• Dimensionality of Functions by Irina Eglit

    Dimensionality of Functions

    - Irina M. Eglit

    See also:
    Wikisocion - Dimensionality
    Wikisocion - Irina Eglit
    Wikisocion - Dimensionality of Functions by Eglit

    Original article: http://socionicasys.org/biblioteka/s...ernost-funkcij
    [partial translation--further translation needed]

    Key words: socionics, psychology, mental functions, the functions of information metabolism, information model of the psyche (model A), the dimensions of informational metabolism functions in A. B. Bukalov, соционика, размерность функций, Эглит, информационный метаболизм
    Abstract: In this article, we will describe manifestations of dimensions of functions of IM, which were introduced by A. V. Bukalov. This concept will be illustrated by examples of statements and actions that demonstrate the differences in dimensionality of functions processing the same information aspects.

    The model of A. Augustinavichiute (model A) in 1989 was augmented by the theory of dimensionality of functions.
    A. V. Bukalov proposed the concept of the existence of different dimensions of mental functions (vector model), according to which the functions of Model A can be described by four coordinates (vectors):

    1. Coordinate (vector) of time (or vector of globally).
    2. Coordinate (vector) of immediate situation on the aspect of the function.
    3. Coordinate (vector) of norms or cultural upbringing, customs accepted in society.
    4. Coordinate (vector) which includes in itself self-valuation, personal experiences, inner values and desires. [1]

    Vladimir D. Ermak described dimensions of functions as parameters of information processing:
    Ex (from English experience) – parameters of experience – characterization (description) of individual or personal (social) experience, gathered from point of birth and accumulated throughout a person's life time in process of making decisions and undertaking directive actions;

    Nr (from English norm) – parameter of norms – characterization (description) of norms, regulations, customs, accepted practices and standards (individual or social), to be followed in the decision making process or undertaking directive actions;

    St (from English situation) – parameter of the "situation" – characterization (description) of conditions, the circumstances or situation (individual or social) of the decision-making or implementation of directive actions;

    Tm (from the English. Time) – parametric time – moment of time in the past, present, or future with respect to which an individual makes or executes personal or social decision; in other words, time as a point on a timeline i.e. a "binding" parameter of information processing to some past, present, or future point [2, p. 65-66].

    Dimension of a function depends on its purpose (the task, role) in the structure of the model.

    Functions of model A have the following dimensions:

    Function 1 (four-dimensional) – the parameters of social experience (Ex*), norms (Nr*), situation (St*), time (Tm*).
    Function 8 (four-dimensional) – parameters of individual experience (Ex), norms (Nr), situation (St), time (Tm).

    Function 2 (three-dimensional) – the parameters of social experience (Ex*), norms (Nr*), situation (St*). The function is invariant on parameter of time (Tm*).
    Function 7 (three-dimensional) – parameters of individual experience (Ex), norms (Nr), situation (St). The function is invariant on parameter of time (Tm).

    Function 3 (two-dimensional) – the parameters of social experience (Ex*), norms (Nr*). The function is invariant on parameters of situation (St*) and time (Tm*).
    Function 6 (two-dimensional) – parameters of individual experience (Ex), norms (Nr). The function is invariant on parameters of situation (St) and time (Tm).

    Function 4 (one-dimensional) – parameter of social experience (Ex*). The function is invariant on parameters of norms (Nr*), situation (St*), and time (Tm*).
    Function 5 (one-dimensional) – parameter of individual experience (Ex). The function is invariant on parameters of norms (Nr), situation (St), and time (Tm).

    If the function has more dimensions, this does not mean that it holds "more" information. A multi-dimensional function is multidimensional, not because it contains more information, but because the number of parameters taken into account during its processing is higher. What differentiates the workings of a function possessing higher dimensionality is the breadth of its approach, better linking of information, which allows it to give out a result that is more optimal and adequate [3].

    The theory of dimensionality of functions has given socionists a "measuring instrument" for determining the exact placement of functions in the model of TIM. This "tool" can be used when there is a need to determine person's TIM from written text (typing based on answers to questionnaires, blogs, posts, speeches, interviews, memoirs, and so on). With enough experience, one can track the dimensionality of information processing during "live" interviews and remote observation.

    The concept of dimensionality of functions has been successfully verified and applied in practice in School of Systemic Socionics (SSS), which uses a systematic approach in socionics (approach proposed by Vladimir Davidovich Ermak) to formalize the process of extramural typing.

    The following are examples of responses to questions provided during virtual typings. These examples not only elucidate TIMs of participants, but also show indications of dimensionality of functions.

    Parameter of Experience (Ex)

    Parameter of experience is a basic parameter for all functions. This is the foundation on which everything else is built (normative, situational, and time parameters).

    Experience – is something individual and personal (corresponding to vital and metal blocks) that cannot be transferred to another person. This is the self-perception of a human being. Any moment information is processed the person obtains experience.

    A good illustration of this self-perception is an example of sight. We cannot transfer to others our own experience with vision. One can say: "This is blue color", but at the same time we don't know how other people see blue. One would need to become the eyes of another to obtain his or her experience.

    Another example. Suppose that someone tells a story about eating an unusual fruit:

    This is a brownish-purple fruit the size of a tangerine. It has thick rind that must be peeled off. Inside, it has slices just like a mandarin (looks more like garlic cloves). These slices are slippery and just jump out of the hands. Some slices may have a pit. This fruit has a sweet and sour taste. The taste is difficult to compare with any fruit that grows locally.

    As a result of such "transfer of experience" (being told about it), no one will actually experience the taste of this fruit. One will only obtain the knowledge that such fruit exists and information about its general qualities and appearance.

    Experience is personal apprehension, perception done through all of one's senses, own internal assessment.

    The meaning of word "experience" in Socionics is different from the commonly used and understood meaning: "The combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, acquired from life, practical activities, etc." [4].

    In common usage, it can be said that "experience passes from generation to generation." However, what is actually transferred between generations is knowledge, which in Socionics terms most closely correspond to the dimension "norm."

    Experience, in Socionics terms, is impossible to transfer, just as much as one cannot pass one's own perceptions and sensations.

    Yu. Roslankina and V. Pyatnitsky write:

    Experience – is a very interesting parameter in model of TIM. Dictionaries define the category of experience as a practice-based sensory-empirical knowledge of objective reality, a combination of knowledge and skills learned from life, from practical experience. One of the tints of the concept of "experience" sounds as "something that has already taken place, that has already been tested in practice, in life, that has already been encountered" [5], which, in our opinion, the most closely describes socionic meaning of this concept. Philosophical Dictionary provides a definition of experience as the basis of knowledge and criterion of truth.

    In light of this last claim, it is clear why the dimension of experience is present in each of the eight socionics functions. After all, for as long as one can rely on one's experience, one can be autonomous in one's actions and deeds. An individual who was missing a dimension of experience, could not commit any action – he would have nothing as a foundation. If this idea is taken further, we can assume that the expression of other dimensions is impossible without experience. Experience is the basic information component that allows to link the internal operations of the human psyche with the outside world. [3]

    Two one-dimensional functions (4th and 5th) in processing information on their aspects rely only on experience.

    Since one-dimensional functions are invariant with respect to norms, situation and time parameters, information processing by these functions possesses a nature that is personal, idiosyncratic, sometimes inadequate (from the point of view of the observer). The person himself, issuing a response on a one-dimensional function, may not even suspect that there is something "wrong", because he doesn't have a tool to make a comparison (norms).


    Classify these words and pick yourself how to group them: phone, mushrooms, sandals, forest, paper, noise, bee, meadow, green, crunch, music, songs, technology, patents, doctor.

    Nature: mushrooms, noise, bee, meadow, green, crunch, music, songs.
    Work: phone, paper, technology and patents.
    Life: sandals, doctor.
    For me, music and songs – are "nature", because all the holidays in the town (where there are songs, music and dance) are always conducted exclusively outdoors in the nature. (One-dimensional Ti, idiosyncrasy : SEE "Napoleon")

    The phrase "for me" draws attention. It points out an individual understanding, which is characteristic of one-dimensional functions (without norms) or vital functions (superblock of personal life).

    Does your understanding of what is logical correspond to what is conventionally considered to be logical?
    I don't know. I think everyone has their own notions concerning logic. In often happens with me, that someone tries to justify some obviously illogical to my mind solutions with some mental muck or something similar. Before, I would get led on – nowadays, no, because I realized that people often do not understand themselves what they are doing, however sophisticated they are in formal logic.
    (One-dimensional Ti, idiosyncrasy : EIE "Hamlet")

    No acknowledgement of norms in logic. Individual point of view.

    Experience in finding TIMs shows that those who are being typed often cannot assess and evaluate the adequacy of their one-dimensional function, and may consider it to be the most "powerful" one (mistake it for 1st function). If one tries to convince a person that it is normative or accepted to act (react, respond) otherwise, the person may say, "I'm more comfortable this way, it's more understandable," "And I want differently," "Why do I need the opinion of others, when I know myself how to do it."


    Morals – norms of behavior. I don't know how most people understand what is moral, and what is not, but if someone doesn't like my style of communication, this is their problem. I don't bother concerning the correctness of my conception, I have my own principles. Lets assume that I don't go beyond the upper limit of moral standards. (One-dimensional Fi : ILE "Don Quixote")

    No acknowledgement of norms of ethics. Individual point of view.

    In typing, consider that the individual being typed may know, that there are norms and commonly accepted rules for behavior (reactions, evaluations, opinions), and can even state them. However, when it comes to acting on one-dimensional function, this knowledge cannot help to act as accepted (normative), because each new situation – is new experience, once again, where a decision will have to be made based on previous experience or personal perception.


    I go and greet other people. It's alright. I've done it before. And they respond with a smile to "hello". I remember this and repeat it again and again.

    Suddenly, someone doesn't respond to my greeting – then I am in a stupor. What to do in this situation? What is the right way to react – I don't know. From me you can expect any kind of reaction: from indignation to ignoring the person in the future. (One-dimensional Fi : LSE "Stirlitz")

    Attempt to follow social norms (awareness of them exists in one-dimensional function) is not successful in a new situation (where there is lack of experience).

    I know, for example, that black goes with any color, that full-figured people should not wear tights, and many other things, but this does not (or almost doesn't) help me in the selection of clothing. I know, that one should dress warmly, but this in every concrete case will not aid me in dressing appropriately for the weather outside, because every day the weather is different. That is, information can and does get absorbed, but there is no benefit from it, I can not apply it. (One-dimensional Si : ILE "Don Quixote")

    Inability to implement norms in sensing.

    In society there are norms, when being forceful with someone is considered to be normal. A person is too lazy, or refuses to carry out his responsibilities – when he is aware of this himself, then he will relate to any coercion and pressure exerted on him as a given, something quite natural. Then, forcefulness in his address will not ruin any relations, will not evoke a rebuff. I absolutely cannot keep track of such situations, when the person should be pressed and goaded to do something specific. It seems to me that I have no right to do this, and that if I attempt this the person will relate to me poorly. Because of this, I cannot effectively manage others and protect my interests. (One-dimensional Se : EII "Dostoevsky")

    Inability to apply norms of one-dimensional function, assessments of situation on base Fi. In typing, one can frequently observe a link between the 1st and 4th functions. The 4th function is constantly "pushing" the base 1st function to work (to avoid trouble).

    Often a person becomes fully aware that he cannot utilize norms of one-dimensional function, and feels lost in a new situation.


    I don't know how to sympathize. And when I find myself in such a situation, I am lost and don't know what to do. I have one desire – to pat the person on the shoulder and say: enough whining, get up, lets solve the problem. (One-dimensional Fi : SLE "Zhukov")

    Husband's brother came over to help move the refrigerator. They moved the refrigerator in its place, he quickly departs – it's evening, and he has to be somewhere else. So I told him "thank you", said it five times before he walked out the door. And then I thought: "what's with me?" I realized that I wanted to sincerely express that I am grateful to him. But besides saying "thank you" I don't know how to sincerely express my gratitude. Saying it once – doesn't seem very convincing. So it happened 5 times. This, coming from me, meant: "I am really very grateful for the help, and not just saying this as a formality." (One-dimensional Fi : LSE "Stirlitz")

    An example of how vital function manifests: first reaction, then awareness. Idiosyncratic understanding of norms. Reflection of individual understanding of the aspect.

    Can you evaluate how well you've done something, the quality of the result?
    ... whether it's good or bad I can ... but this will be a subjective evaluation ... objectively, this will be difficult to assess ... I cannot see it from outside ... (One-dimensional Te : IEI "Esenin")

    Individuality of one-dimensional function does not allow to evaluate oneself from the "outside" (norms).

    Misunderstandings occurs when a person, for example, sits and tearfully recounts a story of how he was supposedly offended. The whole situation is such that help is not required, there is nothing there to help with. But for some reason he is still telling it! And often I find myself quietly falling into stupor, frantically trying to figure out what kind of response is required of me. It is clear that no thoughts come to my mind, except: "Huh, so what do I do, what do you want?" All of this is reflected on my face with corresponding expression, and the person ... starts turning angry, not seeing any adequate response to his story. (One-dimensional Fe : SLI "Gabin")

    Stupor, the desire to understand how one should (how is normal to) respond, what is required.

    Since both one-dimensional functions (4th and 5th) process the information idiosyncratically, sometimes inadequately to the situation (from the point of view of the observer), the distinction between them in determining TIM causes some difficulties. To distinguish them must take into account the fact that these functions are located at different positions in the blocks and in different superblocks: mental and vital. They perform different tasks.

    Fourth function is often called the "point of least resistance" (PoLR), or "painful" function. It is located in the mental block of Superego, in executing position. Consequently, a person consciously processes information on an aspect of the 4th function "with delivery" from 3rd function. He attempts to, basing on experience, to avert the danger of emergency of troubles. Negative evaluation by others evoke a painful reaction. The person himself or herself feels excessive stress when he has to act on 4th function.


    My husband and I work at the same company, so we go to work together. I often get there by walking, but my husband prefers to sleep a little longer in the morning and get there by bus.

    The bus station is near our house. However, on the bus, we rarely go together. I leave early and then wait for my husband and the bus at the bus stop, then my husband comes, then the bus, and we sit down together and depart. Buses here arrive strictly by schedule, that is, I know what time it will arrive at the stop. But it's hard to make myself get out of the house with my husband, and he knows it. Usually, he tries to persuade me to not hurry, that we'll make it. My husband has never been late for work, this I know, but I'm not comfortable to go out of the house with him so close to the bus arrival. (One-dimensional Ni : LSE "Stirlitz")

    An example of how a person is not convinced by the behavior of others (norms) on the aspect that is processed by a one-dimensional function. Fear of the unknown consequences is stronger.

    During an overload of one-dimensional function, the response can be totally inadequate, the person may becomes uncontrollable for a while.


    How do you show negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others tell you about this?
    It looks crazy. It is better not to bring me to such a state. I don't control myself – I can just explode dramatically and say all kinds of slanderous things that it won't be good. (Inadequate one-dimensional Fe : SLI "Gabin")

    Such behavior resembles uncontrollable reaction of a vital function. However, when overloaded, a mental one-dimensional function also can be uncontrollable.

    Fifth function ("individual experience") is located in the vital block of Superid, thus information processing by this function goes on unconsciously, "on autopilot" – often a person becomes aware of his or her reaction only after the fact. Fifth function is called suggestive.

    Yu. Roslankina and V. Pyatnitsky write: "It is interesting that suggestive function, marked by increased suggestibility, contains exclusively individual experience. That is, suggestibility is set selectively only by deep personal experience " [3].

    It seems that suggestive function possesses it's own sensitive indicator for differentiating information on the basis of "mine/not mine." It may be speculated, that experience, which constitutes the basis for this distinction, serves as "loading information" (V.D. Ermak), which is concentrated in the form of a value that must be kept intact in its original form. It is the qualities of one-dimensionality and vitality of this function that allow this value to remain "untouched" by norms of society or standards of the individual. These standards and norms are not recognized if they don't correspond to the individual's sense of "what is right", "what is my way/method". Fifth function works as a sort of an antenna, fishing out from a variety of information on its aspect only that, which the specific individual needs.


    Are strong people interesting for you? What do you see as a manifestation of power? How do you feel next to such people?
    I learn from them ... with them it's comfortable and cozy. And interesting, very interesting ... because strong people are always interesting ...

    And strength, I don't know, this is a feeling emanating from them, that they have an inner strength.

    What is it about a strong person that is interesting to you?
    Character, manifestations of their power, it is interesting to watch them, it's interesting to analyze what makes them strong, for what actions they are considered to be strong ... It is interesting to talk to them (it's simply interesting, you learn a lot of new and fascinating things), I'm interested in their point of view.

    I try to learn from them how to be strong, because I believe that I myself don't have sufficient strength, that I am weak, and near them I learn and hide if something arises, be protected. (Suggestive Se : IEI "Esenin")

    "What kind of information you absorb and how to then use?
    Information about possible variations in development of events, but every time I need to anticipate, to calculate something beforehand – nothing works out. The situation is different, new – I get lost. I exert myself to retain this information, but it disappears somewhere, flies past my brain, I cannot focus on it for a long time ...

    As an example, lets take my friend. When we had presidential elections in Ukraine, he would often voice predictions how it would be better if ... I listened with an open mouth, although I'm poorly versed in politics, and don't find it interesting overall. But the mere fact that a person sees right thought the situation, who of politicians will lead to what and how it would be better – this was very impressive. This evokes deep respect." (Suggestive Ne : SEI "Dumas")

    "Always loved psychological games in which people evaluated each other, expressed their opinions – it is interesting to hear what other people see in you. May be it's immodest, but curiosity makes it irresistible.

    When someone depicts for me, how something will be interesting and fun, how it will benefit me. I usually easily get "led on" by such "advertising" coming from my friends and acquaintances." (Suggestive Ne : SLI "Gabin")

    Information coming on suggestive function is interesting, fascinating, impressive, it can "lead on". One wants to be able to do something similar, to learn how to do the same. On suggestive function a person is easily suggestible. On suggestive function, one wants to be an observer rather than a performer, because person's own experience, as a rule, shows that he cannot do the same kind of work.

    Information that does not correspond to the trait "mine" on suggestive function is subject to rejection: it is unpleasant for perception if it is persistently repeated.


    No one calls me "practical", me and practicality – is an oxymoron. I'm often blamed in impracticality, sometimes this hurts very much. (One-dimensional Te : EII "Dostoevsky")

    Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? How about if you don't know the exact time that it will occur?
    Anxiousness is definitely there. You keep thinking about it. Another situation is also possible. You know when this event will occur, but you cannot predict its outcome. Especially, if a negative outcome for you is very likely. I am right now before this kind of situation. In a week, there will be an important event for me. And I'm starting to get very worried. I want to somehow forget about it. But I can't. On the day when everything gets resolved, I calm down. What will be, will be. (One-dimensional Ni : SLE "Zhukov")

    Parameter of Norms (Nr)

    Parameter is norms is present for all functions except one-dimensional ones.

    Two-dimensional functions are the 3rd ("social norms") and the 6th ("individual norms"). These functions are invariant to the parameters of situation and time, so they are inflexible, and in any situation they seek to use conventional methods and rules (f. 3), honed by the individual's norms and standards in processing information (f. 6).

    Norms are often fixed in proverbs and sayings, rules, regulations.

    In society, there are generally accepted rules of behavior (relations), ways to express one's emotions, evaluations of quality (standards), logical conclusions, evaluations of capabilities, assessing perception of changes, standard methods of defense and of creating comfort.

    The following are examples of some common (normative) conceptions (statements). It should be noted that these norms are not absolute – they vary by country and region, their diversity of traditions and "unwritten rules", cultures and communities in which they exist. One should not designate a function as normative, if one encounters a proverb or a stable expression in text. We must remember that the parameter of norms is also applicable to three- and four-dimensional functions. During the typing process information should be seen "as a whole." These citations are provided to illustrate normative thinking.

    Normative perceptions on Te

    –The price should match the quality.
    –The products must be of high quality.
    –A good worker is one who performs no worse than everyone else. Variations: who is competent in sphere of his duties; who passed the corresponding qualifying exams, etc.
    –The separation of work by gender, male and female.
    –At work, you need to work.
    –Judge the quality of good by their label.
    –"From work horses die."
    –"Everything cannot be done."
    –"The eyes fear, but the hands do."
    –"Rolling stone gathers no moss"
    –"No pain – no gain."
    –"Don't leave for tomorrow what can be done today."
    –"Business before pleasure."
    –"Not bringing the axe, you can't build a house."
    –"Practice makes perfect."
    –"Work is not a wolf, will not run away to the forrest."

    Normative perceptions on Ti

    –The presentation should be consistent.
    –One should follow from the other.
    –There should be no controversy.
    –Justice – correspondence to the truth, regulations, norms.
    –Rules, regulations, requirements – these must be followed.
    –Hierarchy – the subordination of the lower positions to the higher.
    –The need for correctness.
    –Presumption of innocence.
    –Citation of normative reference materials.
    –Reliance on authority.
    –Reference to the amount of education received, diplomas earned, etc.
    –A man should be intelligent.
    –Strictly adhere to the instructions.
    –Women's logic.

    Normative perceptions on Si

    –Convenient is that which is comfortable for the body, there is nothing that would prevent the body. One that is easy, pleasant, well-used.
    –Comfort - a set of amenities, comfort.
    –Beautiful - nice to look at, to distinguish right shape, the harmony of colors, shades, lines. The fact that all considered beautiful.
    –Harmony (in BC) - the mutual correspondence (parts of objects, phenomena).
    –Physical beauty - the beauty of which has been accepted in society at the moment, for example, for women: a certain proportion between the breasts, waist, hips, lack of completeness, not flat or sagging breasts, big eyes, eyebrows arch, lush, shiny hair, long slender legs, etc.
    –The need to follow fashion.
    –A woman should be neat and clean.
    –A good lady in the apartment clean.
    –Men are not made to show extravagance in dress.
    –Do not throw trash on the ground.

    Normative perceptions on Se

    –Safety - a must. Need to protect yourself, loved ones, your home, your home from attack.
    –Attack - a necessity. Need to attack, to not attack you on the first (best defense - attack).
    –Discipline - is required.
    –Show wanton aggression - badly.
    –Need to eliminate the cause of the pressure.
    –"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
    –"Self comes first"
    –Subordination of junior senior.
    –"Who does not feed its own army will feed someone else."
    –"Speed humps do not beat."
    –No excess protection.
    –The right of the owner - the owner of the rights to their territory.
    –Brothers must protect and care (material) of each other.
    –The husband has the right to his wife (wives accountability).
    –A man must protect his wife (family).
    –A man should be able to support his family.
    –A real man does not show weakness.
    –This man has to serve in the army.

    Normative perceptions on Fi

    –You have to be polite.
    –Must follow the rules of etiquette.
    –You have to be nice to people.
    –Support the perception by others of himself as a good, decent man.
    –"I do not have a hundred rubles, and a hundred friends."
    –A true friend is always around to help.
    –"A friend in need is known."
    –"An old friend is better than two new ones."
    –Do not use foul language in public places, with children and women.
    –Return good for good.
    –Not to change their promises.
    –Respect their parents and elders.
    –Respect the religious and personal feelings.
    –Courtesy call / response invitation if I was invited to visit, then I also have to invite. If I had guests and I was invited back - impolite to refuse.
    –Between friends, no bills.
    –Talk shit behind my back - badly.
    –Climb into the personal life or feelings - bad.
    –Between family members should be a good relationship.
    –The mother must love children.
    –Grandchildren love more children.
    –A woman should not be rude.
    –"Do not wash dirty linen in public."
    –Need to provide emotional support to loved ones.
    –You can not make fun of physical defects.
    –A woman may be late for a date.

    Normative perceptions on Fe

    –You can not have fun at a funeral.
    –Emotions should not interfere with others.
    –Be merry with the merry and sad with sad.
    –Observe the emotional age of decency.
    –You can not laugh out loud in public places.
    –A real man does not cry (maloemotsionalen).
    –Women are allowed to cry.
    –Women - emotional and sensual.
    –You can not be inflated surly in society.
    –Need to have fun in the company and on holidays.

    Normative perceptions on Ne

    –Not everyone has to be talent.
    –Everyone has to find his calling.
    –Has the right to its strangeness (but not excessively).
    –Not accepted in the kink community.
    –In science, some cranks.
    –"Above the head itself can not jump."
    –Talents are given above (God).
    –Need to know a person with him to eat a peck of salt.
    –Men are capable of (smarter, more talented) women.
    –"Best is the enemy of the good."
    –"There is no prophet in his own country."
    –Advertising can not be trusted.
    –Women have some mysterious female intuition.
    –Tell a lie - it is bad.
    –With age comes wisdom.
    –Talent will find its way everywhere.
    –"There is a silver lining."
    –"They say bad luck if a black cat enters the road."
    –Everyone - the master of my fate.

    Normative perceptions on Ni

    –Everything that happens - for the better.
    –Fortune tellers are able to predict the future.
    –Trust in horoscopes.
    –Not to talk about his plans not to jinx it.
    –"Time - money."
    –Need to save for a rainy day.
    –All new - good / bad.
    –"Sleep on it."
    –It used to be better (more fatter, thicker).
    –All that came from the past - wisdom.
    –"Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
    –"Time heals."
    –"Everything flows, everything changes."
    –"Before the wedding will live."
    –For entertaining activity time is running out.
    –"God works in mysterious ways."
    –"Case - the time fun - an hour."
    –"Better late than never."
    –May be too late to (5 x 10 -15) minutes.

    For regulatory statements characterized the requirement that it should be, as well as it should.

    An indicator of the normative function of the human desire is not to go beyond the conventional, references to authority, how trained (in the family, at school, in high school), how others are doing.

    Hierarchy - a system of subordination and relationships between objects of a system. If it exists, it is to obey her. Because ... because it's made! A boss, there is a subordinate ... (Normative Ti - EII "Dostoevsky")

    When I was in school and we had to define the essence of the idea of art, I'll really never been able to determine this point. I own it kind of gets. I wondered how this other way understand. I could easily tell what the story is, but an idea was hard to distinguish. I needed for this tutorial, in which this substance was determined. All the time. With each new product. And then in the head formed a "list" of ideas, and I could not itself determine the nature of the works. Well, maybe not a very deep ...(Individual norms Ne : LSE "Stirlitz")

    Filling the second function is the interaction with society. In this case, selected the rules that are necessary to this individual for his life. In this example, normativity and secured by the need of some understanding of pattern pieces.

    Necessary to distinguish between normative mental function (form 3) and individual regulatory function (form 6).

    Mental function is based on the norms of society. In the vital functions are added their individual norms, patterns of perception, evaluation and action. They are needed for personal use. There may also be acceptable, that man gave "his", and their own, which have emerged as a result of the familiar, repetitive processing.

    This is a feature of my BL: it really is a very strong (it is the opinions of others), but to handle a small amount of information. I do well with "uchebnikovymi" problems when all the data is in an explicit form, and the method for solving more or less set. I can even find an original solution, but only if the original decision is still somewhere "close" - let's say, once we have given at the Institute of puzzle with a clear hint of proof by induction. And I proved it to the contrary (and is shorter and more elegant).

    But if the number of facts goes a certain limit, and there is a certain set of possible methods of solution - my logic is turned off or looking for someone else's help to arrange the facts and determine the possible methods. And in this case I am very much tired, do not want to think.

    But I will never accept an illogical decision, I can not be illogical in situations where you want the logical solution. Therefore zastynu in doubt. (Normative Ti : ESI "Dreiser")

    Normativity appears to follow the conventional methods, just as trained, one can not follow the rules ("I can not be illogical"). The inflexibility of the function.
    But all the same to me as I treated people I care about. Here, for example, any classmate. Well, I did not like it, well, it happens. I have already said, my plan is not included please everyone.

    She usually adhere to group behavior in which I associate. If you fall into the other group, its norms of behavior try not to impose, but look closely, both in this group made to communicate.

    It is desirable to follow the rules if you do not want to spoil relations with the people in the group. If you do not care - that is violated. Although I personally do not see the point of such "demonstrations". Would that I could stay apart, if people did not interest me, and in common with them, I almost can not see, even if this team made all communicate. (Individual norms Fi : SLI "Gabin")

    Identity standards BE reflected in the fact that they accepted social norms that suit, and does not accept rules that do not suit a person does not need for his personal life.

    Vital function 6 is called the "reference." Its feature is the desirability of a positive evaluation skills in that aspect of information that it processes. Often, a person involuntarily, unconsciously, automatically asking for praise. He must be convinced that he can do a good job with this information continuously receive support in the form of approval.

    How do you buy your clothes? How to know what suits you and what does not? Pleasant and mandatory if you compliments? How to react to criticism?
    I do it often, almost always - with mom or friends. The taste is not particularly trust, I can buy something that I did not go.

    Compliments of the - of course, pleasant, long without praise can not, the stimulus disappears. (Reference Si : EII "Dostoevsky")

    I know I can sometimes asking for an expression of this same attitude towards me. Well, is there to say, "Nobody loves me." It's exaggerated, of course, but something like that. You look, and will tell you how you've happen to great concern, as appreciated and loved.

    Cheap divorce, of course, but sometimes you want to hear it. (Reference Fi : SLI "Gabin")

    In fact typing naprashivaniya to praise often difficult to detect, because in reality it is usually a manifestation of the vital man is not tracked. Everything happens by itself and unbeknownst to the person. Even if the "catch" this moment and pay attention to the man that he could not help asking for praise, he is likely to be abandoned, because it is inconvenient to be aware of this point: behaving like a child.

    Behavior, reactions, thinking of the person on the regulatory functions can be called "correct." Attention is drawn to the "correctness" in ethics (BE) LSI ("Maxim"), "right", the same type (similarity) smiles (SE) FEL ("Stirlitz"), a reference to an authoritative source of information on reference books EII (" Dostoevsky "), etc.

    Parameters of Situation (St)

    Parameters of the situation that has capabilities of execution units Ego and the Id: 1, 2, 7, 8.

    Socionics situational information processing means that the formation reaction of the effect is always the case in a certain specific "environment" (the situation) and adequately to it. In fact - it is beyond tough conditionality rules and templates.

    When defining the dimension of the situation it is important to distinguish why a person "goes beyond" accepted norms. This is possible in two cases: a person does not know the rules (of one-dimensional), and therefore do not adhere to these rules, and may know the rules, use them, but in the given situation to understand the need to be flexible, you can bypass the rules to solve a problem creatively (three-dimensional function).

    A second function of the model is called the "creative" just because the processing of the information on this feature is consciously and goes beyond the conventional, "creates a result."

    To begin with, let's see what all the characteristics of options to offer the producers, that is, consider almost all characteristics. Then count up, which of these characteristics are essential to me, and what - not, or are not required, and how they add value. And after that for a specific list of important features and options will consider different models. (Situational Te : If "Gabin")

    When is it okay to go beyond the limits of what is considered to be the sequence?
    I think that in this sequence is redundant steps, without which it can be done. Where there is an unusual situation. (Situational Ti : ILE "Don Quixote")

    Rules can sometimes change. If you can do that, then why not. Or is it in your jurisdiction. If you are responsible for a process, then you simply must create opportunities to establish rules to control the situation and send it to you at the right direction. (Situational Ti, blocked with Se : SLE "Zhukov")

    This example creates a creative BL rules for a particular situation, with the task of implementing the first function - PC.
    Probably, life for most people, who follow the already tested path, will not lead to a breakthrough, nor to understanding of themselves in this life at all.

    But it happens that life kicks, and kicks hard, or a person suddenly "breaks" for some reason. These are the cases I had in mind. That is, I think, one cannot deny a person the opportunity to improve themselves because in the 25 years he didn't care for it.

    Yes, not many people will get to the next level, but some will. Why should apply to each Procrustean bed? (Situational Ne : EII "Dostoevsky")

    Going beyond traditional ideas about what a man or developing, or "track is on the thumb." A person can change the direction of its development at any time.

    Vital dimensional f. 7 has some features that are derived from the automatism of vital superblock. This function contains a customized program of human activity and automatically responds as convenient to a person in this situation. When virtual typing the text is difficult to identify the seventh dimension functions because automatism her reactions man is not monitored if it is not specifically defined for this purpose. When answering questions, typeable recalls the situation that occurred and those memories to draw conclusions. Typically, such a vague recollection, not clear. Often a person says that this method is characteristic of him to respond personally, but like the others - it does not matter. Also noted the generality, repeatability reactions seventh function.

    Is there a code of conduct in society, relationships between people? If yes, do you stick to them? Is it always necessary to follow the norms of relations? Why?
    There are some, yes. I do not hold them ... or rather, did not properly told. Here, for example, there is a standard of behavior. Certain. I know it, appreciate, to try on. If applicable - I did include in its informal little list. But then, not the fact that I'll stick with it after that. Because, again, people are different and situations are different. Most of the rules in some situations do not work, too general and too universal. (Vital Fi : EIE "Hamlet")

    How about the unexpected?
    I quickly guided to the new situation (at least, so I myself used to think about themselves), it is interesting - to test himself once again. Usually get out, come up with something. (Vital Ne : ILE "Don Quixote")

    VD Ermak calls f. 7 "individual program". Its manifestations are so common that they look like the program, which is incorporated for automatic responses.

    Question for operator of photoprinting: How do you got such high quality photos, how do you run so fast?
    I do not know ... The hands themselves do. (Vital Te : LSI "Maxim")

    Is it acceptable in society to express, to show your emotions?
    Everyone decides for ourselves, for some it's quite possible and it is normal for someone to expression of emotion is something purely personal, but ... the fact is that emotions are not always possible to control and sometimes they manifest themselves ... mmmm themselves, sometimes unexpectedly, then long sorry about that. Another thing is when people fully in control of their emotions and, nevertheless, expressed their "parade", and sometimes deliberately disingenuous. This, I think, is wrong. (Vital Fe : EII "Dostoevsky")

    Parameter of Time (Tm)

    Identification of the time parameter is the most difficult in the practice of determining TIM.

    Because of the coincidence of the terms of confusion between different concepts. Necessary to distinguish "parameter time", "time" as macroaspects information flow and the "current time":
    (1) the time parameter is a parameter processing mental functions, is included in the content. This is what is meant when they say, "After I read" The technology successfully typing ", I began to think that most of the authors of books Socionics, as measured by the methods described by them, or do not know how typed, or make it something quite amateurish. "W. Borisov (here the parameter of time - a time when the book was read.) Or - "We are discussing the issue ..." (Elapsed time - present). Or - "The next International Conference on Socionics in September 2006" (here the parameter of time - time in the future).

    (2) "time" as macroaspects information flow interaction with the world of the mind - the name of the film "When the trees were big" - This is where the time reflects the changes that have occurred. Learn more - see the book by D. Ermak [2, p. 85].

    (3) the current time - any data processing takes place in the current time (all the options and process the information on this, of course, spend some time). [6]

    VD Ermak writes that "time parameter specifies where on the time axis should be positioned solution - past, present or future," "four-function can shift the processing of information in the past, present or future". [6]

    Since man is always in some moment of this time, he said in his speech, using different temporary structures. Tipirovschiki often mistakenly believe the number of uses of tenses, vocabulary of time to determine the dimension of "time" or time parameter.

    In order to get an idea of how to manifest parametric time in the first function, the Group socionists HSS went by comparison of three-dimensional and four-second function of the first function in people whose IMT was determined reliably. Comparing the answers, we noted that the first function is different "global" thinking through four-dimensional (full) information processing. Recall that A B. Bukalov spoke of "vector globality". [1]

    A "global" first function is shown in full confidence on this function, in the understanding that develop in the first aspect of the function can be infinite, that the decision is made not only with respect to the situation, the rules, but also a specific point parametric time. It seems that in every other, the solution may be different.
    It is difficult to identify the exact reference in the parametric time verbalizing the determination of TIM. Responses in which people commit time to which the decision may indicate a point on the scale of parametric time (see two paragraphs above).

    Sometimes the globality of the four functions sounds like a value that is always there, regardless of the person.

    After all, the truth - it is not in the existing knowledge to this point. And not those that can be found in the future.

    Truth - is absolute and is not dependent on whether it is known or not. It exists independently of the subject, which it is trying to learn. «The Truth is outside our reality and the Reality it's just our imagination». This shows that no matter how we tried to learn the "truth" is that we have known - only the imagination that may be true. But in reality - the truth can not be ... And all that we have known - may be false. (Parameter of time in Ne : ILE "Don Quixote")

    Share your opinion on these statements: "Everything is new - good / bad"
    All new - new. When we compare. That vain delve into the past. Just need to be treated with the new position of the moment, it's new and now provides that later. And the fact that it was passed.

    "It used to be better (more fatter, thicker)."
    I do not know. Again it was before, but now everything is different, the world is different, we are different. No need to compare, dig, we have a different reality. And that is - perfect. (Parameter of time in Ni : IEI "Yesenin")

    Four-vital (eighth) function automatically implements the program, given by f. 7. adequate time an individual parameter of time (Tm). In determining TIM answers eighth aspect functions do not contain verbal indicator setting time - the "default" is usually clear what the time in question, so the verbal signs of manifestation of the time parameter is not found.

    The assumption that "the type of information metabolism is in the five-dimensional space and is a five-dimensional structure" [6], may explain the difficulty in identifying the time parameter in verbal utterances. I guess that person constantly uses this tool (option), but not always voiced his (maybe not necessary concepts in the language), or part of the information that is seen at the level of the subtle bodies, can somehow be marked in the physical world.

    An interesting observation made by M. A. Matvienko, while working on the program "The mission of life". [7] M. A. Matvienko saw a connection between the Mission and the work unit ego, and the relationship with Ida generic programs (experience of ancestors, clan), which are incorporated at birth. It is quite possible that the four-ego function and have been associated with Ida-system, and why it is so difficult to learn.

    Matvienko M. writes:
    From the level of the Mission brings extra resource in all spheres of life. Mission is difficult to put into words, she felt inside, as the flow of energy. This is a portal that connects us with the supersystem, words just code for access to it ...

    The model reflects the priorities laid down in the original man. And that led me to the following conclusion: TIM - is a model of how to process information, which is not just a person receives at birth, and even at conception. [8]

    The level of development of the individual and the dimensionality of functions

    Important in determining the function of the dimension of a general level of human development, the occupancy of experience (norms) of its functions.

    You can not argue that one-dimensional function is unique - defective. Dimensionality - this is only a feature of information processing, but does not figure inferiority function. This is natural. Each function performs its role in the overall process of information processing. Low-dimensional features are in control units (Superego and Superid). Their task is to determine the "my" or "not my" problem, and in the transfer of control to the executive dimensional blocks.

    Low-dimensional functions can accumulate very large amount of experience. The life of man in society is set up so that there is the need to process information on all aspects, and can not get away from this and do not need - this flight makes a person helpless problems because he is deprived of invaluable experience, which can only be based on one-dimensional functions. As a result, a person loses touch with society. The experience gained by the one-dimensional features, and the ability to address the situation with other features, allows people with one-dimensional structural logic to work in science, ethics, relationships with one-dimensional work in areas where the need to constantly communicate with people, with one-dimensional ethics of emotions - to be famous actors and etc.

    When typing people who have a lot of experience and a high level of development, it is critical to know how to determine the dimension of the features, because tipirovschik may be misled by the fact that a person speaks of low-dimensional features, says the wealth of experience on which it is based . Such speech sounds confident, given many examples and facts of life. The one-dimensional functions (especially on $. 5, which is a reference to the value) can sound very deep thought.

    Give examples of statements of one person TIM SSI ("Gabin"), from which it is seen and what is f. 5 (CHI) - dimensional (suggestive), and then what can it be filled.

    I remember the rest of the school in Karelia. And one day the girls started a bit of a psychological game: each in turn spoke about some man, and so - all of them. In general, describe your neighbor. I listened, hanging ears.

    Generally, when something is afoot, I can not wait to hurry me say anything, what character traits isolated you people what they'll see. And if any hint that really it is something you got to the core, that he has an opinion about your person, kaaaak I start asking for the fact that he did it his "opinion" expressed!

    And generally had a particular attraction to psychology and all that helps a little to understand yourself, know that you are a beast. And that's like 21 years, and asked me who I am, I can not answer. When trying to describe myself, always nasty feeling that either to praise myself, or somewhere understatement. And I do it (or underestimate overpraise) just out of fear of himself to praise or (more rarely, though) underestimate!

    So I want to hear every time characteristic as a small child who pulls the hundredth time my mother's sleeve, so that she loved to read him a story.

    But they say - and still is not enough. And it's not that little, but all the same fear - what if I flattered? And suddenly did not want to offend? What if I know enough to understand? What if?

    Say, no matter how many kinds of psychological typologies I have not studied, how many did not read their horoscopes, how many evaluations of self from others did not hear, they absolutely do not want to be fixed in my mind, is not associated to the end with me. Still hangs the question: "Have I interested in? And what kind of person I am? And what I perceive others? "And even if I get a response, satisfaction is very fast, and soon reappears a void inside, a lot of doubt, a lot of questions and the absolute lack of understanding of what's me. Not to mention, that I am afraid to give yourself the very characteristic. I was on the fear itself is overstated ("Mary, so indiscreet talk about myself!"), The underestimate ("And suddenly think of me badly, and I is surely better!"). But usually the advantage goes to the side of self-criticism, and I prefer currently respond modestly than openly declare his virtues (which always doubt).

    Together, this for me is a problem. At a time when everyone should be their own ad man, I absolutely can not and can not bring myself to blatant advertising.

    Besides the fact that it is very important to me to hear (and hear regularly) from other properties of their own, an assessment of their qualities, I also always important to somehow tell a loved one about what I live, how I see the world, for me, it makes sense what I am. Some ideas and conclusions I have about it is they are for me the horror as important. And it's important to share all these considerations with the people hear something in return. This directly ritual intimacy for me.

    Yes, just the thing - it is very difficult to talk about such things. You do not know whether the topic, where to start, what to say, and I wonder whether all of this man, he will understand, perceive correctly. Learn this easy: open Semadzhik, dashed off a very long post about another their "troubles" and sent. In this sense, I just Learn to salvation. There, I can tell you about myself and my views and not worry about the appropriateness of the raised issues. But in real life is more complicated, not every day you reveal to man the soul, and something stupid comes out, if for no reason, all of a sudden things start to talk.

    Of awareness. This awareness I have already made one of the main principles of his life. Without it, life can not be complete.

    The ability to listen to your inner voice, the ability to listen and feel the world - is also important. Because otherwise how to follow your path?

    All this is clear to me.

    But I'm talking about something else. The fact that some small touches little. Yes, one develops a large part of the picture of life. No major strokes, namely the small touches, daily activities, daily thoughts and feelings. And I do not know how big strokes and do not like - for a large distant to stop to see the details, you lose the sense of "now, today." You know, my Latin teacher loved us to say, "Today, right now. Then he does not exist! "And she was right. We do not live in the future large order, not past services - namely, the "Today" in the present moment, which is printed in the past. And it is from what it is filled with the moment, depends what the past: blurry and indistinct gray or clear, bright, full of feelings and actions. And it is this that determines what will be our "tomorrow" because "today" is the base on which to build the future.

    Just as I say ... Under the tangible result I meant not so much a big effect, a lot of work, or something else from the global results, and how the feeling of fullness of his own life, the fullness of the way. When you feel, you know: every step, every moment brought his score in this way, whether it is a loved one awakened faith in yourself, write a book or another step, another opened a boundary which is sure then you share with the world. Take - and share. Open - and show it. Walk up the stairs - and shake hands with others.

    That's the feeling that you play the role of the conductor, the transmitter - it is important. And it is most acute in the moments when you're these little results, small steps towards their see, feel. Not necessarily outside - and in his inside.

    Yeah, maybe this is just a confirmation that you are not standing on the spot that you're moving on and moving in the right direction. Why do we need it? And you yourself think about how you would move in space, had not had that card, but even being able to see, feel, where you going? 'm Not desperate would you have it appear in the pitch dark, not knowing where you are and where you want? I think it's a feeling - it's like beacon, which helps you and transmit your way. Do you listen to yourself, listen to the world - and from there to scoop and information, and the strength to keep going.

    This is my personal feeling is that if there is a way, then there must be some kind of mark, it denotes. They are both inside and outside.

    The foregoing description of the understanding of the dimensions of the features have been received and verified painstaking practice. Therefore, the concept of dimensions can be recommended for use in determining the TIM psyche. The main advantage of this powerful tool is quantitatively measurable, and therefore the ability to argue and compare their vision with the vision of other tipirovschikov.

    This brings the process of typing a qualitatively different level compared to typing on circumstantial evidence or by statistical counting consumed pronged vocabulary.
    The author believes that the dimensional analysis functions - this is probably the only tool that can be effectively used for the "removal of masks" (identifying distortion TIM) in difficult cases.


    1. Bukalov AV structure and dimension of informational metabolism functions / /, Cosmology and psychology. - 1995. - № 2. - Pp. 5-9.
    2. Yermak VD How to learn to understand people . - Moscow: AST, 2003.
    3. Roslankina V. Pyatnitsky VV Some thoughts on the phenomenon of one-dimensional / / Socion. - 1997. - № 2.
    4. Russian Dictionary (MAC) .
    5. Russian dictionary: in 4 volumes / USSR, Moscow, Russian language, 1985-1988.
    6. Yermak VD category of "time" in socionics / / Report on the XXII International Conference on Socionics, 2006.
    7. Bukalov AV Socionics and structure of the mental body / / Psychology and Socionics interpersonal relationships. - 2004. - № 7.
    8. Matvienko MA type of information metabolism and Mission - contradictory unity / / Report on the XXII International Conference on Socionics, 2006.