and in professional sphere: her working place is usually well supplied and organized, each instrument and object has its distinct place, nothing is ever scattered.

    At work she, as a rule, is very responsible and exact, and requires the same from others. ESI is intolerant of negligence and slacking around. She can be harsh towards those who don't come to work in time and who do a poor job. If there are no reasons for dissatisfaction, she chooses a calm, soft, and considerate style of interaction.

    If she finds herself in a leadership position, ESI feels great responsibility that keeps her under constant stress and tension. ESI's weak extraverted intuition, which is the reason for her often low self-esteem, doesn't permit her to see the potential and possibilities of each of her colleagues. Therefore, ESI keeps watchful and sharply alert towards any negative actions and remarks in her own respect.

    Being keenly perceptive of the relations between her colleagues, ESI easily figures out who is the non-formal leader and with success recruits his support. She feels more at ease in a leadership position if she shares responsibilities with someone else.

    Since ESI finds it difficult to predict events and see distant future prospects, the majority of her attention is directed at the resolution of current tactical issues and obstacles, which most often she successfully resolves and eliminates. She finds it easier to work under stable conditions. Uncertainly makes her feel nervous and hesitate before acting, for she doesn't like taking risks. But once ESI decides on something, she acts calmly, tenaciously, and resolutely, and follows through with her assignments and tasks to their end.

    In respect to her colleagues, she often uses persuasion and conviction as her methods, calls to their sense of duty, conscientiousness, honesty and holds herself calmly, with dignity, and earnestness. This is unless she runs into someone hostile to her, in which case she can be harsh and firm in defending her positions.

    In personal relations, she is usually considerate, sensitive, sincere and devout, capable of deep selfless feelings. But if her partner betrays her, she often breaks off relationship immediately – she doesn't forgive betrayal.

    To protect, provide for, and care for her loved ones – in first regard the members of her own family – is one of the imperatives of the ethical-sensing program of ESI. Sometimes an impression arises that ESI surrounds herself and a small circle of those dear to her with an invisible wall. For these people – she will do anything and won't spare herself. She literally serves them, dedicates all her strengths and resources to this task, makes this be the meaning behind her life.

    But is also happens that dedicating all her strengths to others, she forgets to do something necessary for herself. In such cases, feelings of dissatisfaction and irritation may accumulate inside of her, which she could hold in for many months without showing them. The prolonged stress and tension may lead to unexpected explosions; then ESI may begin to suspect that others do nothing else by exploit her, may begin to suspect that people close to her are dishonest, see in their actions some malicious intents (-Ne - weak function). In this case the ESI must be shown good will, kindness, patience, and willingness to meet her needs; this will help her to restore the lost balance.

    Summary of Functions:

    1. – The moralist, considers it important to observe moral statutes, traditions and rituals are important for they help when experiencing difficulties. Very emotional but these emotions are often deeply concealed. If she feels her kindness is being taken advantage of she can unexpectedly lash out and shout.
    2. – Uses external conformity to hide her inherent demands and persistence, which sooner or later will let themselves be known. Loves order and cleanliness and devotes much resources to achieving such. Proceeds from the general principle that purity guarantees health.
    3. – She badly sees the concealed motives and possibilities in both events and people. Is capable of assuming illusion or slyness in others where it does not exist. Weakly forecasts the course of events, especially of distant ones. Most frequently only sees the immediate profit.
    4. – Abstract theories are only dealt with, with difficulty. Conscientious, she nevertheless does not know how to make her work technologically efficient or effective. She attains successes exclusively due to her perseverance with great expenditures of time and resources.

    Profession Assessment:

    ESI is the innate worker of the social sphere. Wonderfully realizes abilities in medicine, in any economic activity. Loves animals and agricultural work, finds a worthy place in the military, as a teacher and educator of young people – knows how to create good living conditions for those under care.

    Career Possibilities:
    • Retail Sales / Fashion Merchandiser
    • Family Physician / Pediatrician / Nurse / Radiological Technologist / Dental Hygienist / Physical Therapist
    • Hotel Management
    • Dietitian
    • Librarian / Archivist
    • Social Worker
    • K-12 Teacher
    • Designer / Interior Decorator
    • Minister / Priest / Religious Educator
    • Paralegal
    • Naturalist / Research Assistant
    • Artist / Musician
    • Administrative Assistant / Clerical Supervisor
    • Guard / Corrections Officer
    • Forrest Ranger

    Potentially Favourable:
    LIE (ENTj), ILI (INTp), LSE (ESTj), EIE (ENFj), IEI (INFp), SLI (ISTp)
    Potentially Adverse:
    ILE (ENTp), IEE (ENFp), SLE (ESTp), LII (INTj)

    See also:
    Wikisocion - ESI profiles
    ESI observations
    ESI in pictures
    Type examples in videos
    Socionics Type Tests
    Typing Questionnaire
    (including photos and/or a video in your questionnaire thread tends to increase the number of replies and accurate typings)

    This article was originally published in forum thread: ISFj description (Filatova) edited! started by misutii View original post