Kindred Relations ESE-EIE by Stratiyevskaya
(machine translation--further translation needed)
I. Conserving program of ESE and wasteful program of EIE
In kindred dyad Hamlet-Hugo among a number of complementary features there are two opposite programs that are opposite in direction of information and emotional energy flows:
"Saving" (concentrated on himself) emotional program Hugo and
"Wasteful" (dispersed far and wide) emotional program of Hamlet.
Programs of kindred types are always opposite and mutually complementary:
a) On basis of ASKING (QUESTIM) (focus on dispersal and differentiation of information flows) and DECLARING (DECLARATIM) (focus on the accumulation and integration of information flows) traits.
b) On basis of EVOLUTION (structural improvement (transformation) of the environment) and INVOLUTION(reconstructive improvement (transformation) of the environment).
c) On basis of POSITIVISM and NEGATIVISM: (Positivist type has positive analytical abilities and negativistic creative abilities. Conversely, Negativist type has negative view of the world and full readiness to positively transform it.)
d) On basis of ARISTOCRACY and DEMOCRACY (the confrontation of the two forms of structuring social relations, "the conflict of the vertical and horizontal": the inability of the Democrats to exist (to navigate, communicate, perceive the world) in relations of subordination, and the failure of the Aristocrats (those who cannot envision interaction outside of a system of subordination) to understand and forgive that Democrats inability to exist in terms of the hierarchy (due to the fact that it disturbs them too deep, is surprising and shocking.)
Emotional program of ESE (Hugo):
"Farsighted accumulator of energy resources in space"
Aspect of involutional ethics emotions: -Fe.
The set of psychological attributes: 1. Positivist 2. Democratic, 3. Involutional (and in this sense, quite archaic) 4. Farsighted (cumulative, thrifty) 5. Declaring (oriented at integration, accumulation and concentration), 6. Judicious (infantile, pampered), 7. Tactical (oriented to close, local goals, limited radius of action), 8. Sensing (requires real saturation, reinforcement, and confirmation of spatial, territorial, material vital values (ECO - values) and environmentally significant resources (ECO - resources).
Emotional program of EIE (Hamlet):
"Carefree (dynamic, prompt) distributor of energy resources over time (from the past to the future)
Aspect of evolutionary ethics of emotions: +Fe.
The set of attributes: 1. Negativist 2. Aristocratic (not conceiving of social relations outside of a hierarchy) 3. Evolutionary (and in this sense, focused on a future outcome) 4. Carefree (easy-going, it's better to travel light over large distances) 5. Asking (focused on differentiation, dispersal) 6. Strategic (focused on the distant and global goals, wide range of action) 7) Requiring saturation and reinforcement by an energy potential, capable of preserving and sharing information to large time-space distances 8. Decisive (harsh)
On the other seven aspects both of their programs coincide:
Both programs are 1. Ethical (oriented at humanistic, conducive to human existence transformation of the environment) 2. Extroverted (expansive, aggressive in their extent) 3. Rational (oriented to sequential development and transformation) 4. Subjectivist (respect for the system and accepted canons, rules, statues, etc.) 5. Dynamic (oriented at change and operative destabilization of unwanted relationships, active and operational change of inconvenient (or unprofitable) priorities) 6. Constructivist (oriented at logical maneuvers, in this case, at informational-technological, and political-technological manipulations) 7. Obstinate (demanding, uncompromising, preferring to initially raise their level of requirement and to not yield anything of their own, than to later try to win over their own claiming their rights to it.)
"Collective" Program of ESE
Hugo's program is local, tactical: "to live, to enjoy life," to create a holiday, at least for himself (localization of infinitely large energy potential on a limited territorial space). Maximum of enjoyment is a minimum of trouble (including the absolute minimum). This manifests as an accumulation of energy-resources in a limited space. It is realized by the "collective", accumulating, declaring sensory program +Si: "By single grain from every field" "From everyone - a drop of joy, to each - a smile - and this is good, and this is how we're happy together! "
There are a lot of opinions that have been stated about niggling and petty accumulation of Hugo: "He picks crumbs after anyone! What he has collected - he will serve." He picks up information about the first serving, and relishes it, pretends to finish, for the right to a second or third test, if he was not honored by invitation to the first tasting. He sees nothing wrong to invite others to a leftover dinner, which allows others to get an idea of what the whole meal must have been like. If Hugo specifically takes up such a task, he will gather the remnants of each dish, spread them out on plates and bowls, and serve to this guests this food of "second freshness", so that he, too, could join the celebration and obtain an idea of what kind of food there was. This is better than to describe the dishes in words. That this must be of interest, Hugo doesn't doubt. Who would refuse to partake in the pleasure, even if these are merely the echoes of past feasts and the warm glow of luxurious dinner - it's still interesting: For ESE, according to this "accumulative" sensing of experiences (+Si) this is akin to smelling the food in the kitchen: one does not need to taste the actual food to find out what the neighbor is cooking. To test his perception it is possible to ask the neighbor afterwards. Not for a taste, but rather to test his assumptions: it is always interesting to know whether his sensory perceptions have let him down or provided an accurate assessment.
For ESE, on his accumulating, democratic, creative sensing (+Si), there is nothing shameful in collecting sensory impressions bit by bit - and spending them bit by bit as well. ("Where ate sparrow? .." - Then peck, peck there, tried just a little, you see, and full. whom not much is given, from the unnecessary and many require. Very convenient position for the displaced in the subordinate (relieved of dominance) values Superego aspects of the business logic (-ch.l. 3). collecting food bit by bit "bird of God knows no worries, no work." He has the right not to know and the right to live a fun, easy life, filled the hearts of all who see and hear joy and gladness. This prevents anyone? - No, and then all is well and everyone is happy. and claims can not be any easier than the lives, the more fun singing, multiplying the joy in the surrounding world. Gives fun all sympathetic and kind. Who fed, he is listening to the song. (A Hugo sings well, if it makes its profession. If he is a professional organizer holidays, professional toastmaster, a professional club employee massovik - joker, a professional broadcaster - it can be assumed found his place in life. He rarely a dull moment around him lots of lights, lots of fun, a lot of fun, a lot of holiday and bright colors, lots of new and interesting people, young and beautiful faces, dazzling smiles - and that's good!) Worse, when everyone has to prove its right to communion for the holiday. And, as if this is something beyond incomprehensible . Though after all, and it does not require much. He understands that not everyone fits into the interior of festive halls, not all have enough space for a feast, and the holiday is to be shared. (This is the law in the first quad). not share holiday - is an insult to human .
(The point here is this: the archaic, the oldest in sotsione that structure human society in the very early stages of its evolution, the program first quadra instinctively reflected the traditional forms of human existence in that distant and happy time when it was possible, though not for long, because that the age of man was short, but to live a happy and joyful, enjoying life and love all around, because other people were not among them - all lived as one family. All the! And together shared joy, happiness, warmth and care (Although, of course, also just in case!). And blame expelled from the community. celebration of life for them is over. And nothing was worse than that. Programs instinctive fear considered an outcast, if you and I who - then what - you do not want to share are stored in the aspects that dominate the first quadra so far. Mainly, ethics - sensory.
So (in terms of program Hugo), better attach to the holiday even as man - what not at all. You can treat and the remnants of festive cake, and a description of the holiday, and a story about him and his feelings. Because Hugo and wants to know everything in detail - also wants to join the celebration! Therefore asks: "Well, well! .. Tell me, tell me, what was it? There was fun? Who was there? Than treated? .. It was good? ... You danced? You who - then invite? .. Well ? .. Tell me! .. He followed you? .. And what happened then? .. " (Hugo - Democrat: simple, public human joy it is much clearer and closer than glamorous delights elite hangouts, although even there he did not lose.)
According to Hugo, the stories about the holiday is already possible to get the person pleasure, to please him, and joy in life is "too much" never happens, it is never enough and always her who - wants to take away. And at least a grain of joy man still want to keep. Example: In the play, Eugene Schwartz, "Cinderella" Stepmother - Hugo's all the same allowed Cinderella from afar for a royal ball, standing under the windows of the palace, after she cope with the homework assignment, which a month would not be enough. But who's counting? The main thing - do not take away from the man at least a spark of hope for the introduction to the holiday. But everyone in it, sorry - my share. (And this is coming from the principles of fair distribution of wealth in the primitive - communal times. Was the custom: the family hunter receives a larger share, and no one else and driven hunt - the stimulus will be. So here: the first test with treats remove hosts and their family. And friends and acquaintances are invited to attend what is left.) So Hugo sees nothing wrong in order to join and to attach to the remnants of holiday treats. And pretend to finish - if not the right of "first cut" at least on the right to the second. As a Democrat and subjectivist - a man who respects the traditions of the system and its statutes, Hugo realizes that the right owner - the organizer to decide whom and in what order to attach to the pleasure. But the fun does not deprive a person - it is cruel! You can not bring home a piece of the pie, if the owner does not allow you to take it, but at least talk about it you can! But Hugo's imagination is the description restore its flavor. And it turns out that he, too, joined the celebration. Hugo is humble, he does not pretend to someone else, but the friendly service descriptions - then it can be! The same way (by the standards of Hugo), and coming from a date sensitive and generous-hearted person can be attached to the joys of life Hugo, telling him what a his partner. (It is no one asks Hugo acquaint with this person, and even more so to lend support for the evening - the other, but to tell something about it can be! Or it does not allow to talk about themselves? If not allowed, why? What happened to him wrong? Did he - then hiding? He has what - a mystery? ..
And, suddenly, when faced with the reluctance to share with him the interlocutor impressions, Hugo goes to different shifts, because the sensory program (+ BS) his tenacious, collectively, what caught my eye, or the eye - then it! . So here: already started talking, so tell me, not Tom!
Hugo embarks "on extreme caution", promises that more information will not it go. Encouraging that there is light at the things that are very important to promptly tell an experienced person, so you do not have trouble. And offers himself as an expert. And it is from this position begins to push at him, fighting for their share of the holiday. Because for Hugo is no stranger joy and foreign holidays, except those which are now his "taciturn" inexplicably denied.
The Democrats simple! (From the point of view of the Democrats).
Especially at such a democrat, as Hugo, who forgets about the time when (and because) it profitable to forget about it. He prefers not to think about the fragile and unstable matter, rapidly disintegrating under the influence of time. He tries not to think about the qualitative changes of food, about the processes of decomposition of food that occur over time. And this is related to the aspect ratio of the problematic intuition of time in Hugo. He does not see (and do not want to see) the changes that occur with physical objects, if he is on the way - the reason is not profitable, it is not convenient, do not fit into his plans, does not meet his expectations, intentions and expectations.
A life of Hugo is always waiting for a great deal. Enjoy life to the last moment of its existence - that is what he needs, something for which he fights and he does not agree less. Time - the worst enemy Hugo. It limits all the joys that brings or could give him life. Comes (as oblique) drops the joy in the midst of enjoying it. Just gave way. Therefore, the time for Hugo - the - that resembles death: comes in the midst of fun and deprives people of the opportunity to live and enjoy life.
And what is the time and the sense of time for Hamlet?
Time - is, first and foremost, and that is worth to live. Time - it is the hope for the better, it is a ray of light in the darkness besproglyadno dreary everyday life today. (Negativism outlook of Hamlet due to the fact that his program on ethics of emotions - analytical aspect, analyzing all really happening in the present - the negative (on the basis of psychological positivism negativity), and the creative aspect (b.i.2) - POSITIVE. All the best Hamlet's happening in the future, his dreams and expectations for the implementation of which he lives.
His intuition of time (b.i.2) - intuition distant light of the past, which preserved the brightest memories, intuition or distant future, in which (if you really try) to be implemented positive, long-expected plans and expectations which, for whatever - the reasons could not be implemented at this time. In the future, can be realized that it was not possible to carry out real today. It is only necessary to believe that this is possible to achieve and strive for it. And then there will be the happy and joyful transformation to which mankind since time immemorial (since the creation of the world) goes into their dreams and plans, in the hope of a possible implementation. Our plans today, tomorrow will come true, if you really want this badly and make a real effort, real knowledge, skills, abilities, and skills. Any dream can be realized when - sometime in the distant or near future. And this future may bring, if preparation of a draft, outline clear plans for their implementation, to develop techniques - to solve the problem technically at the highest level. (But this is a matter of technical implementation of positive, optimistic plans for Hamlet to him reduced function of the third aspect of the model of Hamlet - aspects of the business logic (+ ch.l.3), logic high technology, which is the implementer of the creative intuition of time plans Hamlet, intuition dreams, intuition expectations all the best for the future.)
And what is the dimension of sensory experiences in the model of Hamlet? (B.s.4) This constant dissatisfaction with the actually existing state of affairs, with whom he always faces, which his sad and disappointing. This state is the determining factor in his attitude and is associated with physical, psychological and emotional sensory dissonance with perpetual dissatisfaction everything happening to him and around him.
We are too far in our today's bleak light of the expected ... (about tomorrow I do not say ...) ... future. Too many depressing and irritating moments in today's present. Too many unknown and frightening in ourselves and around us, and in our relationships and in our decisions, and that is offered, and that is conceived and imposed to implement. Too much nonsense in our real life, too much stupidity and laziness, too low threshold requirements to myself and to others. Too hard to live with all this ...
This monologue is endless, but the point can be summed up in one question: "And you have no other reality?" (Similar to joke: "And you have no balls? Mean - Earth ...) On this issue is resolved:" To be or not to be. "Being in this reality outside observer, a kind of suffering Werther, ever hurt Piero eternal victim of his frustration ... or be an active campaigner for the implementation of his dreams, an active conductor and promoter of his ideas and actively fight against all evils that impede its implementation, stir bring bright future of our expectations?
Having made the decision to fight, Hamlet recognizes the right to life.
Fight - it means "to be."
Passively accept what is happening, not trying to change anything in it - it means "not to be."
Movement - this is life, it is a struggle, it is the pursuit of new frontiers, the development and growth.
Immobility - is death, it is nothingness - the absolute lack of energy, the will to resist, the will to overcome obstacles, lack of vitality, lack of belief, through which people can make the right choices and the right foot on the true path of life (way forward to a better future) , instead of a dead rock fall on muddy bottom of deep, dark swamp, blocking their access to light and to the dream.
Wrestling - means movement and action, for the speaker and extrovert Hamlet.
If archaic and involutional program Hugo (ch.e.1) - is an emotional expression of local and tactical positivism ("To live and enjoy life!" - Livin 'the Life of life, where you live - who's stopping you?), For Hamlet Program (+ ch.e.1) these are not even the permitted minimum.
What does it mean - live and rejoice that there is? - It was not his idea, not his regime. It means "to live for today." It means living without purpose, without a strategy, with no plans for the future - to live this very minute enjoying life here and now. Hamlet as a decisive, creative and intuitive strategy is not appropriate. What if tomorrow the war, but if tomorrow a hike? He then sits back and enjoys life - how can you? He does not want to become a victim, does not want to be to blame for their own and other misfortunes because sitting and enjoying life, instead of going to fight for it, to protect the right to life, a better future, which can only be a of those who are fighting for their own and the general (universal, inclusive, obschesemeynoe) happiness with everyone who wants to take away.
Protection of the right to life is more important than life itself for intuitive Hamlet, because it allows him to protect your future and make it feasible in remote and positive purposes. (The creative aspect-b.i.2 - positive, analytical: ch.e. + 1 - is negative.)
Hamlet program is an expression of a global, strategic positivism in the future, to the victims of the negatives.
In connection with this, and the potential for creative intuitive reality Hamlet more important than the quality of the reality of today and the potential of the object, and first of all intellectual and creative potential is more important than the quality of the current object. The main thing - it's potential and desire to implement it. Therefore, even the one who was a nobody can become all, if he wants, if you try, if you can intelligently and creatively to develop and work on yourself.
"And the eternal fight, rest we can only dream!" - The battle as the eternal progress toward the goal that you can not stop and you need to be in motion and action. (Extrovert-speaker). And for this it is necessary to manage their own movement and action (and that in fact is not prodvineshsya, stop). A stop for the speaker - Hamlet - is drop dead weight on the bottom, the lack of movement and action - is death.
Be independent in movement and action is problematic in the second quadra in rigid social hierarchies of relations of subordination.
Therefore, Hamlet must be the one who governs, and not to those who are governed, - to be a leader, mentor, strategist. And so it is imperative to set the direction of their own aspirations, the very set goals and achieve them.
In the second quadra all extroverts - strategists. (And Hamlet and Zhukov). But how Evolyutory (lookout), Hamlet firmly holds the right leadership. He needs to not only be recognized as a leader in their system (that it did not dispute the right of it no one else), but to be so, in fact the personal freedom of opinion and action.
Hamlet activates a sense of power, especially when it is possible and easy to manipulate public opinion. Therefore, the manipulation of public opinion (in a small group, a small group) consider (or rather, feels vital) as fiz.zaryadku as morning exercises as a physical workout. For him it is - a common social event, necessary for vitality, to feel better, for normal vitality and to improve the perception of the world, suggests that not everything in this world is so hopeless, if he so easily can manage moods thoughts, actions and relationships others.
And for this we have to periodically make "royal hunt" - who declared an enemy of the system, and to hunt down, and trampled zaklyuyut, subject to emotional pressure.
For variety, park and play "royal venture" to check the readiness to transform the environment in accordance with his desires - why not make their efforts to act, work, initiative and will be set in motion.
The main thing - to constantly monitor the situation in the system in terms of its leadership in it. Therefore, Hamlet would be seven Fridays of the week - seven initiative, one for each day. It is not so much what he will come up (although the lack of imagination of the representatives of the TIM is not complaining) it is important that due to small, tactical goals he keeps his hand on the remote control other people's emotions, changing channels of information flow on your own.
Hamlet - strategist, so when his "duty" Operational Programme: "To live, to always be in motion and action" is necessary also global strategic objective. And that goal is to be out of reach (not that it is not recognized and yourself) because, if the goal is reached, the motion ceases, and with it will stop and the action and life. Ceased to exist, full of struggle and overcoming the difficulties, full of boiling passions and conflicting forces that do not allow Hamlet to stay in its motion and development, and fall.
If the motion - that's life. That death - is motionless black stagnant "dead marsh" in which everything gets stuck and is buried, the black hole, which takes all of the energy shining stars that can give light and warmth to those in a position to reflect the heat, can ignite and catch fire, able to shine and give warmth, transferring energy, light and fire - zeal and fervor of his immortal soul and restless on a long bright future. (The creative aspect of the distant and the conservative instincts of time (b.i.2), that will keep the best, the brightest, the impressions, and the most significant information to fill in the memory units and transfer it into the distant future.)
Thus, the mission of Hamlet in sotsione (by and large) is to ensure that transfer energy (and with it the information in memories, impressions and images) from the distant light of the past (b.i.2 - positive) to the best of what is in the present, from the present - in the distant bright future with its endless movement forward.
Therefore, the energy required to be clean, lofty, light-colored memories, images of sublime and bright, perfect in form, the maximum quality and succinct information on the content.
This is - the program - a maximum of Hamlet. And it comes down to the fact that happiness to all humanity build a better future in the present. And besides, to bestow myself with the knowledge that higher involvement in the mission.
Along with this there is a program - optimum: bestow yourself and your family in real life conditions of decent and honest life, daily work, people feats ... And this program (in its best form) it can be realized only in a dual relationship and only in favorable social and historical environment. Perpetual dissatisfaction with himself, others, and general all around, and that makes him always to fight and struggle for a better life, and that he considers himself a normal state, he would find in a dual relationship. But only if it is reasonable to begin dual Maxim alternate measure of positive and negative feelings in the worldview of Hamlet.
Effeminate, forcibly compelled to laziness, sated pleasures Hamlet feels awful (as is especially evident when Hamlet goes to education to the reasoning - introverted - Ethics Dostoyevsky or Dumas, where he is forced to sleep on the floor of the day, over and over is, to sit for a long time, "good boy with folded hands, "so that his legs go numb, and arrange a fit about any attempts to disrupt this mode). And nobody except Douala Maxim (which, do not feed bread, and let me try to force someone namyat side - something) is not able to Hamlet's best desired and necessary touch mode. Hamlet will torment yourself and others, do not get it. But the horror is that no one but Maximus, subtly directed to the wishes and feelings of Hamlet, a measure of the "desired" is not defined, no matter how hard he tried.
Finally, the program - at least Hamlet - to survive with dignity at all times, protecting the honor, reputation and good, taking care not to sully the soul and conscience of misconduct, which could be sorry not to mar the experience and memories then feelings of regret and shame to be able to openly and honestly look people in the eye and, feeling incapable of existing in this world, to be able at any moment to rise to the level of program implementation optimum and maximum.
And to do this again, to be independent in his movements and actions. Be a leader and not allow themselves to jam, stomp, to score, to sacrifice, to push out of the system .. Never be the one replacing the lower layers of the hierarchy. Because designed eagle soar, should not crawl in the dust like a serpent, humbly begging for mercy at the feet of the lord. "Beneath" - not its place in the system. Therefore, no lower yourself into the dirt or throwing a dirty, Hamlet does not allow anyone. Stagnant swamp - the most hateful to him the verse: "claw stuck, the end of the bird."
Therefore, the main thing - do not obstruct their actions to live and move forward and upward to new frontiers, to rise to new levels, new limits and overcoming obstacles, raising the bar for all requirements, including for myself. Because each new level to match. And you will not fit, do not have time to blink an eye, as again find yourself at the "bottom" of those who "humbly groveling, allowing himself more and more closely." And doing well at it. To be back there and hear: "From out of our environment, and our back. Sit quietly and now about any flights not dream!" Nothing worse than he imagined not. Better to eagle with folded wings, stone fall down.
Out vertically, without hierarchy, without swift flight up, up, to the sun, the existence of Hamlet himself is not. Habitat, so, too, should be appropriate, "high." "Who's on top of the cedar had nested, the one with the sun and wind are not afraid" - as Shakespeare said (EIE) - a great connoisseur heartstrings of this psycho.
Where and at what points will be crossed life paths aristocrat Hamlet (who will consider himself an aristocrat, even if it is buried in the mud on the most "do not want") and Democrat Hugo which democratic and just ready to accept what is, if it allows him to live and enjoy life. How, under what conditions and with what "block" (a hindrance to himself Hamlet finds) will be their interaction?
Hugo's attitude to Hamlet will be pragmatic in - first in - Second, in - in the third ... - tenths. And it is because of "collecting" creative sensory sensations Hugo (+ b.s.2).
Hamlet needed "suite." What is the hierarchy without the system? What strategy without sphere of influence? What a king without a retinue? On the stage of formation "plays" the king, and not vice versa. There are suites, a king. No entourage - an ordinary man appears before the audience, with all its passions, impulses, sadness and longing. So he appears to democratic Hugo, which is down or pushed aside, it is "simple and natural" to communicate on equal even with someone - even with the king, though ... and with Hamlet will communicate as equals. And his attempts to push yourself down will not understand. (If at all, in his courage and positive fervor pay attention to them.)
In a relationship with Hamlet Hugo serves as the tutor in ethics and aesthetics. Because there is such intertype and interpersonal relationships in which Hugo though someone - some would allow it to challenge the law and for Hamlet, he makes no exception. Getting Hamlet graciously allows Hugo himself counseling.
Hugo is a role, likes and begins creatively manipulate Hamlet, as a material object: Cool it turns like a doll, get up like a dummy, forcing him to his own tastes, habits, and styles. To match the style and adjusts his mood. And here is Hugo takes the closest distance, sets the most stringent controls and holds the toughest adjustment, pushing the farthest recesses of the depth of his soul.
He certainly acts as a sympathetic and sensitive relative troubled mental state neighbor. And proceed to cross-examination, which always wear either a sympathetic character, or disgruntled, irritable tone. Whatever turns Hamlet everything in it that Hugo - yes some do not like: that he does not like the mood of Hamlet, he do not like his opinion, it is dull, then frowning, then sleepy, then it cleared, the tired, the inattentive, the detached, the dreamy
That it what - he thinks, but about what - do not agree. Than he - that upset, and what - no telling. Perhaps what troubles him - then maybe it is Hugo's bad news will bring. (For him, this tension "in the zone of terror" by intuition the next change (+ b.i.4), and stress on this aspect of Hugo can not stand.) Hugo beforehand worried interrogates, if anything had happened? (A may have to be - then run saved? - What is the mystery? This is - what, to whom, it's nice to scare him?? Maybe it is time to grab the bundle and run the shelter!) Hamlet is not one of those who willing to share the doubts that troubled him, but Hugo is not one of those who retreat without achieving success. Therefore, if Hugo still manages to find out that anxiety Hamlet not relevant thereto, he calms down and consider possible retreat - not harass a person with questions. Although, of course, is always interesting to know what kind of trouble this in his heart, is it somehow and Hugo concerns. Or Nemesis already brought it over his head, his sword, and him that is not known, the surrounding know but do not say. Find out all the same do not interfere. Therefore, if Hamlet does not want to put on re-examination, he certainly would have to "change the emotional gamut," and change your normal, minor mood, on a positive - on the mask of "jovial joker." A mask to need an appropriate entourage. So as soon as Hamlet changes the "mask", his face no longer Hugo suit and he continues to work on the image of Hamlet as an experienced makeup artist. "Grim" he changed his relative, another person "made", it remains to "make a costume." Hugo Hamlet impose your taste, your style, forcing clothing parrot colors, to buy (or have to buy what - what outlandish scarves in bright colors. Makes him change her hair, her hair dyed (in different colors is sure: "it was so perky!"). As a result of all these manipulations Hamlet becomes like the White Clown, who rite in costume red. Hugo also remains unsatisfied result, trying to create a different song, but it is an even worse option than the first. Eventually Hugo still manages to bring Hamlet to "standards "their aesthetic priorities, and Hamlet is a tragedy turns. Because, in the absence of Hugo, he feels helpless in this whole pile of garish and extravagant clothes. Sometimes it is because of this, even late for a meeting. ask your friends to come and help him choose clothes for the evening. Friends come and catch him at a loss before opening a cupboard with hangers in their hands. And then begins attraction called "Nothing to wear." Hamlet tries on six, seven, eight sets of clothes. And in each of them looks more and more ridiculous and extravagant. (It seems that he made a raid on the dressing circus or variety show.) He looks at it is becoming more and more miserable. he himself can not move away from the mirror, realizing that looks awfully ridiculous. But if so many time is spent on clothing choices, wow that - something to wear!
As part of the style of Hugo tries to make some sort of Hamlet himself. And the mood, and their clothes, and hair - to create a sort of own "clone", which is always right there next is almost always the same: dressed in the same his favorite colors in the clothes of the same style, the same size. And if necessary, you can always borrow it that - something "brand new" "for a change" in the evening. Very convenient: a stylish and expensive clothing to rent is not necessary. To ensure that the size of fit, Hugo also watching. A constant reminder of the need to follow a diet. (If Hamlet - a close friend, or a friend, record calories and taste masking done right there at the table.)
For its part, Hamlet is attractive for Hugo as an interesting, comfortable and, above all, an attentive interlocutor - a student, as a man with ambition and wealth of contacts. And this is - just what Hugo seeks and collects. (For the creative, strategic, collective, the implementation program of evolutionary sensory sensations b.s.2 +). Looking out for a wide circle and valuable relationships that will bring it to the levels where the fun and joy of the highest quality are available to him. It's in the past Hugo could scrounge in Hamlet address good and cheap dressmaker - outworker, cheap home-based hair stylist, manicurist, pedicurist, furrier. Then, of course, not to be obliged to Hamlet, he complained about the quality of the work of these artists. He ruined his dress, this - her hair. Hamlet every time of not having renounced it to the circle of "their" experts. And every time I admit, because I was powerless over his pressure and stress.
Working through the emotional and sensory pressure on (+ b.s.2), influencing his impatience on the area fear Hamlet aspect sensory sensations (b.s.4), creating a sense of terrible panic, spreading the feeling of sensory irritation of his discomfort, Hugo achieve from Hamlet is all that he needs. (Socionics is called: "Hit the creative aspect of the mobilization aspect sokontaktnika", "make a move" with his creative mobilization at PF2 PF4 partner.)
Fly into the apartment of Hamlet with a feeling as if the third world war has begun, and on the radio just announced an air alarm means to get from Hamlet, anything at this point. Because the threat of global catastrophe everything else pales. By acting in this way, Hugo could deprive Hamlet everything, and a mobile phone and a checkbook and a key to the apartment where the money is. Because this is exactly the case when Hamlet is unconditionally share everything they owned with a man, crossing the threshold of his house. It is in his model of TIM. The right to life - the sacred right. And in helping a person in distress can not be denied, even if it is a stranger. Because someone else's grief for Hamlet does not happen.
So when Hugo his insatiable thirst for pleasure turns into a problem for others, the first for whom the problem is a tragedy, it is his "cousin" Hamlet. He irrepressible suffering Hugo takes seriously. What emotional ethics program that focuses on the extremes of the implementation of the program, he just can not refuse to help the suffering. This is contrary to the ethical and ideological charter of his quadra. Help neighbors - above all, the right to life - the sacred right. Hugo uses it and "spins" Hamlet, the maximum becomes active opening for him in this situation, potential. Maximum joy - a minimum of problems, so we must take the maximum, while give until it is possible. The fact that he rake (maybe) last, Hugo at this point does not think. Even if you try to stop it, it stops. Appears a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, there is courage, begins to "mow" for the careless, "Ah! Think about the little things! He still is! He himself would get!" He already could smell prey, he flies on it.
To say that it is - "a blow to sensorics sensations" - to say nothing. At close range Hugo clung to PF4 (b.s.4) Hamlet, destroying it and punching all the protection and defense, biting into all the "interesting", as (excuse the comparison) heads to the liver of Prometheus, it captures all Only you can pick up. And not because of his "The Gods sent", but because it is - another can not: white sensation (+ BS or -b.s.) - his field, his "feeding zone". And all that is in it is - its production, and should be his. Give him the will, he will take the latter. And it can not be stopped if it is seized upon to pleasure, it must taste it through.
Deny him this - meant to deprive the holiday declared enemy, to declare war and to substitute itself for its demonstrative aggression, which in Hugo is the first harbinger of fear and hate, because he is afraid of the war, the war prevented him live and enjoy life. If Hamlet denies him what - or pleasure - it must be understood that war is coming, we must prepare for war ... And then it gets Hugo negative information on their "zone of fear" (PF) for its cautious intuition of time (+ b. i.4) - intuition of things to come. And on this point Hugo sees the world in the most horrific paints a negative aspect, nothing good will not be a Hugo. And the horror, the tension that while it binds, it reinforces a sense of irritation and adds a touch of discomfort (irritation and stress) in Hamlet. And Hamlet now feeling anxious and it makes him raise his creative intuition of time (b.i.2). Sensing the storm, and the storm it portends and feel able. Hamlet realizes that all - still have to prepare for war. The situation becomes, the voltage required output. ("Spark" is between them and ran in this field electrified the storm and could defuse the situation. Energies are too many and it should be discharged.) Reason for discharge is Hamlet realizes that Hugo uses it, knows that soon it will be all known. Maybe someone - that is around him that - a long time ago said he saw or heard from the arrogant superiority Hugo manipulates Hamlet.
And tied to white sensorics Hamlet from the point of their "collective" creative (+ BS - BS) Hugo him alone leaves: while there, what to take, we must take as given. But this is not so bad - worse, when Hugo staking a claim to "finish" and trying to direct "lift test" with feelings of Hamlet - "direct scraping the tongue." Because of this, in Hamlet the feeling (especially at close range), which Hugo, in the literal sense of the word, "consumes" him, especially when he leans very close and "lights" near anticipation of victory.
Creative aspect in Hugo (+ b.s.2) - tenacious, tenacious, a collective, strategic ("spectacular": that captured, then pulled, holds not let go.) Program aspect in Hugo (ch.e.1) - local, tactical, amplified at close range, where Hugo can be in full force to influence the weak sensory Hamlet, using their creative, tenacious, acumen, his ability to "light" and unscrew all the way, giving him to stop or cool down no senses.
Hugo makes Hamlet share their deepest secrets, talk about their feelings. And if you do not notice the time Hamlet "hook" does not stop, not cool, not to change the subject ... He feels like he dissected. As if he is on the slide, and all his senses will now be seen through a microscope. If Hamlet did not fly off the handle, do not rebel, do not utter the "extra", it will fail, because it is already "spread" on a plate with a saucer and now it all depends on how he will behave. And if he does not want tomorrow about ... (still hidden on all media) know the whole house, the whole street, and the whole block, it must stop now. Because "Treat yourself" this information himself, Hugo run it treat others. Even if they also will be a holiday, that they too will survive these bright, strong, memorable, exciting experience. About feelings - brilliant, unforgettable, deeply personal - DO NOT APPLY IN THE SECOND Quadra! Trouble to those who talk about it. And not just because the sensory aspects of sensation to verbal units quadra determined not covered and therefore not made public. Fires also a deep personal dislike for anyone who talk about it directly. He will be convicted and sentenced to public censure right there on the spot. And the sentence will be carried out immediately. (There is a common "substitute" (by the way, at the very same Hamlet) allow a person to talk on this subject, and then slyly (if it happens face to face) or loudly shame (both from the podium, "Now, comrades, what unpleasant fact is the place to be! "), but the way the person was ready to shame vanished. If the conversation is face to face, and the trick of Hamlet (and then to condemn it) comes across strongly - a fight is inevitable. Hamlet be beaten, and brutally, especially when he made fun of the strongest sensor systems.)
If Hamlet himself - in what-ever open debate, for example, in a TV "talk show" begins to open and languishing eyes tell of his deep personal feelings - so that - that definitely went wrong in his model, and at a very deep level .
Sensory experiences in Quadra decisive - a deeply taboo subject. (Since then, the behavior of the war in human society, in Quadra decisive on this topic ban: talk "about it" relax and discouraged, "the last in a fight - the first in conversations" - this pattern already noticed.)
Resolute and jars need to listen to "texts", voiced on this point, and most of their voice to the stage. (In this case, strong (particularly Hamlet) helps professionalism: voiced phonemes, but not the text, images are played, but not their very "white-touch" content. If you want to play a sense, is played on the image of the corresponding emotional pattern and no more . image as a symbol expresses everything you need, and nothing more is needed. experiencing these feelings Hamlet can only emotionally - intuitive terms, not allowing them to touch the subjective feelings, because it interferes with the work - it's not professional, it is absolutely to what. (If he voiced the word "mess", he does not need to fill it all the way to present your mouth and taste it, because then the public is generally not a single letter of the word did not disassemble and do not hear.) And this at work. And in the personal life, he tries to be all the more careful.
And he does not understand people who are interested in other people's aftertaste.
Hamlet Beware of people who are interested in its aftertaste - what is this desire such? What is this desire to taste what the other already tasted and experienced? What kind of cannibalism such - to eat other people's aftertaste?
(Although for many sensor technology - deklatimov desire to personally experience this "aftertaste" (or personally foretaste of it) is the incentive to incest. (Father-in-law, Hugo claimed the "delicate relationship" from the bride-Hamlet every time his son (her husband , LIE, Jack) went into the sea. (and leave it for a few months.) father-in-law appeared in the house of his son and "paternalistic" to talk to daughter. Once, when he tried to go beyond the limits, outraged his daughter fought off the attack and kicked out home, promising to tell her husband, but her father-in-law beat. Met son himself. And he told him that the "spitfire" would not let him even paternalistic to touch her. (In the third quadra such allegorical allusions do not understand.) Then, after son's death, he tried to justify himself by explaining that just wanted to understand the suitability of his son, daughter-in sexy or not. considered it his duty to find out. in his son's death, he accused the daughter.)
Close genetic marriage - a tradition preserved since the Middle and Late Palaeolithic, since the development and settlement of unfavorable climatic zones - is also a component of the "collective" aspect of sensory sensations + BS - Development and settlement of the surrounding area, which are inhabited and mastered as adaptation and orientation of them, at least in the accumulation and preservation of their vital eco-and energy - resources. The same aspect of sensory perception (+ BS) is the oldest and the "collective" program in sotsione, going back to the bio-anthropological genetic instinct "collector", every living being required for the development environment (+ BS). The same program, and allows and requires collecting all that is needs in habitat use yourself and share it with others.) Exchange of heat and energy was a guarantee of survival in a time when, from the time of the Ice Age, all warmed in close quarters, lying side by side. And the one who found himself in the middle, getting more heat and attention than others. And he had more opportunities to survive. (Requirement more heat, care and attention - is also part of the "collective" aspect (+ BS), which Hugo creatively manipulated, pronouncing himself for better conditions, in accordance with its "live and enjoy life." ( But also, to be in the middle, the "secret" had to know how to get there. because the competition was high and stay there - not long. And I had to try hard to keep the attention on yourself and stay longer in favor . rescues beauty - the "formidable force", but the time is rapidly destroyed beauty. A need to get more attention, care and tenderness remain. rescues fun, the ability to "light up and light", to gain experience, to share experiences. rescues the ability to "know the secrets" and be among those who "lights", because the "secrets" to them are "valuable information" that they readily accepted in exchange for his - "priceless." In this sense, all of Hugo TIM longest stay "young at heart . "It is he and" sing ", and sparkles with energy and generously lavishes her in exchange for the one that receives it.)
But all this does not understand Hamlet. He does not allow non-normative relationships between relatives. We, now, thank God, the yard is not the stone age. (If anyone - that hours late in the Late Paleolithic, he is not guilty and responsible for it should not. Hamlet will not claim on other people's "finish" and he does not want to be neither "foretaste" or "finish" for anyone. Do not allow yourself "to taste", "try themselves to the tooth", "taste." do not inspect yourself for quality compatibility. consider all this humiliating and unacceptable. (If you can not see him in time creative strategy white - Hugo sensory manipulation, it and not allow themselves to be manipulated like puppets, but the trouble is that this time he does not notice, gratefully taking care of Hugo. When notices outraged and tries to stop his actions. He also applies to checks.
Check the strength of feelings, friendship, of loyalty - it is all right. Such a test, he still admits, but again, not in relation to themselves. Checking - this, consider the same plot, trap bases, deceit, nuisance, a catch. Any check humiliating and unacceptable in relation to the upstream and downstream Hamlet himself does not recognize and does not think being stubborn extrovert strategy, and even quadra ideologue and decisive military aristocracy to boot! How it will look when it all to yourself will bring? And what he strategist after that, if not considered a mile intrigues and tricks? Any check Hamlet is regarded as abuse of his confidence, as an attempt to shift and drive it to them from their preferred positions. ("And why would he check, unless they want to shift? - He will think in terms of the second quadra. - Therefore check that doubted, I come I to them or not. And if you have doubts and arrange such a test, then take my place found another candidate and they compare it with me. wonder who decided on this? .. Why do I do not know anything? .. Why I passed by this important information? .. ")
Check yourself Hamlet even Maxim does not: "Did I give a reason for distrust - No. - Well, if you trust, because trust and not verify!"
In the second quadra if checks start, everything - dry crackers! The path will not close. Checks can be decisive in Quadra frighten anyone. In Quadra reasoning test - a common and much-needed business. Everything is checked and checked and all aspect of sensory sensations, and intuition capabilities - and nothing is more common and normal than this. But when his decisive reasoning konflikter says, "Here, we can now check if you can ..." If at this point the reasoning anything save from crushing blow strong (phone rings, kettle whistle on the stove) - it will be a miracle, and salvation.
Democrats have all the "easy" and aristocrats all difficult, all heaped up.
Hamlet aristocrat try to offer Christmas dinner leftovers (back to the original topic), no doubt, as a normal and respectable man, he would not guess that he was getting a warm welcome and involve the holiday. You would not believe, however reveals that for three days of good food storage - this is not a term. He did not believe, and rightly so ... He, like his intuitive understanding of this period of time. Even the servants of the master's table with stale food do not (just because it was eaten in the evening of the same day.)
Suggest Hamlet residues and then equate it to the status of a servant or to the status of a pet pig. But who would not hurt? "The cattle", "pig" - is the most common swear words in Hamlet (in the volume regulatory language.) And if he's treated like cattle or like a pig, but at the same time represent his actions as a blessing, as good service as the hospitality and festive meal, it seems, is not only for the animals, a pig, a servant, but a fool and a madman holding.
Hamlet squeamish - and this is one of the most painful manifestations of its mobilization sensory sensations. And "if only that" there will not be. And will not be able to accept the residual treat. "Remains - sweet", for whom - something else, perhaps, but not for him. His program at least - to survive with dignity. And below that it does not lower the bar. (Prior to the beyond the minimum program "survive at any cost" does not fall - for it is death! Therefore sensitive about any slightest worsening living conditions or deterioration in relation to him in life. First and foremost, it determines the quality of the food that it serves. If, for example, he is coming to dinner and falls at a time when the hostess is preparing a new food, and gives him fresh, but the rest of the afternoon (not to torment his hunger), he feels terrible sense of humiliation. And you have to be blind, not to notice it. Oh, it would be better tormented by hunger, but they put the table together with all of the holiday and fresh food than because of sympathy for his condition.
In interpersonal relationships, family than just each other or feed. Come relative to the request - very useful, it can be left from lunch soup feed, today is not a holiday delicacies promise, I'm sorry, we are not waiting. Intertype kinship for Hamlet are very similar to the interpersonal. Especially if combined with them on family connections and psycho.
With Hugo Hamlet behaves as self-confident and self-satisfied relative who appreciates the "poor cousin" also on the potential (just in case). And not just because everything said Hamlet gifted, promising, talented, but so far not too confident and too modest in their requests (Hugo do not like it), a budding professional. Because Hugo activated potential. Why put up with his poverty. If necessary, do not take the last and not deny him from home because sometimes remembers his talent. And remembering, looking at him as a hen that maybe someday will carry the golden eggs, but the time it will not be soon, and bring it very desirable. So he arranges and Hamlet at times akin to - welcome, treating it with the one on the shelves unsold, suffers its dull look and laugh at him at a relative good-naturedly, when are you going, dear rodstvennichek poraduesh us with his creation? And then send it home nothing for pains, remembering finally asked, "Well, now when you come back to me? Just call ahead in order to prepare ..." Hamlet then did not understand what Hugo had to prepare in advance? Fresh pies for his arrival did not seem baked. Again there were unsold pieces of cake, and that food - it will not name. Renounce Hamlet come to visit Hugo and Hugo again: "Well, when you now come back to me? Just call ahead in order to prepare ..."
In related ITO Hugo substantially understates self Hamlet: "Who are you, Who do you mnish, yes we seen such ..." and it is - a consequence of the interaction of deliberately aggressive and expansive extrovert deklatima Democrat sensation with an aristocrat, intuitive, kvestimom-extrovert. When a related interaction of two extroverts, extroverted-deklatim - sensing, seizing leadership introvertiruet extrovert - kvestima-intuitive. It's inevitable. This was related to ITO Don Quixote - Huxley, as we will see in other related ITO, since this is the problem of interaction is always surprised, unsure of himself, were at a loss and doubts kvestima with an overwhelming sense of her own unshakable truth that a stunning and sudden arrivals swoops, opinionated deklatimom.
In related (including intertype) deklatimy suppress kvestimov always, always have the upper hand over them to underestimate their self-esteem and cause them to retreat to the far distance (which is extremely necessary kvestimu,
* Recuperation,
* To streamline the thoughts and feelings (which, after communicating with his family - deklatimami come in extremely chaotic state)
* Recovery of memory and the sequence of all the events (because the order deklatimom too disturbed after it affects the intuition of time kvestima his intuition of time, sending it in the opposite (or evolutionary involutional) direction (due to inconsistencies on the basis of evolution - involution)
* For the correction of the excess self-esteem. And this after a conversation with a "relative" - deklatimom requires a huge amount of time. (Due to certain authoritarian deklatimov associated with the presence in their model dimension hierarchical logic of (+ BL).
In relations with Hugo Hamlet constantly feels humiliated. And always suffer from cruel and vulgar jokes and jokes Hugo. So that the relations in this dyad become very similar to the "commedia dell'arte" ("comedy of masks" - "comedy slapping"). Where the role of Pierrot is necessarily Hamlet, and as Harlequin - Hugo. Absolutely all the same pattern: it is unpleasant to Hamlet (Pierrot) cheers and laugh Hugo (Harlequin), and vice versa. Piero is moving away from Harlequin Harlequin being chased, overtaken and violently thrashing (the white sensorics). Piero tries to hide, hide from Harlequin Harlequin burst into his apartment, yelling and "spins" on the full. Piero then decides to take revenge and arranges Harlequin boycott, announced an information war against him and sets up the public, so that all their mutual friends (Columbine, Pulcinella and Pagliacci) turn away from Harlequin and denied him in friendship, hospitality, moral and material support, not Congratulations on not borrow money until payday. Angered by Harlequin swears revenge lurks Piero ... and a new phase of the endless comedy of masks, infinite "friendship", "comedian" with "tragedian" involving the orbit of their activity, more and more strength.
Something similar (same "Harlequinade") occurs in other dyads. Because everywhere deklatim "equal" interacts with kvestimom and "equality" between kvestimom deklatimom and can only (at best) in a dual dyad. In all other respects deklatim kvestima be "down", due to the presence in the model of hierarchical logic aspect ratios (+ BL) and "rob", due to the presence in the model of collective sensory sensations (+ BS) is Depending on what position these aspects are.
In related dyads inequality exacerbated distinction on the basis of evolution - involution of aristocracy - democracy, positivism - negativism.
Dyad "Hamlet - Hugo" - the most revealing to understand the basic problems related ITO - interaction with kvestima deklatimom is in the "masked" Harlequin and Pierrot. Because here in the programming operations of Harlequin (Hugo) also works "muse comedy" - his happy and cheerful program "cheerful emotion," and the actions sad Pierrot (Hamlet) is His stern and strict, but always heroic sublime "muse of tragedy," its thirst feat desire for self-sacrifice and the requirement to survive with dignity in all circumstances. And try - ka survive with dignity when you continually make a mockery? Harlequin "joking", Piero indignant and revenge. And so as long as the curtain falls, bringing solace Pierrot and Harlequin interrupting power desires.
Related intertype relationships for both partners - is the mutual reflection of ITO audit, and the equilibrium is stable. Because related partner - always "zerkalschikom" Auditor - its "mirror reflection in quadra" Hamlet is "mirrored in quadra" Esenina, which revises Hugo. And Hugo is a "mirror image" of Dumas, which is audited Hamlet. Total control of such a mirror maze occurs - from whatever side you look! And like usual, interpersonal, family relations are all monitor each other too. All want to get the most detailed account of everything. And the behavior of each partner to another seems incomprehensible and strange. There is a desire to explain (on - a sister), to find out who, who and who believes and who, for someone who keeps. In the process of explaining all the more confused. And because the "relative" - such a sweet, charming and sympathetic at all - it is not to lose sight of the like, there is a natural, in such cases, the desire - to disperse, to hell and exchange greeting cards on holidays.
II. Ratio models
The difference of emotional characteristics
In this dyad interact two software ethics. Ethical aspect of emotions (ego level, channel 1 - 1) - the primary value of each. But, as it happens in the family relationship, the program has some similarities and some differences, such as their sensory or intuitive content. Sensory or intuitive methods of implementation of these programs tell them fundamentally different.
Emotionality Hugo (ethics of emotions with a minus sign) aims to minimize the negative emotions. Hugo - the enemy of any trouble (to himself and others), the enemy of any malicious intent. Hugo relentlessly fighting against negative phenomena in society, and in particular to such vices as greed, hypocrisy, indifference, hypocrisy, callousness, injustice ... These qualities, and he is trying to overcome in themselves and in others, and it is extremely intolerant of any manifestations of imperfections of human nature.
Hamlet as an ideologue - extrovert second quadra also can not remain indifferent to the negative phenomena taking place in the society. As well as Hugo, he was the first vice believes indifference. Followed by apathy, lack of spirituality, coward, cowardice ... Unlike Hugo, Hamlet is not so afraid of trouble - he has good intuition: he knows how to foresee trouble, knows how to get around them, is able to warn them, is able to them to "work", is able to simulate them strategically, setting up traps for potential and actual opponents (rivals, competitors in the creative, social, political and ideological struggle for political and class enemies, for the organization of ideological and ethnic cleansing to expel them from the managed system "foreign elements", "weak links", "potential traitors system" who should boycott or "grass", driving "from its ranks" to update and "cleansing" of the social system at all levels, for the release of the new features and to mobilize new forces for the subsequent stages (class, political, ideological, etc.). "fighting ".
Hamlet - "Petrel." And he is not afraid of the storm. ("There will be a storm, we argue and we will fight it."). Hamlet loves and knows how troubled. Able to create a storm in a teacup (entertainment and warm sake). Hamlet state extremeness not scared and drives into a panic, but nice tones.
Ethics of emotions Hamlet (with a plus sign) - is a growing emotional tension, always run high, as is the mobilization of emotions with simultaneous mobilization of forces (by volitional activation sensorics: + ch.s.6), this tremendous effort it takes him for extreme conditions existence in quadra decisive. It is the ability to go on break, it's always ready to fight ("and the eternal battle, the peace we can only dream), readiness to repulse the enemy, ready for self-defense and defense of their system (and its priority on it), it is the willingness and the ability to send a powerful energize "the masses" and to be heard through time, through the distance. This ability to control the hearts and minds of people. And it is at the conceptual level, there are often differences software Hamlet with Hugo.
I remember one company dissidents, led by a fanatical ideologized dissident right-defender-Hamlet. It often gathered in the house "for a cup of tea." Discussed the news, letters were political messages, collected signatures. Each meeting in a "club" hostess, being a teacher by training, was planned as a lesson in political education, so that all of her "Tea Party" will soon become a kind of "political gatherings" with ritual and cult bias. And the mood was destroying one of the regulars of this group to make a sort of unprecedented "white crow" - joker Hugo. He brought the tea edibles own production and arranged a sort of tasting, changing the subject with political topics on cooking. Between him and the lady of the house always a struggle for the leadership: it is "pulling attention" to him, he - by itself, it pumps the voltage produced by a certain emotional state, he immediately destroyed his jokes and inappropriate laughter, for what it is (as the pupil , pluck her a lesson) disapproving glances at him. When she carried away and talk with deliberate pathos, as he immediately begins to let jokes about the topic (and the themes were harsh and serious. Related material and moral support "prisoners of conscience.) A" white crow "this serious moment and ignored" squinting at the fool ", if only to hold its program: to amuse and entertain the whole company.
This is not to say that Hugo can not be enthusiastically given to ideological work. Can. And how! (Especially if the life forces and seem to be so, if it is profitable, if the only way to provide for themselves and their family ration elite, to protect against political repression, etc. The relevant terms of reasons to be ideological beliefs of Hugo is a great variety.
Becoming an ideologue Hugo develops incredibly active, looks deliberately harsh and extremely active. And by the way, then he becomes what - something similar to Hamlet). But there is a line beyond which Hugo tries not to go: Hugo avoids this deliberate pathos inherent in Hamlet, he avoids the infinitely growing hysteria, increases the emotional waves, lifting and charging the energy supply. (The role of the ideological fanatic actor - Hugo always either funny or unnatural, so that he himself can be parodied, and therefore does not pose a serious competition for Hamlet in this field). Hugo, in principle, does not accept for themselves the condition. Hugo, unlike Hamlet - tactics (and Hamlet - Strategist).
Hugo react emotionally on small, local private matter, "to improve the situation on the ground." He does not show his emotions globally and strategically for long distances in time and space, as does Hamlet. And he reacts in a different context and for other reasons (defined system of priorities and values that exist in his quadra quadral certain "complex", value tradition quadra that Hugo stores in its program and distributes realizing it.)
His program "Live and enjoy life allows no objective limitations of pleasure:" if you want to be funny, be it ", you want to have fun, have fun, even if the conditions for it is not the most suitable. (Wake, funeral, memorial service, funeral service, etc . etc. - are not the most suitable measures for Hugo. simply because "time is running out" and his program it hurries. time destroys beauty, takes strength, health, youth, and all the pleasures that are associated with it. time as the destroyer of pleasures, Stole the joys of life, the destroyer of youth and beauty is the enemy of the program Hugo.
Life is fleeting and we must hurry to enjoy its pleasures, and not spend time at political rallies and meetings. Hugo for all the fun at these meetings is in the cupboard. And at the meeting (unless there distribute rations and relief) it generally comes as a "get-together." And his interest in them three questions: will dance after the meeting? when to take a break? and where's the buffet? If, Hugo brought trouble, blocked access to the expected fun, spoil the mood or appetite, he would react violently to this (even if there's a sign "no noise"), but it will be a short burst of anger, short and powerful as a cannon volley. But the state of frightening and endlessly growing tension Hugo and he can not stand, and the other does not create. (Does not it is an emotional mode, not its amplitude of emotions.)
Too much stress, too much consumption of time and effort, too much sensory discomfort. And that's it - the trouble that Hugo is trying to avoid, so bringing emotions to a certain level of intensity, Hugo them automatically resets and starts to rise again, but tries not to reach a density of emotional influence (force wants to spend on it - something more pleasant.) Long term, non-decreasing and increasing the voltage (and long, expressive pause) may choose and retain only those who have good intuition, because it requires the ability to build up the mood of the time. And Hamlet is, of course, out of competition. Hugo will not spoil your holiday Hamlet and a major key to change the state of his soul to his, a minor. Not allow itself for him to change his emotional "scale" - music, flavor, light, color. Because it can not change the positive emotional mood of its program Hugo.
Oppressive sense of growing hysteria Hugo unpleasant as unpleasant feeling of apocalyptic horror, the approaching end of the world. (Hugo does not want to think about the end of the world, he - positivist, his emotional attitude to the fact that to make people happy, to create a sense of celebration and this is to reduce the number of unpleasant emotions in the world around him. Tragedy as a genre, Hugo does not like, they do not like books and movies with a sad ending. Hugo does not like anything that spoils the mood of the person. spoil the mood of the person, according to Hugo - commit a serious crime. So it's frustrating when it sorrowful, deliberately tell him the bad news, artificially drive in panic . (He panics and so on almost any occasion, accustomed to be around his need to enjoy life, getting pleasure from it. Instead of bad news overshadowed life. Due to unpleasant news canceled and postponed indefinitely holidays.
A feast for Hugo - that's life. In the holiday can get a lot of pleasure of any surplus, the memories of which will long to warm up and keep him a good mood, he will share the experience with those who shared with him is fun, which is equivalent to Hugo sharing refreshments. ("Tell me how you liked this cake, it's ice cream, this dance and this gentleman ... you talk to him about anything - anything? He, in general - an interesting person? Who is he? What to do? He married? He has family? Have Children? .. "etc.) If life - a holiday that you can create, restore and maintain, then why not do this, everyone? Who's stopping you? Let's all be friends and love each other. And life would be so fun, enjoyable and a wonderful, that do not want to die. (And do not have to, because by then we will figure out how to prolong life. Until then, have fun and enjoy life, enjoying the process.
Overshadowed fun for Hugo - like a broken food: cake was bitter, instead of the expected sweet candy on his tongue put bitter pill. So, Hamlet is precisely for this producer Hugo "bitter pill." He must necessarily podgorchit mood, "acidify" it to their dark, sad air of a man bored on another for him the celebration of life. Be sure to poison the holiday unpleasant news, or simply for the sake of quarreling over trifles emotional meltdown (to emotions stagnated). And even worse - a cruel jokes, escalating tension and fear. ("It's not to our porch now a police car pulled up? - He says, looking out from the boredom of the window - it seems that our, this is we probably walk loudly! Shumim.'s Neighbors called the police." Hugo frightened: quiet fun does not want to end a holiday in the police - too. He runs to the window, looks out - no car there. Hamlet fun, Hugo is indignant: "What is the rudeness? entertainer, whether that others do not?! obligatory to spoil people holiday! .. ")
That's what Hugo did not understand - how can you enjoy the chagrin of others? And it's not that he himself was meek as a dove. Just a program willed sensory (and with it the touch of psychological terror is in his position demonstrative function. If anyone - that over anyone - that intentionally mocks - then what - that punishes. And maybe even for good reason. Punishing (according to Hugo) can be fun, if a person angers you deliberately, intentionally delivers what - what a nuisance. During this (according to Hugo) it can and should be punished. He deserves it. But how and what can be punished at a party man who sincerely tries to bring in a maximum of holiday fun? - that Hugo does not understand. What he was guilty, that he had been punished in such a cruel hoax that messed him up so that he fell and yelled at his friend? Comrade guilty, and was therefore scolding, and Hugo - the blame? fun and fun, and he stole a few minutes of fun fun, stripped a few pleasant moments of joy. By the standards of Hugo - the crime. By the standards of Hamlet - a lesson alert: do not relax, be prepared for trouble and to ensure that they reflect. Lesson Hugo went to benefit: readiness, he is instantly, and all she immediately fell on Hamlet. Hugo proved that the defense and protection of their rights to the festival and it is always ready at any moment. ready to react violently and noisily indignation crushing strength to continue to teach it to deprive him of joy and at least a few minutes to spoil his mood.
Demonstrative aggressiveness Hugo
Hugo frustrating any clouding his good mood, he at his positivism (and its deep emotional program is positive.) Hugo hated any vicious lunge at him, drawing of any evil, any "storm in a teacup", created out of boredom Hamlet. He dislikes Hamlet striving deliberately exaggerate and broadcast as if what is to come - the catastrophe. Is the end of the world, light mascara! That's what Hugo and does not like or understand. And even consider formless mockery. Sees this perverse cruelty, perverted form of sadism.
Demonstrative cruelty (demonstrative aggressiveness willed sensorics (ch.s.8) - Hugo also encourages self-defense in order to use suitable for the occasion "frightening roles" and "mask", "evil clowns", "demonic entities", "pirate", " highway robbers "who are able to capture the surprise careless pedestrians, to take them to" hop - stop! "(This property helps Hugo, when he was with on the fly, with the mounts" shoot "the money until payday with friends and colleagues. assumed a fierce face and bounced "lend me fifty to paycheck". Later the same assumed a menacing face when it's time to give the debt - it is necessary to show the man that he is angry and anger is terrible.) was particularly successful playing the role of Hugo operetta villains in their demonstrative willed sensorics . It makes a tremendous impact on others, especially if they go one step to enjoy his fists.
Demonstrative aggressiveness Hugo Hamlet does not seem convincing. As a decisive intuit oriented creative willed his sensory Douala Maxim, he does not take seriously operetta aggressiveness Hugo and answers his comic "draws" its extreme, intimidating Hugo boredom different funky jokes. And why not? The holiday is a holiday. Hugo fun, delivering the excitement and Hamlet from it is not far behind, enjoying the view of death frightened friend. If everyone fights for his celebration of life, why not make fun of infantilism life position Hugo?
Collaboration in the area of fear * (impacts on THC)
Hamlet, for example, annoying and exaggerated interest in Hugo to life and comfort, and it seems to him "narrow-mindedness" and "philistinism." In the second fundamental aspect of sensory experiences are out of favor, he made it or scold or abstract from it. (Remember, in Soviet times mocked bourgeois - petty bourgeois lifestyle, bourgeois - middle-class aesthetics. Hamlet amused and annoyed Hugo's desire to fill every minute of your life pleasures amused and annoyed anger at the time wasted - that is, instead of waiting for the pleasure of enjoying .
Hamlet knows how to creatively manipulate the time and this is very annoying Hugo. Hamlet knows how to wait, can make time work for you, Hugo, for any reason, show chronic impatience, while awaiting his results in extreme irritation. Hugo could have ignored the factor of time, can "fight" with him, and here he will be an exceptional stubbornness.
In all matters relating to the ordering of actions over time, the behavior of Hugo Hamlet seems silly and pointless.
Such, for example, persistent desire to call the Hugo facility closed for the weekend. "Why them and not call? - Says Hugo, - And suddenly there who - is anything but! Taketh and even come to the phone and answer the question" which Hugo's so impatient to find out that there is no wait for the forces the week! And the fact that during the day at his call, no one answers, Hugo does not stop, its fervor and determination not to cool. Hugo ignores "their schedule": they have their own plans, he has - his own and he has to carry them out.
Hamlet is unpleasant and the fact that Hugo imposes surrounding their feverish, fussy pace: just no hurry and now where - then hurried. Or vice versa: a man in a hurry to the station on a passing train, on the road for a moment drops into a mission to Hugo, warns that came to him for a minute. And Hugo, ignoring this warning, delays visitor for a few hours, simply because there was humor, condusive to a friendly conversation.
Due to weak intuition of time, Hugo is difficult to predict the actions of people, so much in their behavior scares him, guards seem confusing and inconsistent. Dishonesty and deceit of people it particularly scary. Hugo is afraid of "people with" double bottom ", which in the eyes say one thing, and for the eyes - another" because they do not know what to expect from them. Hugo naive and ill-feeling in the atmosphere of intrigue. Hugo not let nuisance to himself and half a mile away. Moreover, due to the weak intuition of time and make it active intuition alternatives, located at the infantile level SUPERID (ch.i.6), he tries to understate the threshold of trouble: happy as a child any surprises and to - child terrified unpleasant. Therefore begins to panic over nothing, others to spare it to protect from all the blows of fate and a major severity undertaken. And this seems to have Hamlet and selfishness and cowardice. That's him in Hugo condemns. And fight this to the best of his lack of strength and opportunity. Because that happens in life, and every person has to be ready for the tests, and to overcome the difficulties.
The ratio of ratios
Hamlet's annoying ability Hugo worry about nothing: because, for example, that he delayed in two or three days, send a receipt for the rent. (Or maybe it's time for the run across great interest!) Hugo afraid to overpay for two or three extra penny and could terrorize his household, causing them to walk in zhilkontoru specifically for double counting, "I must go and check! Maybe they made a mistake, please send us another expense? .. "
In an effort to protect themselves from trouble Hugo becomes very petty, but chasing a penny of profits, it is often overlooked, as is the risk of embarking on or what - is a serious illegal machinations. Hamlet is the trend in Hugo very well traced and tries to prevent these actions, especially if they are contrary to its interests. On this basis, there are conflicts of aspects of the business logic. (Level Superego, Channel 3 - 3. Both normative function.).
Hugo is very afraid to confuse their business, afraid to do that - something "wrong." In Hamlet - the same problem: it is too confused and too admits mistakes. Both partners on this aspect feel insecure, both shy of his mistakes, and both argue themselves hoarse in an unsuccessful situation. Example: For example, one lady mileyshaya, Hugo, (cultural worker by profession) often traveled abroad in the 60's, 70's, 80's. By the beginning of the 90's has accumulated a huge stack of certificates for purchase of goods in department stores by "Birch". But no outfit, no exchange at least some of the money she did not agree, as its not persuaded. Though the total amount of coupons was about 12,000 Soviet rubles (at face value, the market value was several times higher) and her only close relative - Hamlet were desperately needed money for the treatment and improvement of living conditions. In the mid-90's Hugo decided otovarit coupons. Want to buy something - that your wardrobe. She took the whole bunch of coupons, and accompanied by his niece - Hamlet went to the store. Came, and no shop in this place anymore. Department of this company, it turns out, for several years, both closed. After several unsuccessful attempts to sell these coupons to the savings bank on their former cost, she lashed out with reproaches for his niece: "You are to blame! .. From - for you, I lost the money! .. Why did not you figured me encourage them to exchange? ! ".
Suggestive aspect ratio
Conflicts business logic reflected in their mutual relations in logic aspect ratios. (Level Superid, channel 5 - 5. Introverted "absolute point of weakness" for both). None of the partners does not inspire each other's arguments, moreover, each of them is extremely difficult to pick up good arguments to convince each other. Due to the fact that each of them focuses on a fundamentally different logic (Hamlet at the local, hierarchical, "narrow gauge" logic Maxim Hugo on global, philosophical detachment, "large-scale" logic of Robespierre), advice to each other, they can not help because they do not instilled. Disappointment of the 5th dimension, suggestive, leads each of them to the cooling of the on the 6th aspect activation.
Activation by Hugo aspect intuition potential
Hugo by intuition potential (ch.i.6) receives from Hamlet, mainly extremely negative information - either what - what caveats to scare him, to which he does not know how to prepare and how to respond to them, or message What about - the possible troubles, intrigues, changes that only Hugo strain on his weak intuition of time and even more drive in a panic (which, in fact, it is "intensifying" Hamlet). Intuition features Hamlet tracks completely different range of information (rather than intuition of possibilities Robespierre) and delivers it to the user-ethically from the standpoint of values second quadra. Hugo, this information is not necessary - it's not his perspective outlook. Hugo's not Hamlet and negative mysticism - all these scary "horror stories" and "zhutiki" are beyond the scope of his interests. And no such information, he is waiting for itself. Activation by intuition of possibilities "does not disappoint" Hugo, if it helps to solve what - it everyday, everyday problems. Example:
One owner of a rented apartment mileyshaya Hugo long time could not find a tenant because of all kinds of paranormal phenomena, which took place in the apartment. After talking with an agent, it has dramatically reduced the rent and the tenant was disconcerted. They found one intelligent-looking lady, who was going to work in the foreseeable future, a practicing psychic. Hostess she was overjoyed, and signed the contract, announced that there will be a lodger can not live alone, but with some, invisible creature ("Barabashka") company whose dwellings have to endure, "Well, once you're a psychic, you have it simply will print, or get on with it! " - Assured lodger hostess. Lodger has had nowhere to go. She agreed to the proposed terms. A year later (apparently wanting to make a nice hostess), reported that "Barabashka" the apartment is no longer living, he managed to evict. Hostess - Hugo immediately became inflate rents, increasing its half-yearly and fitting under the market price. It turned out that the joy was premature lodger: the apartment strangely continues to explode light bulbs, again began to "act up" appliances on the go changing the modes and speeds at will. And really, what was going on with your computer - and you can not pass! Barabashka on the move to change the regime programs, change the font and paragraph formats. To the extent that some texts do not pass through the seal (do not save, do not fall in line ...). After "Barabashka" was declared resettled, the owner refused to repair the damage in the apartment at his own expense. Lodger now itself had to change every six months, mixers and cranes. And worst of all, she could not move to another apartment: fell ill, experiencing heart failure, weakness and weird, panic and dizziness whenever trying to find alternatives. Therefore, she lived in this "bad apartment" record long - about six years. While others can not live there and weeks. Using the fact that the lodger really "uzhilas" with Barabashka, mistress, Hugo continued to raise her rent. (Why did not raise, if everything is well formed?) A "Barabashka" lodger "teach": continue not to brag!
By paranormal Hamlet respected and Hugo - very quiet as long as they contribute to personal enrichment. (There would be a possibility, it would be this show Barabashka money ...)
Cooperation on aspects of the ethics of relations.
Aspect of the ethics of relations (level ID, Channel 7 - 7) - the latter aspect of the interaction in this dyad. On this point is a tough adjustment each other's behavior, mutual assault and mutual protection against the attacks of each other. Partners impose on each other their "ethics", their understanding of the ethical standards. Each of them is trying to expand their influence on ethical partner, the scope of their ethical responsibility. Each of them has managed to experience their relationship, each partner considers himself smarter than everyone and from the position of the observation function protects your program. So ethical and their confrontation finally solved at EGO, when each of them in a fierce debate to defend his point of view, their opinions and their right to build a relationship as it tells them their feelings, and their principles - their program and methods its implementation.
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